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From: Prairie
Many people find the Court Cards to be the most difficult cards to understand. They don't have an obvious story, like some of the minor arcana. They look kind of like the major cards, but they aren't really major arcana. So, just where do the court cards fit in?

Court cards usually indicate an aspect of the querent, himself, or a person the querent knows. For instance, the King could be the querent's father, or an aspect of the querent's personality. Or both. This is one of the reasons the court cards are so difficult.

Carl Jung put forth a concept called "projection", where a person will 'project' parts of his personality onto another person. (Whether that person actually owns those qualities or not). In this concept, you notice in another person a quality or trait that you don't recognize in yourself. Then, you look to the other person to act out these traits, and you get angry with them when they don't. The little league parent is a good example of this. Dad is out there pushing Junior to live out his own fantasies of being a Major League player. If Junior decides he'd rather be a chef and cook for a living, Dad gets upset. What roles do you expect other people to play out for you?

Another form of projection is to project your own 'shadow self' onto another person. What actions in other people annoy you? Have you ever felt the need to act like that, but didn't? These 'shadow projections' can show up in the "past", "basis", or "hopes & fears" positions in the Celtic Cross spread.

We can all be several different 'people' at the same time. Each role we play can be represented by a different card. For example, I am only one person, yet I fulfill many roles on a daily basis. Mother, lover, friend, High Priestess, teacher, caregiver, employee, sister, daughter (just to name a few!) Each one of these roles can be represented by a court card. And each role could be represented by more than one court card. For instance, my children may see me as the Queen of Wands one day, while still being aware of the Queen of Swords aspect of me lurking in the shadow. Both cards may represent my image to my children at different times.

A good exercise to do, is to make a list of the roles you play, and see if you can find a court card to represent each of those roles. Then, make a list of the people in your life, and see if you can find a card to represent them, as well. Now, make a list of people you dislike, and find a card to represent the qualities that you dislike in that person. (Reversed meanings have a tendency to show up in this application). Now, see if you can find how you 'project' qualities of your own personality (good and bad) onto each person on your lists.

In summary, the court cards represent 16 different basic personality types. (Not to mention the shadowy 'reversed' sides). In most cases, when a court card shows up in a reading, look for where you are manifesting that energy in your life, or whom you are projecting that energy onto.

Pages usually signify scholarly pursuits. When a Page appears, it indicates a need to study the matter at hand. They are opportunities knocking at the door. Blend the energies of the page with the energies of the suit.

  Pages are like children, in that they are open to change and opportunity. They take risks. They have their eyes open to new possibilities all the time. The page is an opportunity to use your imagination to develop your own possibilities.

  Sometimes, the page will represent an actual child or child-like, innocent person. Sometimes that child is the "inner child" that's inside you waiting to come out and play. Although innocent, they are powerful beings: allies in your growth process. What do children do best? Play! They play, using their imaginations to explore new directions. As any new mother can tell you, they are curious creatures, getting into everything. The pages challenge us to break out of our shells, to explore, grow, change.

Whenever a page shows up in a reading, expect new things to start coming your way. The original image of the page is that of a messenger. Traditionally, Pages bring messages and opportunities to the person.

One thing about the Page.. when one appears, things happen! Look at the world through the fresh eyes of a child. See the opportunities being offered. Carpe diem.. Seize the day!

This is a very interestng view of the Pages. However, in some decks, the pages are young women, or Princesses. They represent that energy which allows us to be practical, (within the context of each suit) and to act. Unlike the Knights (or princes) they do not, necessaarily denote movement or emotion. They do, however, compliment the emotional activity of the Knights with more intellectual and physical activity, Just as the Queens compliment the energy of the Kings.

From:Pra irie
Knights can sometimes indicate a need to challenge something, or a desire to go 'adventuring'.

Knights act on the things indicated by their suit. They are focused and active. For example, a Knight of Cups showing up in a reading may indicate acting on your dreams, instead of letting them slide by. Go get the one that you desire!

Sometimes, the Knight may be an actual person.... headstrong, active, energetic, courageous. Knights do not necessarily have to be male, by the way. A Knight could indicate these qualities in a female, just as easily.

