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Pictures Of Me and My Friends

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Will You Hear!!

The little ones call.
In the darkness it twinkles.
It says it can go.
It will stop.
No one hears.
Screaming in the darkness.
They're blind.
To see oblivion is to know peace.
Summission it seeks.
The colors swirl in the darkness that surrounds
It surrounds.
It beckons to peace.
He hears nothing.
He knows theres no saving life.
He sees nothing.
He ignores them even in death.
He feels nothing to nothing.
Do you hear it?
The song that promises end.
It's lovely to know we are there.
The little ones are calling.
Will we answer to the hope?
They can give end.
Will we take it?
Welcome it we must.
The little ones call.
Emotions leave.
They are weak.
To take the song is to know peace.
The little ones are calling.

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