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See also: [L/D] [S/D] See also: [af/art3/pkda2001 - pizoig gaming projects] [MAP] NOTE: Portions of this index/map were prepared whilest listening to John Cage's Concerto for Prepared Piano (Lin Tan playing). We appologise for the inconvenience; cheer up: Things are bound to get worse. NOTE: There is no possible return from this page; well, other than the BACK key. Since it is assumed that you arrrived on this page by the process of non-linear thinking; or at least by the process of non-linear querying. Action [(see map)] Aesthetics [Aesthetics of the iconosphere itself] [Aesthetic as tool (meta thing) (mfa)] [Aesthetics of the Quantum] (hidden variables) Humanist x Fractalist (time=money;money,money,money) --> The Matrix (Marketing models and the VALUE of art) [Avant Garde] (stored as FUTURIST) [Bistro Maths] Bodes Law [Sci x Frac (Fibonacci) ---> Bode's Law] (of planetary distances) Catastrophy Theory / Chatastrophic Systems [in SCI - maths (under randomness - yes, i know: A bad fit)] Cats [Schroderian Cats] [Der Katz] (extract of a lecture on the phenomenon) Certainty & Un-Certainty [Certainty and the Search for Truth] (in humanist) [Spritualist view of Philo] [Science's View of Philo] (in scientist) Chaos / Chaotic Systems [in SCI - maths (under randomness - yes, i know: A bad fit)] Codes 1-codes ABSURDIST ARTIST FRACTALIST FUTURIST HUMANIST JAZZIST SCIENTIST SPIRITUALIST b r f u h z c p 2-codes ABSURDIST ARTIST FRACTALIST FUTURIST HUMANIST JAZZIST SCIENTIST SPIRITUALIST AB AR FR FU HU JZ SC SP 3-codes ABSURDIST ARTIST FRACTALIST FUTURIST HUMANIST JAZZIST SCIENTIST SPIRITUALIST ABS ART FRA FUT HUM JAZ SCI SPI There are NO 4-codes, etc. Collage [Pastiche] - dictionary & discussion of [ HU x HU (Anthropology, Perception) --> Cultural Relativism] Colours [Use of Coloured Stones]- (in divination in SPI) Computation [Computation, Turing Machines and "The Matrix"] Cross Products (in-complete list; erk!) sorry [SC x SP (Earth) :: XP ART -> Earth Fields] Demons Maxwellian, [in Sci] Theological, Denouement [Denouement] - dictionary & discussion of [Divination]- (Use of Coloured Stones - in divination in SPI) [Ducks] ESP (Extra Sensory Perception) Treated in Spiritualist [Psychic Powers] [Exploratorium] Fibonacci Numbers [Fibonacci Numbers] 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 - Sea Shells, Gambling, Shapes of Galaxies [Sci x Frac (Fibonacci) --> Bode's Law] (of planetary distances) The Folder Problem See also: Paradoxes [<./ma-fractalist.html#quantum-folder-problem">Quantum Theory] (in fractalist) [HUM(Fashion) x Abs, etc] Free Will [Free Will (in PHILO in HUM)] See also: [Mind] (as existentialist commodity) via: HU (mind) x AB --> See also: [mind] (in HUM) [mind] (in FUT; mind + matrix, 1984, etc)... [Hurst, William (in Gordon, 1999). Mind - the great Encompassing] (der) Katz [Der Katz] (extract of a lecture on the phenomenon) [Schroderian Cats] Glyptals / Glyptic Systems [in SCI - maths (under randomness - yes, i know: A bad fit)] [William Hurst (quote)] (as existentialist commodity) [Knowels, Dorothy (1974). Eugene Ionesco's Rhinocerous: Knowles Their Romanian Origin and the Western Fortunes.] Laws of Form [Laws of Form] (index entry) -[Laws of Form]- (in Sci: Maths-) Game and Game Play/Design [Around the clock/team playing] (in jazzist) [Games (as TOOL)] [Lautrec & Guilbert] [Hurst, William (in Gordon, 1999). Mind.] [Imagination] [Knowledge] [Linear Thought] (and another new textual object) [Logic] (in spiritualist) map - The phrase (see map) refers to this index. MAP - (Music, Art, Poetry) and other triands; -[maps]- (spiritualist/philo) Marketing (models, commodities, sales, and ... ADVERTISING EXECUTIVES!!!) Mathematics [Maths] (in Science). [Pataphysics] Maxwell's Demon: [in Sci] [Mind] (as existentialist commodity) poisson and markov models !! Mythology [(in humanist)] (primary entry) Names (of things, the naming of names, etc) [The name remakes the thing] [Palumbo, Donald (editor) (1988). Spectrum of the Fantastic.] Paradoxes -^_6-^_6 erk!! need links !!!! [Chance vs Free Will] [Vedaprajinananda Avadhuta] [Marcus Anthony] [Marlene de Beer] [Bussey] [Riane Eisler] [Paulo Freire] [Mahajyoti Glassman] [Maheshvarananda] (social activist) [Tobin Hart] [Peter Hayward] [Inayatullah] [Vachel Miller] [Milojevic] [Helena Pederson] [P.R. Sarkar] [Gurukul Vice-Chancellor, Shambushivananda] [Joseph Voros] Philosophy [Humanist Philsosophy] (man as the measure of all things) [Scientific Philsophy] (algorithms for scientific inquiry) [Spirutalist Philsosophy] (philosophy with or without man) Quantum Reality (treated in Spiritualist) [Intro] [Information and Energy] [Time & Causality] [Perception] [Reality as we find it] [Links] Qunatum Theory [Schrodenger's Cat] [The "Mind Cure" Philsophy/Practise of Phineas Parkhurst Quimby] [Knowels, Dorothy (1974). Eugene Ionesco's Rhinocerous: Knowles Their Romanian Origin and the Western Fortunes.] Ritual -[Thru a Ritual Darkly: Translating Art into Ritual Terms]- Robots/Robotics/AI [Humanistic POV] (designing robots that people can relate to) [Is Commander Data (of Star Trek) a toaster or a person?] [Scientist POV] (ai, engineering, etc) Humanist x Fractalist (time=money;money,money,money) --> The Matrix (Sales and Marketing models and the VALUE of art) Science [Arthropology] [Archaeology] [Biology] [Chemistry] [Geology] [Linguistics] [Mathematics] [Physics] [Psychology] [Sociology] [Spectrum of the Fantastic.] -^_6 Text [Manufacturing Floor entry for "text"] [The "tri-text" object] (part of the slide way) [SCI x ART (text) ---> formal to semi-formal views of art objects -^_6 Thinking [Thinking] Thought [Linear Thought] (and another new textual object) -^_6 Time [map entry] [Futurist POV] [Scientist POV] [Spiritualist] Time travel: [Fut x Abs (time) --> time travel] Translation [Translation] -[SCI x ART]- -[ TRANSLATION (A/H) entry]- Turing Machine, The Turing Test. See also: AI, AI/HI, Artificial Intellegence, Human Intellegence [Computation, Turing Machines and "The Matrix"] TV (genus species: Optico Monstroso) [in humanist] Understanding: See [Knowledge] (we appologise for the inconvenience) -^_6 Variables [Hidden variables] [Free Will (in PHILO in HUM)] Zix WorkBook: [Zix WorkBook]