When a Knight shows up in a reading, be prepared to act on the matter at hand. Knights almost always are in motion. They indicate movement.

From: Prairie
Kings represent power, authority, status. Kings carry powerful energies. Kings are masters at what they do. They represent the mastery of the energies of their suit.

Kings do not necessarilly have to be male. Kings may represent these qualities in a woman, as well.


Queens also represent power & authority, but the Queen has authority over the inner world of the feelings & emotions. They represent the nurturing, mothering instinct of the suit.

Queens administer the power & authority of the King, softening his sternness with her mercy. Queens, also, can be of either gender.

From: Carissa:
I've known some readers that attributed certain physical characteristics to court cards as well. Height, coloring, age, sex....this has never worked for me.   As Prairie said, I use the 16 different personality "types".   A man can be a nurturing, "motherly" type just as well as a woman. I find court cards particularly valuable in showing how you or others view the actions of others.

For example, once I was hurt by a friend who was brushing me off. She was going through a hard time and I was trying very hard to be a good friend and offer her my help. I did a tarot reading and realized that, while I thought I was being helpful and concerned, my friend thought I was being overbearing, pushy, and a mother hen. She needed space that I wasn't giving her. That realization helped me enormously in dealing with her.

Website of interest, from:Pele
Hello Everyone.
I thought I would share a web page by Mary Greer where she discusses the Court Cards and Myers-Briggs Personality Types. There is a link to the Keirsey Temperament Sorter, which if you take the test will match you with the appropriate Court Card for your personality type.

I took the test, and the description of the personality made me wonder if someone had been following me around my entire life. It turns out I have a Queen of Wands personality. It's waay cool! The URL to Mary Greer's page is(click here: Mary K. Greer
Have fun!


The King of Wands signifies a dynamic, "fiery", creative, strong person. This person is a born leader and can be a wise, caring, and a good role model. This type of person never just goes with the flow, but always embarks on a strong and direct course of action. On the down side,this personality type can make rash, hasty, and impulsive decisions. This person can be dominating, pushy, and overbearing at times. This is rarely done with malice or an intention to make someone else submissive, it is just a strong tendency that sometimes takes control. The King of Wands type usually doesn't even realize when he or she crosses the line between being assertive and aggressive.

When this card shows up in a spread, it represents a person with these personality types or a need to display or stop displaying these tendencies, depending on its position in a spread. To understand this card, try and see how you display these characteristics and when. How do others in your life exemplify these personality traits? Try to find the King of Wands in people you know.

Wands represent fire in most decks. The fire-type personality is just as you described. (Don't forget, he's passionate, too!)

The rash, hasty, impulsive side of the King usually shows up in reversed meanings. Or, a reversed King could mean that he's using his "fiery" qualities to burn you. Beware of this guy if he's angry! (He's not as vindictive as some of the other Kings, but he can be a worthy adversary)

I know the King of Wands. I think we all can point to him in our own lives.

Very good, Carissa! You have an excellent grasp of the King.


I'm using the Hanson-Roberts deck. Here are the symbols I see and the impressions I get:
Warm colors, reds and yellows: warmth, happiness. She makes a warm, happy home.

Sun in background. Rods/Wands are a fire suit in this deck. Fire: Creativity and passion.

Sunflower in her left hand: Happiness and warmth on her feminine, intuitive side.

Scepter/Rod in her right hand: Rulership on her masculine, logical side. She rules her home with fairness and love.

Cat in her lap: Contentment. You can almost hear her purr!

Lion on her throne arm: Strength of will and purpose.

Equal-armed cross on her breast: Fairness and equality.

She obviously loves nature. She's holding a plant and an animal. (Sunflower & cat).

I see a happy contented person who loves her home and nature. She rules her home with kindness and compassion, but she is also fair and just.

From: Kittin

Wands are all about the self. Self-growth, self-mastery, self-realization. The Knight is a growth card. Movement. The knight is willing to take risks to accomplish his mission of spiritual growth.

This guy is impatient. He wants action and he wants it NOW. He presents who he is to the world, and there's no holding back with him. He is who he is, and if you don't like it, that's just too bad! He is enthusiastic in everything he does. He can be a passionate, creative lover. The flip side of this is, he can be very volatile (wands, in most decks, is a fire suit, you know!) He is apt to explode in rage or jealousy if provoked.

