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Ultimate Team-up

On Thursday November 4,1999 the best power ranger episode ever(at least in my opinion) was aired.

To the Tenth Power

Deviot obtains five disks containing the Psycho Rangers. He then reprograms them so he can control them and makes them stronger. Trakeena then sends the Psychos out and they capture the pink, yellow, green adn blue galaxy rangers. Psycho Red trys to capture Leo the red galaxy ranger but Andros the red space ranger stops him. Andros then tells Mike and Leo about the Psycho Rangers. Andros grabs his Astro morpher and together they form a plan to rescue the others. They find out where the other are being kept. Then Leo and Andros(both morphed) distract Trakeena and the Psychos while Magna Defender(Mike) rescues the others. Back on the Astro Megaship Alpha sees some people grab the Astro morphers from the Power Vault.Ashley(the yellow space ranger), Carlos(the black space ranger), Cassie(the pink space ranger) and T.J.(the blue space ranger) team-up with the others to take on the Psychos. The red space and galaxy rangers defeat Psycho Red. The blue space and galaxy rangers defeat Psycho Blue. The black space ranger and the green galaxy ranger defeat Psycho Black. The yellow space and galaxy rangers defeat Psycho Yellow. The pink space and galaxy rangers defeat Psycho Pink. Magna Defender defeats Deviot. Finally the space rangers pull out the Spiral Sabre in booster mode and the Quadroblaster and blast the Psychos. The galaxy rangers power-up with the lights of orion and use the lights of orion energy ball attack to finsh off the Psycho Rangers. Maya(the yellow galaxy ranger) says she'll take the space rangers on a tour of Terra Venture while they stay. Deviant goes back to where the Psychos were destroyed and finds Psycho Pink nearly intact. Deviot says he'll give Psycho Pink one last chance and will make her powerful enough to crush all the power rangers.

The Power of Pink

On Friday November 5,1999 this great follow up episode aired: Deviot repairs Psycho Pink and tells her she is going to destroy all the power rangers. Psycho Pink destroys Deviot's controler and then goes out on her own to destroy the pink rangers. Psycho Pink enters terra Ventures computer system and then enters Kendrix's computer. Kendrix discovers the location of the Savage Sword at the same time as Psycho Pink enters her computer. Psycho Pink pops out of the computer screen and reads Kendrix's mind, finding out the location of the Savage Sword. The Savage Sword is more powerful than all the Quasar Sabers combined. After finding out the location of the Savage Sword Psycho Pink leaves Kendrix's computer and prepares to go after the sword. Kendrix uses her computer to loate Psycho Pink and then her and Casey go after Psycho Pink. Kendrix and Cassie morph but Psycho Pink takes off for the planet Rashon where the Savage Sword resides. The two pink rangers take off after Psycho Pink and tell the other rangers whats happening. Just then the other rangers are attacked by Deviot, Villamax and the Sting Wingers. The rangers morph and do battle with Trakeena's men. Pyscho Pink reaches Rashon and finds the Savage Sword just as the two pink rangers arrive. The two rangers fight Psycho Pink but the Savage Sword is too powerful and with each hit it increases in power. Finally Psycho Pink's attacks cause the pink space ranger to de-morph and loose her Astro Morpher. Psycho Pink wants even more power so she slams the Savage Sword into the Astro Morpher causing a powerful energy wave to blast from the planet. Back on Terra Venture Mike and Commander Stanton try to keep Terra Venture from being destroyed by the energy wave coming from planet Rashon.At the same time the engery wave cause Trakeena's men to flee from their battle with the rangers. On Rashon Psycho Pink uses the energy from the Savage Sword to change into her monster form and grow to giant size. Just then the other power rangers arrive with the Lights of Orion powered Galaxy Megazord and the Astro Megazord. Casey is in great pain from the affects of the Savage Sword draining her powers so Kendrix decides to go after Cassie's Astro Morpher. The two megazords are too much for monster form Psycho Pink and they destroy her. Kendrix endures the energy wave and reaches the Savage Sword. She then uses her Quasar Saber to destroy the Savage Sword and save Cassie's powers. Unfortunately the blast from destroying the Savage Sword kills Kendrix but her spirit says she will always be with the rangers, then her Quasar Saber disappears into space. As the space rangers say their goodbyes to the galaxy rangers Cassie starts to wish she could stay and help out the galaxy rangers. Andros reminds Cassie that Kendrix sacrificed her life so that she could have her powers and continue her mission. The space rangers head back to earth. As they leave Maya asks the question on the galaxy rangers mind; what do they do next?

Protect the Quasar Saber

On Monday November 8,1999 this episode finished what i call the "Ultimate Team-Up": Kendrix's Quasar Saber lands on a distant planet where a poor farmer finds it. Kendrix comes to Maya in a dream and tells her that her Quasar Saber has fallen into the wrong hands and is on the plant Gwynit. Kendrix tells Maya she must get the saber. Maya tells the other rangers about her dream and they all set off after the saber. At the same time Trackeena sends Deviot after the saber. The rangers reach Gwynit and find the farmer who found the Pink Quasar Saber and learn that the man sold it to 2 scoundrels who are on the planet Karasa. As they leave the man changes into Deviot who had already captured the real farmer. The farmer tells Deviot that the saber is at the auction on Onyx. As Deviot sets his trap for the rangers and goes after the saber a girl is seen hinding in the weeds. Queen Astronema bids the highest for the saber saying she will spare the people's lives for the Pink Quasar Saber. The auctioner gives Astronema the saber just as Trakeena arrives and tells all at the auction that Astronema betrayed the darkness and became the good Karone.Karone beats Trakeena's forces and escapes with the Pink Quasar Saber. Karone goes to Karasa and saves the rangers from Deviots trap just in time. She tells the rangers that this is her way of repaying the universe for her evil deeds. Unfortunately Kerone is knocked onto a ledge by Trakeena who captures the Pink Quasar Saber. Just as Karone falls the spirit of Kendrix saves her and gives Karone her transmorpher. Karone morphs into the pink galaxy ranger and reclaims the Pink Quasar Saber from Trackeena. Then Deviot and Trkeena head to the unprotected Terra Venture leaving the rangers to fight one of Trakeena's monsters. The rangers use a lights of orion energy attack to destroy him. Then the rangers quickly head to earth to fight one of Trakeena's giant sized monsters. Karone calls upon the galacta beasts for the first and combines them into the Galaxy Meagazord. Next the rangers call on Centaurus Megazord to weaken the monster and finish him off with a lights of orion powered megazord attack. Finally Maya give Karone a tour of Terra Venture and shows her the room where she'll live with Maya. The other rangers give her a welcoming dinner.

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Power Rangers: The Movie
Ultimate Team-Up
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My Favorite things about Angelfire.