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Seasons, Cycles & the Ancients

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Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
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Welcome to Seasons, Cycles & the Ancients.

I wrote this book several years ago, and being unable to find a publisher, I decided to put it on the internet in the hope that others would enjoy it and gain insight into this ancient oracle.

The original text had more than 66 drawings and tables made by myself, but I will be unable to put the drawings on this site because I am only allowed to use 20Meg to be able to put it on the internet for free, otherwise I would have to pay, which defeats the point of an unpaid writer putting something on the internet so people can read for free. Please accept my sincere apologies for this, as I have all of the drawings saved to a format in which they can put easily loaded onto this site and viewed if Angelfire ever decide to give this humble unpaid writer some more space.

Nevertheless, even though there are restrictions in this document, I hope you will find it of use in your astrological studies. I will do my best to put as much on this site as I can given my lack of in-depth computer know-how.

Kindest regards,
Tracy Porter