Ajax44's Chocobo Page Ajax44's Final Fantasy 7 Page: Chocobo Guide (More Than just breeding)
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This page is about chocobos,the really cool birds that take up hours and hours of playing time. But they're entertaining and incredibly useful. If you are having trouble getting the Chocobos you want, you've come to the right place. This page will tell you where to get the nuts you need to raise special Chocobos and eventually get Knights of the Round summon materia. It will also tell you where to find cerain chocobos with different characteristics.

Catching Chocobos

Once you get the highwind, you can start raising Chocobos. First you need the Chocobo Lure materia (you can buy it from Choco Billy), then find some Chocobo tracks and get into a battle on them. If you run into a battle that has a Chocobo in it (which can get quite hostile if you are mean to it Unless you can beat the battle in a couple of hits), then you need to give the Chocobo a green of some sort, which you can also buy from Choco Billy. Then you kill the enemies and you've caught a Chocobo.

Taking Care of Chocobos

MOVING: If you choose to send it to the farm, you will see it in the fenced in area outside the barn. In order to move it into the stables, you must first rent one out (from Choco Bill for 10000 Gil), then talk to Choco Billy and choose "Moving Chocobos". You can select which one you want to move into the stables (if you have more than one) and name it.

FEEDING: To feed your Chocobos, talk to Choco Billy and select "Feeding Chocobos". Choose which kind of green you wish to feed it, choose which chocobo you want to feed, and select the number of that kind of greens you would like to feed it. Here is a list of what the following greens do: Please title this page. (Page 1)
Gysahl Stamina up
Krakka Intelligence up
Tantal Speed up, Intelligence up, Stamina up
Pahsana Inelligence up
Curiel Speed up, Stamina up
Mimmet Speed up, Stamina up
Reagan Speed up, Stamina up
Sylkis Speed up, Intelligence up, Stamina up

For the ones that do the same thing, the lower ones do it better. They are also more expensive. And in case you don't already know, the speed, intelligence, and stamina only come into use in Chocobo racing at the Gold Saucer one of the best things of the game.

Racing Chocobos

One really fun thing you can do is race your Chocobos, which is why you need to take care of them by feeding them with the greens above. You should already know how to race them since you have to do it to get out of the desert prison below the Gold Saucer. To race them just go to Chocobo Square in the Gold Saucer, and talk to Ester who is on the left side of the screen. If you have at least one Chocobo in the stables at the time, then you can sign up to race. If you win three C class races, your Chocobo will move up to B class, where you win three and move up to A class, and if your Chocobo is very good, and can win three A class races, then it will move up to S class. When you win a race you can either get an item or GP. Depending on what item you would've gotten, you can get anywhere from 5 to 500 GP.

Breeding Chocobos

Breeding Chocobos gets very frustrating because you'll spend a ton of money breeding one chocobo and sometimes you'll get the wrong one or a weak one. To get special Chocobos you need to have the right nut and the right kind of Chocobo. And don't bother buying the nuts that Choco Billy or anyone else sells if you want to breed special Chocobos. They don't sell the two kinds that you need. To breed the Chocobos you need to have a male, a female, and an empty stable open for the newborn. The first special chocobo to get is either a Mountain Chocobo or a River Chocobo. The following chart will help you get the Chocobos you need to breed one (read on to find out how):
Chocobo Ranch Area Poor, Weak
Junon Area Fair, Poor
Mideel Area Great, Fair
Icicle Inn Area Wonderful, Weak
Wutai Area Average, Fair
Rocket Town Area Mediocre
Gold Saucer Area Good, Average

Chocobo Map

More Chocobo ratings:

The enemys with the chocobo determine how good of a chocobo it is.

Chocobo Ranch Area
2 Mandragora=Poor
Mandragora & Levikon=Poor
2 Levrikon=Weak
2 Elfadunk=Weak

Junon Area
2 Capparwire=Poor (front view)
2 Nerosuferoth=Poor
3 Capparwire=Fair
2 Capparwire=Fair (side view)

Gold Saucer Area
Harpy= Average
2 Flapbeats=Average
2 Spencer=Good

Rocket Town Area
Velcher Task & Kyuvilduns= Mediocre
2 Velcher Task = Mediocre
2 Valron = Great
2 Kyuvilduns = Great

Wutai Area
3 Tail Vault = Average
2 Tail Vault = Average (front view)
2 Tail Vault = Fair (side view)
3 Razor Weeds = Fair

Mideel Area
3 Headhunters=Fair
2 Headhunters=Fair
2 Spirals=Great

Icicle Inn Area
2 Bandersnatch=Weak
Bandersnatch & Jumping=Weak
2 Jumping=Wonderful

There's usually two in each area, so catch a few before you go back to the farm to give you a better chance of getting the one you want.

Here's a chart to let you know how to tell what Choco Billy means when he's commenting on your Chocobos:
This... is a wonderful Chocobo! Wonderful
This is a great Chocobo. Great
Mmm, this seems like a good Chocobo. Good
Mmm, this one's not bad. Fair
This is a pretty average Chocobo. Average
This Chocobo's so-so. Mediocre
This one doesn't seem to be very good. Poor
I really can't recommend this one. Weak

To get a Mountain or River Chocobo, you need to breed either a Great Chocobo with another Great Chocobo or a Good Chocobo with a Great Chocobo. The higher their class is, the better chance you'll get a special Chocobo (raise their class in Gold Saucer Chocobo racing). Also, you need to use a Carob Nut, which you can steal from a red dragon that you sometimes fight in the grassy area just below Bone Village. It's possible to get a Mountain, River, or gold Chocobo. This is what they look like:

Mountain: River:

Mountain Chocobos can run over mountains and River Chocobos and cross rivers (and shallow parts of oceans). You can have a chocobo that can do both it's called the Mountain-River Chocobo (what an imaginative name) and you get it by breeding the Mountain Chocobo and the River Chocobo together with a Carob Nut. Once again, a higher racing class for both Chocobos will increase your chances of getting the Chocobo you want. The Mountain-River Chocobo is quite useful, although wouldn't it be nice to have a Chocobo that could cross the ocean? Here's what the Mountain-River Chocobo looks like:


Now for the best chocobo on the world map and in the Golden Saucer: the Gold Chocobo. The Gold Chocobo can go anywhere on the map you tell it to. And to get the Gold Chocobo you must have a Mountain-River Chocobo, a Wonderful Chocobo, and a Zeio Nut, which you can steal from the goblins on Goblin Island, which is one of the small eastern islands on the map. You then mate the Mountain-River Chocobo with the Wonderful Chocobo using a Zeio Nut, and hope for good results (if the Chocobo they come up with looks like a regular Chocobo to you at first, it may still be a Gold Chocobo- they're only slightly brighter than regular, just try riding them over water or mountains to find out). If you are having bad luck, just try raising their levels to A class or S class or whatnot. Anyway, once you have the Gold Chocobo, you can go get Knights of the Round (read ahead to find out how). Here's what the Gold Chocobo looks like. Well, it's what the regular ones look like too actually:


Knights of the Round

To get the best summon materia in the game, Knights of the Round, take your Gold Chocobo across the ocean to the upper-right corner of the map where there is an uncharted round island covered in forest and surrounded by mountains. Go into the cave there and take the materia. Believe you me, it is well worth the trouble of getting the Gold Chocobo to get this materia. Besides you can't get more than one master summon without it.

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