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Ce n'est pas tout les chansons qui sont disponible pour l'instant. Désolé, sa va venir!

The ultimate highstep to hell

Enregistré en 1996-1997 au Studio Nicko
Sortie le 25 septembre 2001

1- Mister Gun
2- Educated Mind
3- Unleaded
4- Drunk once again
5- SST
6- Revenge
7- Listen Up
8- Ground Level
9- My Pride
10- Average Guy
11- 42 Days
12- Almighty ten
13- Open Book
14- Tryin'
15- Drinking Song
16- Look at Me
17- Leave it up to Me
18- The Dumbest Drag Queen
19- What do you want next?
20- Summer Break
21- Money
22- Choices
23- Suit yourself
24- No Way
25- 'Diskathing
26- Red & Blue
27- Despair
28- This Dog
29- Mister Gun
30- Misbehave

Until the Party Ends

Enregistré d'octobre à decembre 1999 au Studio Nicko
Sortie le 3 mars 2000

1- Tzedakah
2- LA Beach Bum
3- Brad Nowell
4- In the Way
5- Better than me
6- Splitting Hair
7- Bright red dress
8- Sitting out another dance
9- High and Low
10- Head on the floor

11- Grey
12- Plastic guns and bullets
13- Lifetime
14- Fast redemption
15- Me and my maxwell house
16- December's coldest day
17- I'm not going anywhere
18- All about Shane
19- Why passion last?


Like Kids in a Field

Enregistré en octobre & novembre 1998 au Studio Nicko
Sortie le 18 decembre 1998

1- Warning
2- Straight Line, Twisted mind
3- Rodney Dangerfield
4- The Almighty Ten
5- Like A Stinking Dog
6- Respect
7- [E]


The Highstep to Hell

Enregistré en septembre 1997 au Studio Nicko
Sortie le 30 décembre 1997

1- Mister Gun
2- Educated Mind
3- Unleaded
4- Drunk once again
5- SST
6- Revenge
7- Listen Up
8- Ground Level
9- My Pride
10- Average Guy
11- 42 Days

12- Choices
13- Almighty ten
14- Open Book
15- Tryin'
16- Drinking Song
17- Look at Me
18- Leave it up to Me
19- The Dumbest Drag Queen
20- What do you want next?
21- Summer Break