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Where to go from here:

Different Spreads
Questions & answers
Reading #2
Court cards


I use my own version of a Dragon's Eye spread. Let me try to explain....
1 is in the middle.
2, 3 & 4 form a triangle to the bottom right of the 1.( 2 is on the top of the triangle. 3 is on the lower right corner. 4 is on the lower left corner)
5, 6, & 7 form a triangle on the lower left side of the 1. (5 is on top of the triangle. 6 is on the lower right corner. 7 is on the lower left corner)

1 is the heart of the situation.
2, 3, and 4 are what has led to the situation.
2 is what external forces of chance/fate
3 is what you have done
4 is what others have done.
5,6,7 explain how people are feeling and viewing what is happening.
5 is those who aren't directly involved
6 is you
7 is other people who are involved.
8,9, and 10 are what must be done to cause the best outcome.
8 is what you need to change in your surroundings, people and environment.
9 is what you must change about yourself.
10 is how you must deal with the others involved in the situation.

From: Carissa
This reading is for a woman wishing for insights into her relationship with her S.O.:
One is the heart of the situation: The Moon
Two is the external forces leading up to this situation: 3 of Cups
Three is what the querant has done leading up to this: King of Swords
Four is what the S.O. has done leading uup to this situation: 6 of Pentacles
Five is how those outside the situation view it: The Chariot
Six is how the querant views the situation: The Hierophant
Seven is how the S.O. views the situation: 4 of Cups
Eight is what the querant needs to change in her surroundings, people and environment: Nine of Wands
Nine is what the querant needs to change about/ within herself: Queen of Wands
Ten is what the querant needs to deal with her S.O. and change the relationship: Nine of cups
Okay, there she is. Go to it!

From: Armande
Hi all!
Well, I've decided to try my hand at this one... "Try" being the operative word. I hope I get some leniance because this is my first online reading...
It obviously is a very emotional time, many highs and many lows. There is a hint of this being important for Q. to experience, even when it is tiresome. Most of these emotions take place inside. The outward world does not get to see that, they see the confindent side and think Q. is also on top of her emotional issues. I get the impression that the relationship is more important to Q. than it is to S.O. He is a bit ambivalent about it. Q. feels insecure about this: "should I stay or should I go?". Still all of this going on inside Q. The advice for Q. is to take a firm stand re this relationship, open your mouth. Let go of your ideas of formality and conventionality and trust yourself. You are stronger than you think and do not be submissive. You have a lot of power re other aspects of your life and you can have it in your relationship too. Yes, it is scary because you feel you may lose S.O. but it is essential to do to become unstuck. It will probably lead to a breakthrough, allowing fresh air into the relationship and leading to new possibilities.

From: Carissa
One is the heart of the situation: The Moon
Conflict and change, a lack of stability.  There is a lot of uncertainty, of not knowing where one stands and what is coming next.
Two is the external forces leading up to this situation: 3 of Cups
Good fortune in love, a happy relationship sought. This is something you worked towards finding and tried to make happen. In the past, you thought you found that happy relationship that you, and everyone around you, wanted to happen in your life.
  Three is what the querant has done leading up to this: King of Swords
The S.O.?  This card I am a little unsure on. I think this card is talking about her choice of a lover. While he is firm in friendship, he is also suspicious and overcautious. He is the type of person who likes to be in control and likes to make decisions.  The querant knew about this when she chose him to be part of her life.
   Four is what the S.O. has done leading up to this situation: 6 of Pentacles
In the past the S.O showed true generosity, whether material or spiritual.  He shared what he could unselfishly.
Five is how those outside the situation view it: The Chariot
The querant or the S.O. (or both) is seen as being determined, ambitious, in control....though by some it is seen less positively as being overcontrolling and domineering. Perhaps others see two people who are very alike in this respect, and this have conflict because BOTH want to pull the strings.
Six is how the querant views the situation: The Hierophant
The querant wants the stability and comfort of a steady relationship.  This relationship, however, may feel stagnant and confining to her.
Seven is how the S.O. views the situation: 4 of Cups
He is re-evaluating everything.  He is dissatisfied with it and the world in general, of which the relationship is an extension and reflection.
Eight is what the querant needs to change in her surroundings, people and environment: Nine of Wands
Be prepared for a fight.  You've had to struggle and fight before, and you will have to do it again. You are defending your territory, so to speak, so get ready.
Nine is what the querant needs to change about/ within herself: Queen of Wands
Be honorable and virtuous, strong and confident. I perceive this as being the querant herself. In order for this relationship to work, she would have to  fundamentally change who she is.
  Ten is what the querant needs to deal with her S.O. and change the relationship: Nine of cups
Seek your wishes...material success, an assured future, health and physical well-being.

