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Pictures Of Me and My Friends

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Gallery One

Gallery Two

Gallery Three

Gallery Four

Gallery Five

Gallery Six

Digital Gallery


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Gallery Two!!

Semi in grade 10!

Grade 8 grad!

Heather and Andrew b4 semi!

Jean lookin every sexy!

Jean at our last grade 9 dance!

Its me again more recent this time!

Heather too!

Me and H in a photo booth!

Me and H again!

Stephs very sexy boyfriend Damon!!

They very hot and sexy Pat McLoughlin!!

The lovely couple theselves!! Steph and her bf Damon!!


Mike Hood!!

The very sexy Laura C

This is me michy, steph and heather taking a pic for my CD project in comm

This is another one. This is our Charlies Angels pose

Melissa having fun with the camera

Another group shot

Chris in michy's comm class

Another pic of me but this is such a horrible pic!!

Josh Corriveau Amanda's sexy b/f