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You have stumbled upon the Vahazayi ~ a race of Phoenixes like no other. They bear no resemblence to the legend that spawned them, a bird so misunderstood and under-developed than any other mythical being in existance. You are encouraged to look around; perhaps what I have created will inspire you to take another mythic and make it your own.

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Meet the Vahazayi Phoenixes.
Take a look at Phoenixes from around the world. Under construction. My literary creations.

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My Furry Code
FZ[Phoenix]ms5drsw A+ C- D-- H- M- P++ R+ T+ W$ Z- !S RLLW a cn d--- e++ f h* iw+++ j* p sf-

Gryphon Code, Phoenix: GC2.X*/^(Vahazayi) [f] A C^g:[diamond-shaped]gry>y Do B[14ft] H* $--- EL W++ M+++! K E++[fire] P FA+++ T RP+ Ar- Wr+ I! Am-%c L V^![ambassador] .[mod/cyb] So Pk+ Ts+^ G++++ F++

Gryphon Code, Gryph-form: GC2.G*/^ S&,l@^g [f] A C^g=g>yforelegsbl,bl Do B H* $--- EL W++ M+++! K E++[fire] P FA+++ T RP+ Ar- Wr+ I! Am-%c L V^![ambassador] .[mod/cyb] So Pk+ Ts+^ G++++ F++

My Dragon Code (version 2.6): DC2.Bp Gf L14f W T Phkw'lt Skf,ls Cau+',egy+',cag,lbk,kau+',tau+' Bfl/st/sm A Fr Nn M+++!1 O H++ $--- Fo R+ Ac++ J+++ S U! I# V+++[fire/lightning] Q+[mindspeech] Tc+ E Df+++

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Website © 2000-present Melissa Hartman/Crystal Shekeira, all other material © 1996-. Do not alter, copy or distribute said documents within in any way.