  Prairie wrote:
Here's what I would say:
 1. Heart of the matter: The Moon ......
This has to do with hidden danger. Is he psychologically abusive? (Physical abuse wouldn't be hidden. Psychological abuse would be hidden & unconscious... all attributes of the Moon). I'd be willing to bet he drinks or does drugs.
2. External forces leading up to the matter: 3 Cups ......
A happy & fulfilling relationship. On the surface (externally), this appears to be a happy couple. How long has she been in this relationship? My guess would be a multiple of three.
3. What she has done: King of Swords ......
Uh oh. This tells me she went into this relationship with her eyes wide open. She knew what kind of person he was & went for it anyway. Maybe it was on an unconscious level, but she knew. This also tells me she may have a low self-esteem. She feels she doesn't deserve any better than this.
4. What he has done: 6 Pentacles ......
At first, he was generous with his money, and she fell for it. Was he also generous with other things, then took them back? Like, maybe he was generous with his affection, then later turned cold?
5. How others outside the situation see it: The Chariot ......
Others tell her to leave him. Whether she listens to their advice remains to be seen.
6. How she views it: The Hierophant. ......
She's looking for security. She sees the house in the country with the white picket fence. Along with that is the fear of losing all that if she left him, like everybody is telling her. Has she had failed relationships in the past? I'd be wiling to bet a lot of it has to do with a fear of how conventional society - her friends-will see it. What will they say if they see her "failing" again.
7. How he views it: 4 Cups.
He feels discontented with the relationship also. They need to communicate better. They both see it as falling apart, but neither one wants to do anything about it. I'd be interested in seeing a reading done from HIS point of view!
 8. What she needs to change: 9 Wands .....
She needs to confront him head-on & quit running from confrontation. I understand that she may be afraid of him because of the abuse shown in the Moon card, but she needs to overcome her fear & face him squarely.
9. What she needs to change about herself: Queen Wands. ......
She wants to be the Queen, and she needs to work toward that goal. The Queen loves her home (has she maybe given up on her home?). She is loyal, loving, friendly, compassionate. This woman needs to work on bringing those qualities out in herself. Maybe she used to have them & has given them up because of the abuse??
10. How she needs to deal with him & change the relationship: 9 Cups. ......
This is the wish card. She needs to figure out exactly what she is really wishing for in regards to this relationship. Contentment goes along with this card. Maybe she needs to learn to be more content where she is instead of trying to get out of where she is?
This is what I see.

From: "Tracy"
Hi Carissa
I'm quite a lurker on the group, but I thought I would bite the bullet and offer my interpretation of the cards you gave us. Here goes

This reading is for a woman wishing for insights into her relationship with her S.O.

One is the heart of the situation: The Moon
There are issues which need dealing with... things which need to be brought to the surface.... the querant feels confused and can't make sense of things troubling her. This card could also indicate that the romance is being "hidden", or I get the feeling that the true feelings of the querant are being stifled... but I'll give you more about that with the other cards.

