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Paradise News Update 'June 22, 2006' Reaching the 10th anniversary of this website now, and just passed 16 years after I had my heavy vision described in The Road To Paradise ... Whoa... lots of work done lately on the site including a brand-new Paradise Restoration Project Forum. Getting into the swing of things again. Three years hiatus was necessary for me to get back on-target in many ways. Please check all the latest links and so on, I'm still working on the website so if you see something that looks a little funny, it's on its way to being fixed. Some of the links, even ideas that I have had over the years for the Project and the website have gone by the wayside, others have been reinforced. For the most part I'm getting back to the roots of my vision and working hard to make it possible to fulfill it for myself and others. Keep checking back here for updates! :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Update 'May 9, 2006' Well, amazing as it may seem, I'm back to working to get Paradise Gardens to be a reality. The website is getting updated, links from other websites restored, flyers made which will be printed as soon as practical. The time is NOW to gather together all those of the lost tribes to gather our resources, obtain land title together and start the work and play of restoring paradise on earth, one garden at a time. I've added my contact information back to the website again; I miss being contacted by enthusiastic people interested in the Project. More updates will be found here as they happen. Most likely, an opt-in e-mail newsletter page will be added so that people can receive news as it happens. A voice chat system may also be implemented soon. Check back! :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Update 'December 11, 2002' PLEASE CHECK BACK TO THIS PAGE AND THE HOMEPAGE FOR UPDATES!! (you may also press the "Mind-It" button at the top of each page to be automatically notified of updates to any 'original' page on this website.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Paradise News Fourth Edition
Nothing much to tell, just wanted to start with visions for the future rather than remnants of the past..
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