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An Adventure of a Lifetime  


Journals Entries

Orientation Meetings

Meeting Dates
January 21
February 25
March 25
May 6
June 17

Travel Pages

Day Zero 06.25.06

Day One 06.27.06 Day Two 06.28.06 Day Three 06.29.06 Day Four 06.30.06
Day Five 07.01.06 Day Six 07.02.06 Day Seven 07.03.06 Day Eight 07.04.06 Day Nine 07.05.06
Day Ten 07.06.06 Day Eleven 07.07.06 Day Twelve 07.08.06 Day Thirteen 07.09.06 Day Fourteen 07.10.06
Day Fifteen 07.11.06 Day Sixteen 07.12.06 Day Seventeen 07.13.06 Day Eighteen 07.14.06 Day Nineteen 07.15.06
  Day Twenty 07.16.06 Day TwentyOne 07.17.06 Day TwentyTwo 07.18.06  


Home Again




Wow! can you say a ton of people! There were well over 100 families there! Wellany way the info. meeting was very good and my mom and I registered online soon after we got home.

Now just have to wait till the interview...



Interview was today. It wasn't that bad, really. All we did was give our leader the recommendation letters and the interview questionnaire. Then we waited about 15 min for him to call us in and ask us some things.

It's not as bad as it sounds!!



Well our first orientation meeting is coming up soon! Can't wait! I'll finally be able to meet all the people that I have e-mailed. That is when we are supposed to start our journal entries but I have these three...



EEK!!! Today was our first meeting.

The first thing we did was get into groups of 2 (or in my groups case 3) and learned a little of them. After about say 15 min we all had to go up and introduce our partner to the rest of the delegation. Then we were told what we needed to turn in to the leaders and some other stuff.

Watched a short video on what was expected of us and then had a 29 min break to get a snack and talk to the others. Then we were told to get into groups according to our nametags (they had a 1 2 or 3 on them). We were then told to do a project on certain countries ours was England and France. Then our group split in half so half would do one country and the other the other country. Once that was finished we went and sat back down and got our homework.

And finally there was a question and answer time at the very end. The meeting was about 2 hours long.



Second meeting was today!

When we got there I went to sit with Jackie and talked to her about the Penguins and Olympics before the meeting started.

Then the leader made some announcements and we did a count off so we would get a number for when we are in Europe. We talked a bit about some recent events that were happening in the countries we will be visiting.

Then we had to get in our groups from the project we started last meeting and had to match consequences to problems that could happen on the trip. Of course our group came up with some exceptions like removal from the program for drugs except in Amsterdam.

We went over some more things then had 15 min snack break. Talked with Jackie and Breanna about random things.

Got our homework for the next meeting. And finally our group had to present on England and France. Oh joy it went on for about three-fourths an hour. People were talking about their subject for at least 5 min. except for me, Ben, and (I think) Britt. We were only about 1 and a half min long.



Third meeting was today!

100 days till we leave! Yes!!!!! I sat with Jackie again, and Emily came over and sat with us. We all talked about school and the Pens (well me and Jackie did) before we started the meeting.

First we did the count off again... now I’m stuck with a different number then last time. We talked a little bit about current events over in the countries we will be visiting. Then we got our rules of the road paperback, which had the consequences of what would happen if we did certain things. Those were the final things. We watched yet another video on manners and such things. The leaders then talked and showed a slide from the last time they went to Europe. It was entertaining. Then we had a say 10 min snack break, yep and we got to chat with other people.

Then group 2 did their presentation on Belgium and The Netherlands. I guess no one learned to shorten their presentation because it was almost as long as mine!



Fourth meeting was today!

Only one more and we are off to Europe!!! Yay!!!! and it's only 50 more days till we leave!

Sat with Jackie and Alisa this time. We of course talked about random things. Then we tried to do the count off in our seats, but a lot of people were missing and forgot their number. The leaders talked about all kinds of things then gave us our Program Guide and pins that we have to put on our badges (when we get them). Mr. Rudolph gave us all the information on when we will leave where we make connections and such for our flights, and told us that our itinerary would be on our OnBoard sometime soon.

We had another snack break for about 10 to 15 min. then group three got up to do their presentation on Germany and Switzerland, they learned a little, and were only about 35 min long.... Jackie made hers short and sweet. Which was good! and Alisa was also up there....



I came home from our Memorial Day weekend vacation and checked my email to find that over the weekend they had posted our itinerary!

Yes! It’s great! I am going to post it up on one of the pages, not sure which one yet. But look around to find it! (It's on the Trip Overview Page)



Today was our community service project at World Vision. We sorted and packed little girls' polka dot dresses.

Red and Blue with White Polka Dots...that's all I saw for 2 hours!



Today was our fifth and final meeting...Yay! Eight more days until we leave.

We had our picnic at one of the delegate house. They had a pool, but not man people went for a swim. All the guys were playing volleyball in the back yard. The girls mostly talked.

We got our shirts, luggage tags, badges and some papers, got sorted into groups (I'm in group two (blue)) and watched a new video on Consequences that we had to evaluate for People to People. The video was more entertaining than the previous ones.