Two is the external forces leading up to this situation: 3 of Cups
The relationship had a good start... good times, parties, food and wine.... :)

Three is what the querant has done leading up to this: King of Swords
The querant has avoided making an emotional commitment. Like, when you get hurt in the past, then any other relationship suffer because you are scared to devote yourself to it. So each word and action is careful weighed and balanced, things are "fair" - very "intellectual based".

Four is what the S.O. has done leading uup to this situation: 6 of Pentacles
S.O. has been caring and sharing, and giving his equal share. Giving what is necessary.....

Five is how those outside the situation view it: The Chariot
Other people see this relationship as two opposites moving in the same direction. Fast, furious and fun.

Six is how the querant views the situation: The Hierophant
The querant is taking the relationship very seriously... probably wanting a commitment.... even marriage... doing things morally "correct"

Seven is how the S.O. views the situation: 4 of Cups
I feel that he would like things to be more emotional.... like he offers love, but the querant, being like the king of swords, is quite detached from the emotional aspect of the relationship. (It could be the other way round of course)

Eight is what the querant needs to change in her surroundings, people and environment: Nine of Wands
She needs to relax more... she needs to stop defending herself, watching and waiting, expecting things to go wrong.

Nine is what the querant needs to change about/ within herself: Queen of Wands
She needs to realize that she has great capacity to have warmth and love, domestic bliss and great happiness. She has a fountain of energy inside her, confidence, if only she taps into it.

Ten is what the querant needs to deal with her S.O. and change the relationship: Nine of cups
She got what she wished for...... I think there is a slight warning not to become complacent... just because the relationship was "achieved" doesn't mean that the work is now over.... you have to carry on working at it always.....

Okay, phew... thats my interpretation.

Critique by Prairie
Here goes
This reading is for a woman wishing for insights into her relationship with her S.O.

One is the heart of the situation: The Moon
There are issues which need dealing with... things which need to be brought to the surface.... the querant feels confused and can't make sense of things troubling her. This card could also indicate that the romance is being "hidden", or I get the feeling that the true feelings of the querant are being stifled... but I'll give you more about that with the other cards.

***Very good. The Moon can mean hidden things. Since this is the heart of the situation, I think you got it right on when you said she stifles her feelings. This could lead to confusion.***

Two is the external forces leading up to this situation: 3 of Cups
The relationship had a good start... good times, parties, food and wine.... :)

***Perfect. Because this position is referring to the circumstances leading up to the situation, the 3 is what the relationship started out like.***

Three is what the querant has done leading up to this: King of Swords
The querant has avoided making an emotional commitment. Like, when you get hurt in the past, then any other relationship suffer because you are scared to devote yourself to it. So each word and action is careful weighed and balanced, things are "fair" - very "intellectual based".

***Because Swords are the suit of the mind, I would have to agree with this interpretation of this card. Remember, the King doesn't have to be male!***

Four is what the S.O. has done leading up to this situation: 6 of Pentacles
S.O. has been caring and sharing, and giving his equal share. Giving what is necessary.....

***Only one thing I'd have to say here, is that this is the position of what he did leading up to the situation. There's no indication that he is still giving his equal share. Remember the 3 of Cups? It started out great, then went downhill.***

Five is how those outside the situation view it: The Chariot
Other people see this relationship as two opposites moving in the same direction. Fast, furious and fun

***Hmmm.... I think I would have to interpret this card as the literal meaning. This woman is obviously concerned, so there must be a major problem. Usually, a person's friends can spot problems before the person. I would think her friends are counselling her to leave him.***

Six is how the querant views the situation: The Hierophant
The querant is taking the relationship very seriously... probably wanting a commitment.... even marriage... doing things morally "correct"

***That's a very good interpretation for this card. The Hierophant is called the pope in some decks.***

Seven is how the S.O. views the situation: 4 of Cups
I feel that he would like things to be more emotional.... like he offers love, but the querant, being like the king of swords, is quite detached from the emotional aspect of the relationship. (It could be the other way round of course)

***The position here is how the SO sees the situation, not the querant. I see it as being the other way around. In the Rider deck, the man is being offered the cup, but he seems uninterested in it. I feel he is being offered love, but is uninterested. I'd have to ask why, seeing as how he started out with the 6 of pentacles***

Eight is what the querant needs to change in her surroundings, people and environment: Nine of Wands
She needs to relax more... she needs to stop defending herself, watching and waiting, expecting things to go wrong.

