Stories by Beth

Hello all of my story-reading friends. Here are a collection of some I've written. All of them are fiction, trust me. Please don't recommend me to a pyschologist... I really don't have the time. Feel free to look and read around, and by all means, email me if you like them! Or hate them. I'm always up for advice. Oh yeah, and if you're reading this right now, feel special. This website is only for people I like, or I think will give me advice on my writings. If you have any, i'd like to read them too! My email is By the way, I only organized these for your entertainment, so if you don't want to read them, don't. It won't hurt my feelings or anything.


NOTE: These are in no particular order.

Short Stories

Bitterness is not a true story. I wrote it in a fit of rage at someone, and I like the way it sounds. It's about this depressed writer.

Why, Ira?
Lauren sort of helped me write this one. Not my favorite, but oh well. It was originally meant as a prologue for another story I wrote, Love of Blood. This is kind of gross, so be ware. It's about this mad scientist with an evil daughter.

Trigger is Linda's favorite. I didn't know how to end it... so I didn't end it period. It's kinda short and nonsensical. This one is about a suicidal kid on a bridge.

Open Wounds
This is as romantic as I get, people, so don't ask for much more romance. This one didn't end either because I didn't know what should happen. Oh, and Kelly has told me how mint and green apple don't go together, but I didn't want to change it. It's about this maniac girl whose crush comes a-knockin' on her door (literally). Courtney says this one is her favorite.

Questionable Innocence
This is another prologue turned short story. Eh, I kind of like it... but it's hard to follow. It's about this seductive girl who wants a drunk farm boy to kill her. Why, you ask? I have no idea, and I'm the one who wrote it.

Uninvited Guests
It's about a schizophrenic little boy... need I say more?

The Sirens
There's no dialogue in this story. I thought that was cool. It's about this rich family when a tornado comes by. I have a thing for tornado stories... I've written three, but I'm not going to put them on here because they sucked.

That's a perfect title for this story. It sums the whole thing up. For some reason, I really like this one. I spent more time on it than most stories. It's Diana's favorite.

Don't ask. This story is hard to follow, gross, and unrealistic. Sadly, these are the things I think about on the bus...

He Walked Away
This story's inspiration came from an Everclear song called, "Father of Mine." I'm sure you've all heard it.

A Last Goodbye
This story is very controversial. I wrote it on the spur of the moment, with no plot in mind. I think that's why Kelly liked it so much. She said I put more thought into it than usual, when, in fact, the exact opposite is true. It's drama instead of my usual sci fi or suspense.

A Shot Around the Corner
This one is based on the scariest dream I ever had. Not necessarily the dream I had, just the inspiration for it. I suppose it's sci-fi, but I can't be too sure.

Pointless and short. It's about... lonliness I suppose. I wrote it because I was bored.

Soap Suds
I think this story was somewhat inspired by odd clippings of stories I've read and Benny & Joon. Don't ask me why... and don't be surprised if you raise your eyebrow in a "What the...?" gesture.

Soap Suds 2: Eugene
I liked writing this one, but it's not as well written as others. I think I'll make Jeremiah's adventures into several stories. I suggest reading the first one before you read this one though.

Long Stories

Red Sun

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