Knights, like all court cards, do not necessarily reflect one gender. The knight can be male or female. In women, he can represent the animus, or inner assertive side, of their character.

When the Knight of Wands shows up in your reading, it's time to ask yourself these questions:

How am I growing?
How much energy am I putting into my own self-growth?
Who is radiating creative or sexual energy in my life?
How am I changing?
What opportunities are entering my life right now that I feel passionate about?


Deck used: The Lord of the Rings
There is a young man, the Page of Wands, resting on a boulder...sitting on or suppressing permanence and stability. Yet, he is young and should be carefree, why the need to suppress permanence and stability, where was he receiving this from? Home...his family? Perhaps. He is at the age now and he feels as if he needs to leave home and find himself, but he almost feels a duality...freedom verses permanence, they do not go together well, they go against each other. He is full of ideas...he is set out to develop his spiritual side, whichcomes to him via creative energy, he finds this everywhere and does not truly need to search it out. If he quiets himself he hears, sees, and feels these signs and perhaps that permanence and stability enables him to quiet himself to do so, instead of running off andbeing carefree he may miss much if he was not a bit dependent on feeling the rocks beneath his feet.

This Page is wearing a long brown cloak and sandals. The cloak appears comfortable and warm, but he does not seem to be contemplating going far in these inadequate sandals. In this cloak, he seems to be hiding something, perhaps it is his inexperience in life, not that he has not experience a lot, but he is young and has much more to encounter through out his life as he seeks his more elevated spiritual self. Possibly it is his dependency, or his own thoughts as he appears not the type to verbalize his hopes and fears. In his left hand he holds his staff...he is open to authority and power. The point of the Page's stave is the profile of a swan. The Page has accepted his desire to awaken his self...willing to delve deep to find more to who he truly is and can be, a spiritual being. How does he go about doing this? By finding what makes him happy...which fulfills him. Therefore, I do not see the need for this Page to trek through the mountains and seas to find what he desires. This Page works well with authority showing him the way to find that spiritual self...he only needs a tranquil space to seek this out, so even though he is not really physically active, he indeed is active in his search of self.

The Page of Wands, warms his right hand over the fire that he has created in the forest to rest after a long day of pondering and seeking. The Page is active in his desires...he goes after what he craves...his deepest wishes, which will truly make his spirit sing. As he recuperates and warms himself over the well maintained blaze two birds soar overhead. I believe these birds represent good news. One of these of which brings of good news is a hawk, who bears with him the ability to see clearly and to be observant. He, also, brings forth courage and wisdom. The Page's Higher Self possesses these traits that the he does have access to and can actively search these aspects of himself. To the left of him is a dove, which possesses a beautiful hints of blue, floating on air against the evening sky. The dove brings with itself peace, harmony and spirit. To right of him lays a wolf who appears not to be howling, but solely gazing directly up into the dawning sky which is a beautifully colored sky of yellow, orange, red, and violet...somewhat resembling a rainbow. This savage beast's qualities which the Page seeks, as a young man, are being untamed, instinct associated with knowledge, the ability to outwit the enemies and taking advantage of change. The Page is surrounded by green ground which brings about a healing affect after an active day...rejuvenates. He huddles over the fire to recover and regain some of his energy. He is young, but he too needs to replenish. The Page in the quiet of the forest, delving into himself... reflecting upon his hopes and dreams that he knows can be realized for he is eager to obtain what will fulfill him. In the background against the dawning sky are four trees with many branches which symbolizes stability, mind and fellowship, which again seems to be what this Page is bound to, but as we have seen, and as I believe this works well for him at this time.
Much love...
Dana :)

Dana~ Wow! That was quite a bit of information! The creative potential of the Page is undeveloped at this time. It will develop with experience. His ideas are very creative. You got that right on.

Like all the court cards, the page could be a real person who may be influencing your life. Or it could be the page's attributes are entering your own llife. Because it's in the suit of Wands, the page is also very loyal, and can be a good friend.
Good job, Dana!

