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Home GRE and TOEFL Appln process Scholarships VISA
Seniors SOPs Stat depts Math depts Econ depts
FAQ Troubles Things to take USA map Housing
Medical Acknowledgements Site map Feedback

Site map

The entire website consists of the following main HTML files :
index.html :
This page gives a general introduction to the application procedure. It is suggested that every newcomer should start his tour from this page.

1.html :
The four major steps of applying abroad are outlined here.
2.html :
Information about the GRE's and TOEFL are the main theme here.
3.html :
The actual application procedure is detailed here. Links to sample course list,SOP's etc are also given.
4.html :
This is the page for scholarship information. Contact addresses, phone numbers etc of various institutes providing loans and scholarships may be found in this page.
5.html :
Information about getting one's Visa, plane ticket etc is the main theme here.

appbstat.html :
Helps you to decide whether to apply after BStat.
business.html :
Explores another oppurtunity after MSTAT: Phd. at a Business School.
faqs.html :
As its name suggests, this page deals with the Frequently Asked Questions.
genfaq.html :
This page attempts to answer some general Frequently Asked Questions.
appfaq.html :
This page attempts to answer some Frequently Asked Questions related to the application procedure.
etsfaq.html :
This page delas with GRE & TOEFL related FAQ.
visafaq.html :
This page is for FAQ about visa and air ticket.

stat.html :
A list of US statistics departments with various important links is provided here.
math.html :
Just as above, except that statistics is replaced by mathematics.
econ.html :
Just as above, except that statistics is replaced by economics.

usa-map.html :
Here you can see a clickable map of USA. The clickable states lead to some general information about themselves.
med.html :
Info about vaccination and other medical issues.
house.html :
Information about on-campus and off-campus housing.
seniors.html :
A list of e-mail addresses of senior students abroad.
item.html :
General advice about luggages.
itemBoy.html :
Things a male student should take.
itemGirl.html :
Things a female student should take.
antar_list.html :
Two emails from Mr Antar Bandyopadhyay containing a list of things to take with you to the USA.
abhyu.html :
Final words. Customs of a new country.

howtosop.html :
Here we have outlined some rules for writing a SOP. Links to some sample SOPs are also provided.
Another article on writing sop-like essays, specially intended for Business Schools.
sopsam.html :
Contents page for the sample SOPs.
sop1.html :
Sample SOP(s) from 1998.
sop2.html :
Sample SOP(s) from 1999.
sop3.html :
Sample SOP(s) from 2000.
sop4.html :
Sample SOP(s) from 2001.
sop5.html :
Sample SOP(s) from 2002.
sop2003.html :
Sample SOP(s) from 2003.

trouble.html :
Troubleshooting page.
move.html :
Attempts to switch universities.
site-map.html :
This is the page you are currently viewing.

Apart from these pages there are some more pages which can be arrived at only through other pages. These are

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