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Current Webmaster- Kiranmoy Das ( email: )
Updated May 15, 2010.

How to apply abroad? And where?


Welcome to 'Applying Abroad for Dummies and a reference for the rest of us'.

These pages are intended for Indian students (and particularly for those studying in the Indian Statistical Institute) to get a step by step procedure of the seemingly intimidating task of applying abroad for higher studies. Though most of the information is targeted towards students aspiring for graduate studies in the United States, much can still be generalised for the rest of the student community.
Full of useful information as it is, the internet is nevertheless teeming with junk. To eliminate the need of wading through a sea of junk to arrive at what is useful, these pages attempt to provide a bunch of links to relevant sites, and also contain some general guidelines.

This is an ever-updating process and your feedback will be most appreciated.

How to use this page

This page leads to five different pages, one for each of the steps listed below. You can either follow the chain of 'next' links as given at the end of this page or jump to a particular topic from the section below. We also have a page with a few lists of items that you might wish to take with you to the US. There are different lists for boys and girls. The menu at the top of each page will help you to navigate yourself.

The major steps

The entire process of going abroad for higher study consists of five major steps.
  1. Deciding whether to go at all, and if so, deciding about the department and the university. Typically the students from ISI seek to get their foreign degrees in statistics,mathematics,economics and computer science. Also, some students go to the UK to study the actuarial sciences. Click here for more details if you plan to go to the USA.
    If you are debating whether to apply right after BSTAT, here are some points-counterpoints to aid you.

  2. If you plan to go to the USA then you need to appear in the GRE's and the TOEFL. Some places also require TSE. But you are advised not to appear for this test, since typically the universities asking for TSE scores also accept students without them provided they pass a (very easy) spoken English test administered by the university. More details .
  3. Sending the application. We shall give the details later.
  4. The process of going abroad for higher studies involves expenditure. There are various scholarships available for supporting students going abroad. Our scholarship page gives some pointers.
  5. Once selected by one or more universities, the final phase is (of course after you manage to decide where to join !) to get your visa, plane tickets etc. Details available.

A list of other related websites

These are websites that contain related informations.


This page is the child of Dr. Arnab Chakraborty. However, the materials have been collected as a joint effort of several persons. The present and past hosts of this page would like to thank all the persons who have helped in constucting this page.

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