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Whenever You Need Someone

Whenever you need a friend I will be there

One with whom you will be able to share

The things that make you happy and sad

And through the good times and the bad

On me you can lean and I will do my best

To bring to you some type of rest

So do not think you stand on your own

As long as you have me you will never be alone

It is nice to know someone is there

Who is willing to show how much they care

So regardless what in life you must face

By your side is where I will take my place

And together we will see all things through

I will always be right here for you

And that is something you can count on

When everything else in your life seems to be gone

So do not ever think you cannot come to me

Whenever you need to talk right here is where I will be

And if you need someone just to hold onto your hand

I will never let it go until you are ready to stand

Up against the things that have you feeling low

Together we will take everything nice and slow

So never forget for you I will always be here

When things in your life are not crystal clear.

Pamela Lawson
©August 14, 2005

All poetry on The Light of Love is the copyrighted work of Pamela Lawson and may not be used without her permission.