***I'm not sure I see this. The 9 is a card of strength. If attacked, she will fight back because she has the strength to do so. I think maybe she needs to defend herself more and not be a doormat for him to walk on.***

Nine is what the querant needs to change about/ within herself: Queen of Wands
She needs to realize that she has great capacity to have warmth and love, domestic bliss and great happiness. She has a fountain of energy inside her, confidence, if only she taps into it.

***You got the Queen just right. This card indicates what she needs to change inside herself. Se wants to be the queen. Good job! I wonder whats holding her back from realizing her potential?***

Ten is what the querant needs to deal with her S.O. and change the relationship: Nine of cups
She got what she wished for...... I think there is a slight warning not to become complacent... just because the relationship was "achieved" doesn't mean that the work is now over.... you have to carry on working at it always.....

***Yes, I can see this.***

Okay, phew... that's my interpretation.

***Very good! I think you did an excellent job!! It's always harder when the querant isn't there in person. Several times, I wished I could ask her if such-and-such were going on. It would have helped immensely. But, I think you did a VERY good job!! Pat yourself on the back & listen to the round of applause coming your way!!***

From: Kat:
Here is my take on this reading...
This reading is for a woman wishing for insights into her relationship with her S.O.

1) is the heart of the situation: The Moon
Querent is confused, she doesn't know what to do or where to turn.

2) is the external forces leading up to this situation: 3 of Cups
Q has been having a good time with her SO.

3) is what the querant has done leading up to this: King of Swords
Q is letting her head rule her heart.

4) is what the S.O. has done leading up to this situation: 6 of Pentacles
Q's SO has been very giving in their relationship.

5) is how those outside the situation view it: The Chariot
Friends think Q needs to take control of the situation and stop being so passive.

6) is how the querant views the situation: The Hierophant
Q is taking a very traditional view on the relationship.

7) is how the S.O. views the situation: 4 of Cups
SO doesn't see what is being offered to him.

8) is what the querant needs to change in her surroundings, people and environment: 9 of Wands
Be patient. Don't act hastily.

9) is what the querant needs to change about/ within herself: Queen of Wands
Show your feelings, be more open.

10) is what the querant needs to deal with her S.O. and change the relationship: 9 of cups
You may think you have everything you want, but don't be complacent. Act, don't react.

Additional information: There were 3 majors, 3 cups, and 2 rods telling me that this is a wisdom gathering time involving emotions and the intellect. The number 4 occured times and 9 appeared twice. These numbers could have possible meaning to the Querent.

From: "Indra" Merry Meet all!
Okay, now it's time for my try with this reading. This is the first reading I've done for anyone else than myself so it took some time but it was absolutely worth it.
Keep in mind that I'm Swedish so there might be times when I don't find the exact word for what I want to say.
Blessed be!

A relationship passes though many different phases. First there's the phase when you fall in love. Everything is sunshine, pink clouds and perfect love. When this period ends comes the phase (maybe combined with a crisis) where you either move in to real LOVE or separate. I get the feeling that this is where this relationship stands at the moment.

3 OF CUPS shows the happy "fall in love"- phase. When everything were just perfect for this couple.

THE MOON on the other hand shows upset emotions and the fact that Q is going through a time of changes. Maybe the relationship has stagnated? Q asks herself where the relationship is going. The troubles are more on the emotional, subconscious levels and Q should be aware that things are not always the way they seems to be. They could be better (the ghost you see in the moonlight can be just an ordinary thing when the sunshine arrives) or worse (the moon gives a silvery shinning to the things that may look ugly in sunlight.)

