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Euphoria Vid Diaries
Monday, 25 January 2010
Ando's Vid Diary #2
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: "Star Wars Theme Song"
Topic: Ando

I am your father! *Dath Varder breath* It is six a.m. I am awake and hard as my enterance exams reason reason being... Mimiko! *Dath Varder breath*

*Turns to his Dath Varder glove and pretends to talk into it*

Data bring up the fine speimen file, Mimoko! File code, 38-29-35! *Hands mimic along with the numbers*

*Grins, but turns serious*

Stat one: Height, response: Just right! Stat two: Age, *Pause* It's legal! Stat three: Body, an arm, a leg, and two holes! Stat five: The kiss, a racking up my bucket! Stat six: Sexiness, I felt hotter than my mother's curry on the Death Star! *Trembles and breathes happiness* It was an amomly. It was an... an... an.. am... mom... *Breathes* It was different! Darth approach with caution. But my radar sensed no different, so I disengaged my fazers as we began to talk about things in general.

*Pants like crazy*

I was getting hard quicker than a voyager on warp speed five. *Pants* It was annisiated with a kiss! *Pause* Then clothes were taken off. It was inevitable that I was going to reach the final front terrior. *Pants harder* But as I prepared my battle cruisers, my thrusters blew out. *Looking crushed* The docking process was a failure, there was a man down, and not even the whole Death Star could save me.

*Really hurt and shakes his head*

And... And honestly, she... she took me by surprise. See... she made my heart beat in a way I never knew.

*Pause and reflects for a moment. Then returns to earth*

Love... a difficult kind of concept! Han Solo was the first, now Luke, but I vow to explore strange horny worlds! To seek out new girls hot and minging! And boldly go where no team has gone before!

*Raises arm in the arm for emphasis*

*Nods and makes the Star Terk sign*


Posted by planet/noiztza at 10:44 PM EST
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