
Here are the rules to submit things:

Book Reviews
-Follow the format of Grade, Summary, Recommendations (if you recommend it, what kind of book/genre it is, etc...), and your own Opinion of the book.
-It can be as long or as short as you want, and I'll give you credit for writing it.
-Remember to give me the name of the book and author's name
-The author's website, if applicable.

Stories or Poetry
-Send in short stories, long stories, poetry, whatever. I'll gladly make a page for reader's stories if there are some submitted.
-Write an introduction to it if you wish, to give readers a heads-up.

-Give me quotes!
-Preferrably famous ones, but if you wrote a quote that you absolutely love, I'll put that on there too.

-Give me your site, or your favorite site, and I'll put it on my links page.
-No porn, etc.

Questions for Kelly
-(See Kel's site for rules, please.)

Just email me with the subject of "Submit"so I know to open it and not delete it. Any help to my site is greatly appreciated!

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