As I see this Q is a powerful person KING OF SWORDS with strong integrity. But perhaps she's a bit afraid of showing her feelings. Maybe because of a bad relationship in the past? I feel that she kept a certain distant to her S.O because of this. She put up a limit in her heart (and maybe life) "You're only allowed this far". Q is also that kind of woman that doesn't want to be dominated by a man. She's too strong to be obedient.

The S.O on the other hand 6 OF PENTACLES is a person that's not afraid of showing his feelings. He's literally poured love over Q and has been very generous and warm. Maybe to a point were Q felt overwhelmed and inferior.

Their friends sees this as a high speed relationship. THE CHARIOT But where are they speeding? It wouldn't surprise me if some people see them as "the perfect couple" that are moving with high speed to a mutual goal. But I think that the persons that knows them better rather feel that they are heading for the end. They might ask them to slow down a bit? Why this rush?

Q takes this situation seriously THE HIEROPHANT. I get the feeling that she's afraid of being dominated and oppressed by her S.O. And she feels like he wants her to obey him.

The S.O. on the other hand has started to despair. 4 OF CUPS Perhaps he's losing interest in Q or maybe he doesn't feel loved enough since Q have been afraid to show her feelings. For some reason he doesn't see what he's got/gets and he's maybe started to doubt what he wants. *sigh* The S.O is well aware of the situation but since he doesn't know what he wants or what to do about it he pretends that he doesn't see it.

9 OF RODS tells Q that it's time to start acting, to sort out the problem. She is a powerful person and she's got all the extra energy it takes to sort things out to the best even though it might need a lot of work. She's well capable to defend herself and her opinions if that's needed.

QUEEN OF RODS shows that Q is a really warm and loving person if she just dares to be. She's full of creativity and energy. Love yourself Q! You're really worth it! This card also speaks about resolution. It's time for Q to look inside herself to find the answer to what to do about this situation. Q needs to work with realizing that she truly is a queen and that she's worth loving and to dare to love, both her self and others.

9 OF CUPS also speaks about how important it is to love yourself. It's first when you do this that you're able to give to others. There are a lot of warmth and generosity to give of. This cards also speaks about emotional security. Does Q get emotional security from her S.O? Or will she give emotional security to him when she dares to show him what she feels? One thing is absolutely sure, Q will experience emotional security when she dares to love herself.

From: "Indra" Me again! :o)
I just wanted to thank you for this layout Carissa. It's been working very well for me. I've tried it three times this far. One for Q, one for my brother and one for me. I think it's perfect the way it shows you what you need to work on more than the final outcome. I know my brother wouldn't have dared to ask the question he did if the cards would have given him the final outcome since he isn't sure if he wants to know the outcome of this.

The fascinating thing is that 6 of pentacles have appeared in all readings (even in the same place for my brother and Q) but I've interpreted the same card VERY differently each time. First of all I try to get my own feeling for the card and then I check my books. (If they doesn't match, which they've usually done, the books are wrong LOL) An interesting thing is that even though I checked all my books when I did the reading for my brother I couldn't even find the same words about 6 of pent. as when I did the reading for Q (just a couple of hours earlier). To me this shows that not only the card tells you different things in different readings but even the books shows you the things you need for this particulare reading.

From: Suzanne Levinson
Here is my take on the reading you wanted us to do, Carissa:

One is the heart of the situation: The Moon
(This is obvious. The Moon deals with emotional currents and Women in general. This is the heart of the situation --- what the Woman wants to know about the emotional content of her realtionship.)

Two is the external forces leading up to this situation: 3 of Cups
(She met this man while socializing with friends. The two started out as two members of a larger social group.)