From: Krystlhawk

Good Morning !!
I am using the fabulous New Palladini Deck. The artwork is beautiful, the cards are colorful, rich, warm and inviting.

The King of Cups show a strong, happy man in deep thought, standing in front of the sea. He is holding a septor in his left hand, with a pink stone in it. In the right hand, he is holding a chalice! Definitley a symbol of water. In the sea, you see a Dolphin jumping out of the water and a sailing ship. The colors the King is wearing, gold, pink, purple and green, and he has green eyes!

This card, tells me that this is a man of kindness,he is calm, and compassionate. He is a wise man. he would be there to console you in a time of need. Since the water represents the emotions, I feel that The King of Cups represents the emotions in teaching us to be kind, wise and caring.

In times of trouble, he is there "set us a sail" to move on and learn from our experiences, to feel for others. I think that with the positive energy of the water, the dolphin and the beautiful colors, he is a good king to have in a reading.

This is neat, I have just pulled the other three Kings, and put them next to the King of Cups. The King of Cups is the ONLY King that is smiling and is happy. The only card with alot of PINK !!! Which is a color of love ! The others, are much different. You must do this exercise yourself. It's kind of like, the Hidden Pictures Game.

The courts cards have always been tricky for me, but I must say, while writing this down,and laying out the cards, on this here 'puter, I tend to see things a little more clearly.
Blessings to all,

Congratulations! You've captured the essence of the king quite nicely! I thnk all the single women out there are just dreaming of the day they can meet the King of Cups. I even wrote a poem about him once! In fact, I think I met him once or twice! LOL!!

  One word of caution, though, if this card is reversed, look out! He can be moody, jealous, out-of-control emotionally. He could also be an alcoholic. Ever met a man who can't get his emotions under control? Scary! Just a reminder that nothing is ever all hearts and roses. There's always a shadow side.

From: Krystlhawk
Yes, Prairie, you are very right! I should have mentioned this, it's just that I don't do reversals. I figure, there are enough negatives in the decks without having to reverse them.
Thank you !!

The Queen of Cups got to live happily ever after, and so many of us feel we didn't so maybe that's why the hesitation on the Queen of Cups. I envy her. I feel more like the Queen of Spades.
Suzanne (maybe in my next life I'll be the Queen of Cups)

This is VERY interesting, Suzanne! The helper cards are supposed to symbolize personality types that are pretty universal...but I have yet to meet anyone who had it all and lived happily ever after. I've known people that tried, and failed miserably.   They were the unhappiest of all. Why? I wonder if sometimes it's because we are trying to be perfect in everyone else's eyes.   Ellen said that her impression of the Queen of Cups is that she is at peace with herself. Now....I'm thinking on this....and about the message the Queen of Cups can bring...any thoughts from anyone?

If this is true, and the Queen of Cups is not really Cinderella who is living happily ever after, then maybe I do have a chance to be her. All I have to do is be at peace with myself -- a tall order, but maybe. . . .

Definitely a tall order! I did an Imbolc activity last night with some friends, all of whom happened to be women. We wrote down all the things that we did that were self-destructive, prevented us from being happy, hurt us, etc. on little strips of paper and made a paper chain from them. It was amazing how all our "bad junk" was the same, and it all stemmed from low self-esteem. Letting people walk all over us, needing to be liked, changing around different people because we were trying to be who they wanted us to be, guilt, feeling name it. All because we don't love and accept ourselves as we are.   We tore up every link in the chain with affirmations contrary to it..."I deserve to be treated with respect because I am a good person....." packaged the scraps in gold tissue paper and tied it up with ribbons, then took them as reminders to ourselves that our "chains" were created by us, and they are no stronger than we allow them to be. We made 'em, we can break 'em.   This reminds me of that...the Queen of Cups has learned how to be at peace with herself and love herself, and from that all kinds of wonderful things are brought into her life. She is confident, strong, life never overwhelms her...she radiates her own peace towards others, who are drawn to her....
What a ramble!


Well here I go...I was actually surprised at the feeling this card gave to me.... The Queen of Cups.
Deck used: mythic tarot
Here sits a woman who is at peace with herself and one with her surroundings..She is able to tread emotional waters without getting overwhelmed by them, she instills peace and tranquility ( I am actually feeling ths peace as I look at the card) in those around her by nourishing their souls with the love she gives.

