Disclaimer: This site contains works of fan fiction. It is called fan fiction because it uses celebrities (particularly NASCAR drivers) in fictional situations. Readers should be warned that some authors does use facts in their stories. These facts include things such as race winners, race events, and some situations that have been reported in the media. All thoughts and most of the details in these facts are fictional however. There is no way for the authors to know exactly what happened or what another person they do not know is thinking. No way am I associated with or know, or own any of the celebrities used in their stories. I am also not associated with NASCAR, Nextel, Fox, NBC, any company that is associated with or sponsors the celebrities.I own the plots and fictional characters of these stories. None of the stories featured were written with the intent of offending or harming anyone. Please keep these things in mind while reading


Was it her or was he sending her mixed signals. Was their friendship changing or is it just her mind playing tricks on her cause it seems that her best friend who she loved as brother is showing love of a boyfriend.Junior discovered his feelings for Ace but now she is in a relationship. Can Junior get the Ace or will he have to apologize for being who he is.

If I Didn't Know Better
Feelin Way to Damn Good
I Could Not Ask For More