Three is what the querant has done leading up to this: King of Swords
(She has always let the man make decisions in her relationships.)

Four is what the S.O. has done leading uup to this situation: 6 of Pentacles
(I suspect she may have met the man at work, in a day-to-day job.)

Five is how those outside the situation view it: The Chariot
(If the Chariot is rightside up, it means that others approve of the relationship. If it is upside down., it means that others find it too wild and unconventional.)

Six is how the querant views the situation: The Hierophant
(She sees that it could lead to marriage.)

Seven is how the S.O. views the situation: 4 of Cups
(He sees it as a happy living situation, with a possible future.)

Eight is what the querant needs to change in her surroundings, people and environment: Nine of Wands
(She needs to start hanging out more with couples and other mixed groups, with the man.)

Nine is what the querant needs to change about/ within herself: Queen of Wands
(She needs to be more socially assertive.)

Ten is what the querant needs to deal with her S.O. and change the relationship: Nine of cups
(Let him know that he makes her happy)

I hope this covers it. Let me know!

The querant told me that she was in tears by the end of reading your interpretation.   Wow, you hit many a nail right on the head.
This is really amazing.   Every reading so far has been quite accurate, but NO ONE has come up with the same interpretation. Each reader has touched on a new point, something that no one else mentioned. A new angle and way of looking at things, but still correct. Wow! Shows you how intuitive reading tarot can be, but that the cards will always lead you in the rigth direction no matter who interprets them. Thank you to all the readers!!!!

MM my dears! This is a message from the querant regarding all these readings. To protect the querants privacy, all her feedback is sent to me and I pass it on to the list. That way I am the only one who knows who the querant is.   AND I'M NEVER TALKING EITHER!   To those who are considering being a victim to the list, that is important to know. The querant has placed her comments after those of the reader, marked off by (( .....)) Thank you to the readers!

Most of these emotions take place inside. The outward world does not get to see that, they see the confindent side and think Q. is also on top of her emotional issues.
((This is true. I've always been this way. The "me" the world sees is not necessarily the "me" inside))
I get the impression that the relationship is more important to Q. than it is to S.O. He is a bit ambivalent about it. Q. feels insecure about this: "should I stay or should I go?". Still all of this going on inside Q.
(( This is also true. At least, this is the impression I get from him))
The advice for Q. is to take a firm stand re this relationship, open your mouth. Let go of your ideas of formality and conventionality and trust yourself. You are stronger than you think and do not be submissive.
((I don't think of myself as submissive. However, he was born & raised in the heart of the south where girls are taught at a very young age that their place is in the home. I was born & raised in Calif with a VERY different attitude!))
You have a lot of power re other aspects of your life and you can have it in your relationship too
((This gives me a lot to think about. I'm not sure what I want in this relationship))

There are issues which need dealing with... things which need to be brought to the surface...
((Yes, he's an alcoholic & hides his feelings in a beer can)).
the querant feels confused and can't make sense of things troubling her.
((I don't understand why he can't express affection. I need that.))
This card could also indicate that the romance is being "hidden", or I get the feeling that the true feelings of the querant are being stifled..
((I feel like I'm walking on eggshells around him all the time))
The relationship had a good start... good times, parties, food and wine.... :)
((Exactly. What happpened??))
The querant has avoided making an emotional commitment. Like, when you get hurt in the past, then any other relationship suffer because you are scared to devote yourself to it. So each word and action is careful weighed and balanced, things are "fair" - very "intellectual based".
((Boy, you hit that nail right on the head. I'm afraid to let go & really love someone because all my other boyfriends died while I was with them. After this happens ten or so times, you start to get wary about loving someone, just in case it IS your love that is killing them!!))
S.O. has been caring and sharing, and giving his equal share. Giving what is necessary.
((He used to. He still does financially. He's just withdrawn emotionally))
Other people see this relationship as two opposites moving in the same direction. Fast, furious and fun,
((????????? I don't know if other people see it this way or not))
The querant is taking the relationship very seriously... probably wanting a commitment.... even marriage... doing things morally "correct"
((That's just the kind of person I am.. except, I want the commitment, not the marriage. Been there!))
I feel that he would like things to be more emotional.... like he offers love, but the querant, being like the king of swords, is quite detached from the emotional aspect of the relationship. (It could be the other way round of course)
((I want & need him to offer love, but he hasn't said "I love you" in over a year!))
She needs to relax more... she needs to stop defending herself, watching and waiting, expecting things to go wrong.
((And stop walking on eggshells around him? He gets mean when he gets drunk, but I'll try))
She needs to realize that she has great capacity to have warmth and love, domestic bliss and great happiness. She has a fountain of energy inside her, confidence, if only she taps into it.
((Again, I can try to do this, but it would be easier if I knew how to tap into that fountain!))
She got what she wished for.
((So true.))
I think there is a slight warning not to become complacent... just because the relationship was "achieved" doesn't mean that the work is now over.... you have to carry on working at it always
((Thank you for your advice & the reading!!))