Exactly, the Queen of Cups is a good woman, a good friend and a good wife to the King of Cups. She has a lot of love in her heart. She is the ideal woman of the court cards, I've always felt.

You did an excellent job on the Queen! In the Mythic Deck, the Queen is Helen. Her beauty and loving personality are legendary. You were right on in the feeling the card radiates. I like the part about her being at peace with herself. That's part of why she radiates such peace to everyone else.


Since nobody signed up for the Knight, I decided to post the lesson and the response from Carie's class:

The knight is riding along, gazing into the cup he is carrying. He's not looking where he is going, but has all his concentration on the cup. He's getting guidance from the cup. There's a map in the cup. The knight is always riding, never still. He is always chasing his dreams. Remember, cups are the suit of emotions. The knight is looking to his emotions to provide a map. He is the person who is ruled by his heart rather than his head. When faced with a decision, this peron will always go with what his heart tells him, whether it is logical or not.

Reversed: This guy reversed allows his emotions too much control. He may be moody, jealous, emotional to point of incapacity. He may jump to conclusions before getting all the facts. If this card shows up reversed, either look at yourself and at how you are acting, or realize that the person involved may be acting from his emotions rather than from any form of logic.

The Knight of Cups, I thought he was looking in the cup to see if there was a fish. Not really but it kinda looks like it. He shouldn't be drinking & riding. Anyway, maybe he's searching for something like guidance on a journey somewhere. (I seem to have this thing for journeys!) Maybe he knows where he is going but wants to make sure it's the right decision.


Greetings Everyone,
Below are my musings on the Page of Cups:
I have over 40 different tarot decks but chose the Universal Waite since it appears to be a common deck.

That particular Page of Cups is a fellow, who is somewhat effeminate in appearance. He is dressed in a blue tunic with floral print all over it and sports a bohemian type of beret on his head with a long, flowing scarf attached to it. He holds in his right hand a golden chalice with a fish peering out of it. He also wears a pair of boots, while standing in the sand with a body of water, that appears to be a flowing, like a wavy sea in the background. (In other decks this page is also known as a princess, knave, daughter, lady, sister or apprentice.) The energy of this card is almost always gentle and youthful. The flavor of this card reeks of creativity and emotions. Depending on the other cards with it and its placement in the spread it could also mean: news of a birth; a wonderful idea or plan; a message of emotions; this could be a pregnancy card; someone playful like pixies, elves and sprites; a social invitation; an invite to a seafood restaurant; a trip to the beach; a young person who like to fish; someone who swims like a fish; a budding poet, an artist; an interior decorator; a professional psychic; an old fashioned love song; a romantic film i.e. "Gone With The Wind"; a florist; a delivery of flowers for someone; someone who communes with the dolphins; a romantic writer; Harlequin Romance novels; seashell collector; someone who carries a deep love of history; a gay person; love letters in the sand - this card correlates to the energy of the sign of Pisces. (If card is reversed could indicate foot problems.) This card can also represent the querent or someone in the querent's life who is sweet, graceful, sensitive, charming and highly emotional and creative. Someone who is moved by beauty. Most of the time it represents a child, or child-like adult.

A lovely card that happens to be one of my own personal favorites!
Love & Light,

From Prairie
Creativity and emotions definitely describes the page of cups. And don't forget the element of surprise and delight. The childlike sense of wonder. He's delighted with that fish appearing in his cup! Everything else in your description is right on, too. This card is also one of my favorites. Remember, any of the court cards can be male or female. Just because the card depicts a young man doesn't mean this can't represent a young woman, or a youthful-thinking person of either sex. Very good, Patricia!

From: Sarah Moon

To do this I pulled all of the King of Swords from each of my decks and I am looking at a lot of the similarites.

When I look at the King of Swords I see a man I can go to for advice for wisdom and know I will be listened to and that what he gives back to me will be the best solution that he can possibly see. He is intelligent. He has lived life and loves to learn and shares his knowledge with ease. If the problem involved a fight he would battle tirelessly for me. He is a strategist. He sees all sides and will fight for right.

