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ma: Scientist x Absurdist ()

See also: [L/D] [S/D] See also: [af/art3/pkda2001 - pizoig gaming projects] (please page down if needed)
a certain small, blue-green planet; rotating about its axis (non-tilt-ed view) -- Mark II
Abs x Abs Abs x Art Abs x Frc Abs x Fut Abs x Hum Abs x Jazz Abs x Sci Abs x Spi
Art x Abs Art x Art Art x Frc Art x Fut Art x Hum Art x Jaz Art x Sci Art x Spi
Frc x Abs Frc x Art Frc x Frc Frc x Fut Frc x Hum Frc x Jazz Frc x Sci Frc x Spi
Fut x Abs Fut x Art Fut x Frc Fut x Fut Fut x Hum Fut x Jazz Fut x Sci Fut x Spi
Hum x Abs Hum x Art Hum x Frc Hum x Fut Hum x Hum Hum x Jazz Hum x Sci Hum x Spi
Jaz x Abs Jaz x Art Jaz x Frc Jaz x Fut Jaz x Hum Jaz x Jazz Jaz x Sci Jaz x Spi
Sci x Abs Sci x Art Sci x Frc Sci x Fut Sci x Hum Sci x Jazz Sci x Sci Sci x Spi
Spi x Abs Spi x Art Spi x Frc Spi x Fut Spi x Hum Spi x Jazz Spi x Sci Spi x Spi

x-product: Scientist x ()

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Abs} {Art} {Frc} {Fut} {Hum} {Jazz} {Sci} {Spi}

Absurdist x Absurdist


So would the absurdist view of abusurdity be reality (in a cynical/material sense)?

Futurist x Absurdist

Futurist x Absurdist (time) ---> {
Time Travel} Jump randomly to: {x-product} {Abs} {Art} {Frc} {Fut} {Hum} {Jazz} {Sci} {Spi}

Sci x Abs (qauntum) --> Schoredenger's Cat

-^_6 Biefly, the idea of Schrodenger's Cast is thus: A cat in enclosed in box that has a poison vial that will be broken if and when a certain random radio-active particle is emmeited in the chamber and triggers the breaking of the vial. The question arises is this: Is the cat alive or dead? Until we actually look, we don't know whether the particle has been emmited or not. It might have been emitted the momemnt after we sealed the box, it it might not be emitted until long after the heat-death (EndGame) of the universe (estimated some 60 Billion years from now). From a certain quantum theoretic POV (point of view) until we open the box, the cat is BOTH alive and dead - with equal probability. Now, we enter the absurdist variables as follows: Taking into account the possible functional expansions of the so-called "der-Katz" -[
der Katz]- (lecture extract) we proceed as follows: 1) The learned professors (obviously "dog people" and not "cat people") manage finally (amid many scratches from the "subject") to place the cat in the chamber, secure it securely, and activate the radio-isotope-radiation-particle-emmittier-of-death, and repair to a near by pub to contemplate their "experiment". 2) The janitor (which can be known by one of three names "Joe", "Sally", or "Toby") enters and opens the experimental chamber (also rather less euphemistically refere tod as "the death box"). Using a "shishs" and "chik.-chik" series of coded verbal messages calms the cat. 3) Into the place of the cat device onto which is written on an index card the word "CAT". This is mounted on a stick that passes through the middle of the back of the card. Onto that backside, is an identical card which has the word "CAT" with a large "not" (/) mark. Thence, if and when the radio particle "fires" the card will rotate and at some time in the future after winding first one way, then slowing, and then winding back the other way, will after some (undetermined number of "oscillations") come to show either CAT or CAT Now the follwoing questions arise: 1) Will the janitors (even if it is only ONE of the janitors; ie, Joe, Sally, Toby) be in time to save the cat and install the device? 2) If as they are installing the device, the random-particle-of-death "fires", and they are all killed (the cat being taken as a separate case - see below) is the experiment to be considered a success or not? Does the phrase "excepting acts of God" in the insurance policy(s) of the janitor(s) apply or not? 3) Assuming the cat escapes but is then run over by one of the professors conducting the experiment to PROVE THE IN-DENIABILLITY of the CERTAINTY OF THE UN-CERTAINTY PRINCIPLE, does this negate the concept of destiny? 4) Is the entire experiment rendered "merely" theoretical by the fact, that if *anyone* who has ever tried to fit a cat into even a nice carrying case to take it to the vet, will attest - the probability of getting a cat into an "experimental chamber" (even one without a vial of poison and a radio-nuclide chambre) - 'tain't gonna happen. These concludes our presentation at this time. transcribe by Frank via fleeding AT hotmail DOT com Jump randomly to: {x-product} {Abs} {Art} {Frc} {Fut} {Hum} {Jazz} {Sci} {Spi}

Absurdist x Artist

Jump randomly to: {
x-product} {Abs} {Art} {Frc} {Fut} {Hum} {Jazz} {Sci} {Spi}

Absurdist x Fractalist

Jump randomly to: {
x-product} {Abs} {Art} {Frc} {Fut} {Hum} {Jazz} {Sci} {Spi}

Absurdist x Futurist

Jump randomly to: {
x-product} {Abs} {Art} {Frc} {Fut} {Hum} {Jazz} {Sci} {Spi}

Absurdist x Humanist

Jump randomly to: {
x-product} {Abs} {Art} {Frc} {Fut} {Hum} {Jazz} {Sci} {Spi}

Absurdist x Jazzist

Jump randomly to: {
x-product} {Abs} {Art} {Frc} {Fut} {Hum} {Jazz} {Sci} {Spi}

Absurdist x Scientist

Jump randomly to: {
x-product} {Abs} {Art} {Frc} {Fut} {Hum} {Jazz} {Sci} {Spi}

Absurdist x Spiritualist

Jump randomly to: {
x-product} {Abs} {Art} {Frc} {Fut} {Hum} {Jazz} {Sci} {Spi}

Bargain Basement

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