Suzanne Levinson:
The Moon deals with emotional currents and Women in general. This is the heart of the situation --- what the Woman wants to know about the emotional content of her realtionship.
((Very true))
She met this man while socializing with friends. The two started out as two members of a larger social group.
((Sort of. I was a bartender & he was one of my customers. Know what you get when you pick a man up in a bar & take him home with you?..An alcoholic that knows where you live!))
She has always let the man make decisions in her relationships.
((Up to a point.))
I suspect she may have met the man at work, in a day-to-day job.
If the Chariot is right side up, it means that others approve of the relationship. If it is upside down., it means that others find it too wild and unconventional.
((Depends on who the "others" are. My friends tell me to leave him. Most of his friends tell him to leave me. A few of our mutual friends tell us to stick together because we were made for each other))
She sees that it could lead to marriage.
((Commitment, maybe. Never marriage. Not again!!))
He sees it as a happy living situation, with a possible future.
((If he does, he doesn't show it!!))
She needs to start hanging out more with couples and other mixed groups, with the man.
((We have "my" friends, most of whom won't even come to my house if he's here. We have "his" friends who tell him I'm a conniving bitch, then we have "our" friends who say I"m the best thing that ever happened to him & vice versa))
She needs to be more socially assertive.
((I see myself as being assertive))
Let him know that he makes her happy
((Good thought. I honestly don't know if he knows that. He's accusing me of having an affair))

Querent is confused, she doesn't know what to do or where to turn.
((How true!!)
Q has been having a good time with her SO.
((Used to!!))
Q is letting her head rule her heart.
(( I don't know about this. I want affection!))
Q's SO has been very giving in their relationship.
((Used to be.))
Friends think Q needs to take control of the situation and stop being so passive.
((A LOT of my friends are telling me to leave the guy))
Q is taking a very traditional view on the relationship.
((I guess so. I don't want to get married, but I believe in committment))
SO doesn't see what is being offered to him.
((This is true!!))
Be patient. Don't act hastily.
Show your feelings, be more open.
((I am afraid to actually let go & love someone because all my others are dead now))
You may think you have everything you want, but don't be complacent. Act, don't react.
((I don't have evrything I want. Maybe materially. I want affection!!))
Additional information: There were 3 majors, 3 cups, and 2 rods telling me that this is a wisdom gathering time involving emotions and the intellect. The number 4 occured times and 9 appeared twice. These numbers could have possible meaning to the Querent.
((My SO & I both have number 9 birth numbers. I've been with him almost 4 years. 4 years in Oct))

