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a certain small, blue-green planet; rotating about its axis (non-tilt-ed view) -- Mark II
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Fut x Abs Fut x Art Fut x Frc Fut x Fut Fut x Hum Fut x Jazz Fut x Sci Fut x Spi
Hum x Abs Hum x Art Hum x Frc Hum x Fut Hum x Hum Hum x Jazz Hum x Sci Hum x Spi
Jaz x Abs Jaz x Art Jaz x Frc Jaz x Fut Jaz x Hum Jaz x Jazz Jaz x Sci Jaz x Spi
Sci x Abs Sci x Art Sci x Frc Sci x Fut Sci x Hum Sci x Jazz Sci x Sci Sci x Spi
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x-product: Artist x ()

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Artist x Absurdist

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Artist x Artist

AR x AR (model1, model2) --> The Creative Art

-^_6 This esssay wwas previously published in 2007 as part of a blog on the creative act. It will probably lead to much expansion by means of the iconosphere. What IS it that we do? (as artists, historians, musicians, etc...) Current mood: tired Category: Art and Photography I think that for the most part we ARE lost. One moment, everything seems quite clear. The next, its all a hopeless muddle. One of the oddest things about us, must be when others see us "talking" to ourselves. So, i'm sitting there with some poster board and various sets of coloured markers "trying out patterns" -- sheesh, if i *ever* perfect the Jim Dine/Frank Gehrey LARGE MARKS technique it'll be a mirracle -- oh, vast unseen criticism of Aristotle, why must you task us so to WORK LARGE, oh poetica that hears not our un-scene staged theatrics as we dream again of ellisian fields and dwelling on Parnassus! So, i'm sketching these lines of black or red or whatever -- appraently "just filling up the page with the SAME mark" and then going back over it with another colour -- making a complete pigs breakfast of it -- a few straggs walk by and must think me either mad or retarded. But, then: The figure of the shaman is closely associated with madness. When an initiate becomes a shaman by Eliade's first method (spontaneous vocation), he "takes the risk of being mistaken for a 'madman'". [Eliade, P. 80] The behaviour of someone chosen in this way becomes more and more strange. Such a person "seeks solitude, becomes a dreamer, loves to wander in woods or desert places, has visions, sings in his sleep, etc." [Eliade, P. 75 – as quoted in Silvester] (gee wizz, i'm becoming more legit everyday ?) So, part of the what-ness of what we do as artist is to simply explore the alphabet of our oevre. And we MUST do this, recalling the (musical artist) John Cage's comments about musical patterns/possibilities, he sed that there are patterns like A, AA, AB, ABA, AAAB AAABBBCCC, etc And that "many are possible, FEW are tried". (not an exact quote). Methinks: What we do is to get two very different ideas (more like models) to run full tilt at each other (not unlike what sub-atomic physcists do with "atom smashers"; ie, cyclotrons). So, we have to try out "stupid little artist's tricks" and try to sneak up on the rational part of our brain. Thus, we try the juxtapostion of different models (these can be maps or other tecniques; yarrow stalks, cards, coins, or just your favorite enebrient/lucingent. Let it per-cul-late down into the tendrals that is the brain. For the most part these "models" are random or least favorite ones that serve us well. Hence, part of the idea for a time/idea space ship of the mind (to paraphrase Carl Sagan's "Spaceship of the Imagination") -- a chronosphere if you will. Hmmmmm...... Remember: What-ever it is that we do do, we gotta do it. Or it won't get done. (Well, it might get done, but it'd prob not be what we viz'd it to be -- Viddy well, my brothers, viddy well). ==== Bibliogrphic References Eliade, Mircea. Myths, Dreams, and Mysteries. 1957. Trans. Philip (actually this is one of the BEST books for any artist (ie, visual, musical, theatrical, philsophcical, historians, etc) to read. Silvester, Mary Nicole. (2006). The Artist as Shaman: Madness, Shapechanging, and Art in Terri Windling's The Wood Wife. Downloaded on Nov. 21, 2006 from http://www.mythicjourneys.org/passages/septoct2003/newsletterp10.html Jump randomly to: {
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Artist x Fractalist

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Artist x Futurist

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Artist x Humanist

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Artist x Jazzist

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Artist x Scientist

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Artist x Spiritualist

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Bargain Basement

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