Most books on tarot will describe the King of Swords as an older man dark hair. He could be a lawyer, doctor, military officer, or a man who is educated and knowledgable. The epitomy of fatherhood or kingship.

Right on! Swords are a suit of air, so the King would be highly intelligent and educated. A doctor, lawyer, someone with good advice. Very good! You got it down pat!!


Description (Rider-Waite deck)
The Queen of Swords sits on her throne, holding her sword comfortably, not showing it off. It is a kind of feminine dominance portrayed here. She is very much in control of her situation. There are climbing plants and a butterfly sits in her hair, indicating spring and the time for transformation and growth.

This card calls on the rational thinking that is inside of all of us but is often hidden by a very empathic personality. It asks the querent to think with their head rather than their heart. There is a need for independency and a stern, unemotional look on the situation. There is also a need for honesty which accompanies this card. The Queen will always tell it like it really is. She has a commitment to truthfulness and expects the same from others. She is not fooled easily, as she has plenty of experience behind her.

In readings, you need to think as she does, and perhaps ask yourself a couple of questions. Are you being honest with yourself and others? Can you see a humourous side to things (yes, she does have a sense of humour!)? Are you getting right to the point? Are you letting yourself be fooled?

Personally, she reminds me of a successful business woman who succedes through reason and logic. She is ambitious and knows where she is heading. The Queen of Swords can also represent a divorced, seperated, or widowed woman, who fares well on her own.

The reversed Queen portrays a weak and dishonest person who is bitter, malicious, and unreliable. She is everything the upright Queen is not. Beware of this woman.

Wow! I'm impressed! You know this queen rather well. Sounds like you've been there. I was there for quite a while. I feel more like the QCups right now, but I remember being the QSwords right after my husband died and I had to make it on my own, grief-stricken, bitter, full of anger toward the kid who murdered him. The Queen of Swords has some hard lessons to teach us!


The knight of swords, in a word, is "Change".   This is a young man that is always ready for anything. He's not your nice little boy-- he's been in plenty of fights. He is outspoken and sometimes imprudent with his words and actions, which gets him in trouble. He can be quick to react and impulsive, almost childish in his emotions.

He hates to be still and is always in motion. He needs change. He gets bored easily. He has extreme and strong opinions but they are changeable. He can be clever and loves to start new adventures, follow new ideas and experiences. Rarely, however, does he stick with anything...he lacks the persistence and is too easily bored.   This is a guy who can't be tied down.

As for romance, he is said to be a "Master and charmer of women." He is that irresistible tough guy that can't quite be possessed, that every woman wants to tame...he's charming, exciting, a little bit dangerous...this is the hero of almost every romance novel.

From Prairie
I know him!!!! He rides a Harley! I fell in love with him a while back!! :-) ! You did an excellent job on this card. Very good! The KnS is a Gemini, and change is what this sign is all about.


The page of swords
deck used: mythic tarot

The page in my deck is sitting on a cloud...creating more clouds with his own breath,he is holding his sword and has the mountains below him, their peaks showing through more clouds that are closer to the ground.

  I feel he has the ability to look at problems from a higher perspective,to be prepared for them and does not fear the winds of change...even make a few changes of his own.

In the Mythic Tarot, the PSwords is Zephyrus, the west wind. The west wind is just beginning to feel his mental prowess. He is a very curious person. You were right on the money about his ability to rise above problems and make changes. This is what the west wind does. The west wind always blows away the obstacles in his path. One word of caution, though. If this card appears reversed, watch out for gossip. Whether the gossip is directed at you or if it is cautioning you to watch your own tongue depends on the cards around it. Thank you, Ellen!

The King of Pentacles is seated in the midst of his many possessions. To this King, it's not who you are or what you think or do that counts - it's what you own.

While he is an extremely hard worker, conscientious and reliable, and a great financier, this man has little in the way of imagination. He only believes in what he can see, touch, hear, taste or smell - anything else is highly suspect as far as he is concerned.

He is a good provider, and an excellent husband and father, so long as his authority is not disputed. While basically good-natured, he wants to be King of his own castle and expects to be treated as such. He has high expectations of family members and may have trouble relating to his children if they do not think and act as he does. This is the sort of man who will automatically assume his children will one day take over the family business - that they may have other ideas will simply not occur to him.

