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God's Gift

I have seen the beauty inside of your heart

And I have from the day our friendship got its start

You always have a way of making each day more fun

And in my heart I know you truly are the one

Who God handpicked to let me know

Regardless where in life I may go

I would always have someone on whom I could depend

And that is why He gave you the title “a special friend”

For you speak words of kindness and of love

A true inspiration and a gift from above

And from day one I knew you would be

Someone who would mean the world to me

And I am glad it was you who God sent my way

For your friendship lifts my spirits every day

And I know when I am tired, lonely and blue

The one person I can turn to is you

And every time I think of you a smile forms upon my face

For you have given me something of value to embrace

And that my friend is the time to me you give

And I will cherish that as long as I live

So when I think of the wonderful person God did send

I am glad that He choose you to be my friend.

Pamela Lawson
©January 25, 2006

All poetry on The Light of Love is the copyrighted work of Pamela Lawson and may not be used without her permission.