"Indra": A relationship passes though many different phases. First there's the phase when you fall in love. Everything is sunshine, pink clouds and perfect love. When this period ends comes the phase (maybe combined with a crisis) where you either move in to real LOVE or separate. I get the feeling that this is where this relationship stands at the moment.
((You are SO right!!))
3 OF CUPS shows the happy "fall in love"- phase. When everything were just perfect for this couple.
THE MOON on the other hand shows upset emotions and the fact that Q is going through a time of changes. Maybe the relationship has stagnated? Q asks herself where the relationship is going. The troubles are more on the emotional, subconscious levels and Q should be aware that things are not always the way they seems to be. They could be better (the ghost you see in the moonlight can be just an ordinary thing when the sunshine arrives) or worse (the moon gives a silvery shinning to the things that may look ugly in sunlight.)
((The troubles are because he wants a good little southern wife who cooks & cleans all day. I am a heavy equipment operator at a sawmill!! He hasn't said I love you in over a year. His idea of love is to give money. My idea of love is to give affection))
As I see this Q is a powerful person KING OF SWORDS with strong integrity. But perhaps she's a bit afraid of showing her feelings. Maybe because of a bad relationship in the past? I feel that she kept a certain distant to her S.O because of this. She put up a limit in her heart (and maybe life) "You're only allowed this far".
((You are right. I did this without realizing it. All my other boyfriends have died & I thought my love killed people))
Q is also that kind of woman that doesn't want to be dominated by a man. She's too strong to be obedient.
((Right ON!!!!!!))
The S.O on the other hand 6 OF PENTACLES is a person that's not afraid of showing his feelings. He's literally poured love over Q and has been very generous and warm. Maybe to a point were Q felt overwhelmed and inferior.
((He has given freely of his money, but not his affection. He's an alcoholic. Maybe he can't))
Their friends sees this as a high speed relationship. THE CHARIOT But where are they speeding? It wouldn't surprise me if some people see them as "the perfect couple" that are moving with high speed to a mutual goal. But I think that the persons that knows them better rather feel that they are heading for the end. They might ask them to slow down a bit? Why this rush?
((A lot of my friends & his are saying to leave . We both have our own Harleys. We have a lot in common, as far as a love of that lifestyle))
Q takes this situation seriously THE HIEROPHANT. I get the feeling that she's afraid of being dominated and oppressed by her S.O. And she feels like he wants her to obey him.
The S.O. on the other hand has started to despair. 4 OF CUPS Perhaps he's losing interest in Q or maybe he doesn't feel loved enough since Q have been afraid to show her feelings. For some reason he doesn't see what he's got/gets and he's maybe started to doubt what he wants. *sigh* The S.O is well aware of the situation but since he doesn't know what he wants or what to do about it he pretends that he doesn't see it.
(( This has made me sit down & think. He's mad at me right now, but as soon as I can talk to him, I'll try to get him to talk to me & tell me what he's feeling))
9 OF RODS tells Q that it's time to start acting, to sort out the problem. She is a powerful person and she's got all the extra energy it takes to sort things out to the best even though it might need a lot of work. She's well capable to defend herself and her opinions if that's needed.
QUEEN OF RODS shows that Q is a really warm and loving person if she just dares to be. She's full of creativity and energy. Love yourself Q! You're really worth it! This card also speaks about resolution. It's time for Q to look inside herself to find the answer to what to do about this situation. Q needs to work with realizing that she truly is a queen and that she's worth loving and to dare to love, both her self and others.
((I started crying at this point))
9 OF CUPS also speaks about how important it is to love yourself. It's first when you do this that you're able to give to others. There are a lot of warmth and generosity to give of. This cards also speaks about emotional security. Does Q get emotional security from her S.O?
((Financial security, yes. Emotional security? This is what I want most of all. I'm secure in the fact that he would never go out on me. But, I want him to say I love you. I want him to casually hold my hand or brush my leg. I want a kiss when he leaves for work....I want to feel loved))
Or will she give emotional security to him when she dares to show him what she feels? One thing is absolutely sure, Q will experience emotional security when she dares to love herself
((Thank you, Indra))

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