2003 Archive

The only thing Howard Dean knows how to do is blow his campaign (12-12-03)

What type of weightlifter are you? (11-22-03)

Matrix: Revolutions (11-06-03)

Mandy Moore is a stupid bitch (11-03-03)

All of the stupid kids, except the girl in the white tee-shirt (10-21-03)

The difference between dumb and dumber (hate mail) (9-28-03)

Want to make $150? (9-16-03)

Ireland could become the smartest country on Earth (8-26-03)

Taco Bell is a lying sack of shit (8-19-03)

You're in middle school and I hate you (8-06-03)

The next person I see on a two-way radio gets a beat down (7-22-03)

New slogans for Zimbabwe (7-12-03)

Do not see 28 Days Later (7-8-03)

How to bring stupid people together (7-5-03)

I hate hippies (6-22-03)

5 new state mottos (6-17-03)

I'm the best prom date ever (6-4-03)

The 2nd worst movie ever (5-30-03)

Prom sucks (5-29-03)

Every episode of Boy Meets World is the exact same (5-28-03)

If you don't want your ass kicked don't go to the game (5-27-03)

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