This is a man who will do anything for money. He is impressed by other people's status and social position, and may be a snob to others while trying to curry the favour of those he considers above him. Reversed, this can be either a workaholoic or an extremely lazy man who expects others to look after him financially. He may care only for his possessions, and uses other people to gain them. There is also a possibility of familial abuse, or he may be someone who marries for money, leaving the person only when he has gone through all of their resources.

From Prairie
You did a wonderful job describing the Capricorn personality. My daughter is a Cappy, and you just described her to a "T". This King is all about personal possessions and money, which, by the way is not necessarily a bad thing. The King of Pents is a very good business man and a financial wizard! Even if the ability is unrecognized and not acted upon, it is still there, buried in that brilliant mind.

From Mareth

To analyze the Queen of Pentacles, I pulled the cards from the Goddess Tarot (Kris Waldherr), the Herbal Tarot, and the Connolly Tarot.

The first that I examined was from the Goddess Tarot. In it, the Hindu Goddess Lakshimi represents the suit of Pentacles. This is very appropriate, since Lakshimi is known as a goddess of fertility, prosperity, and abundance. In the card, Lakshimi is seated at the top of a green (fertile) hill. She is wearing a lot of jewelry (prosperity), much more so than in the other Pentacle cards that also depict Her. Her expression is serene, indicating that she is satisfied with the way she has handled the obstacles in her path. To get where she is, she has had to learn to manage her resources wisely. In her lap, she holds a golden pentacle; its position reminds me of the swelling of a pregnant woman's belly.

The next card that I looked at was from the Herbal Tarot. In it, the Queen is serenely seated on a rock (stability) with her hand on a pentacle at her side. She is shown in profile, with her eyes facing the right. To me, this indicates that she is concerned with the future and is making plans to ensure that she will be prosperous and comfortable. She is wearing a red gown (fertility) and a pink head-covering (compassion). In the background is a marshmallow plant in bloom. Marshmallow is used to build inner strength and the fact that it is in bloom indicates that this strength has been achieved. The bloom, of course, also is indicative of physical fertility.

The last card I considered was from the Connolly Tarot.   In it, the Queen is seated on a wooden throne. There is a mountain peak in the distance behind her right shoulder. This indicates that she has overcome adversity and achieved stability in her life. She holds a pentacle in her left hand and her expression is serene; she's got the resources to take care of herself and those she loves, so she's not overly concerned about their well-being. She is surrounded by blooming flowers and ripe fruit, symbols of abundance and fertility.

From these three cards, I've developed a firm picture of the Queen of Pentacles. She is fertile, prosperous, secure, and knows how to manage her resources. Since the Pentacles represent the Element of Earth, I would also have to add that she is well-grounded and sensuous, having a very Earthy personality.

From Prairie
You described the Queen of Pentacles very well!! She loves Mother Earth and life in all it's forms. She is trustworthy and can keep a secret. She's also very sensuous. You got that right on the money. Remember, this is the lady who bought Heracles, not as a laborer, but as a lover! Very good, Mareth!

From Prairie

This is the impression I get from the Knight in the Hanson-Roberts deck:
Stubborn, stable, good with money. Reliable. Loyal. Trustworthy. The plowed field in the background shows his connection to the earth, as well as his practicality and willingness to work hard to get what he wants. The look on his face says that he's concentrating on work or something just as practical. This guy has both feet firmly planted on terra firma. When this card shows up, the person needs to get his head out of the clouds and get his feet back on the ground.

Reversed: Reversed, this guy has all the shadowy traits of this Knight: A love for luxury, laziness, jealousy, obstinacy. Wanting to be spoiled. A resistance to change. An unwillingness to try anything new. Unbend a little!

From Carie Moon Beam

I am using the Hanson-Roberts deck & this is the impressions that I get from it:
I see a beautiful well dressed maiden holding her symbol. She is in deep concentration. I see her studying for something. She has a look about her that she has a deep respect for knowledge & that she has a very high desire to learn new things. She brings good news. She seems to do good in everything that she does. She is well liked.

Reversed: She is a very unrealistic person. She is rebellious. She has illogical thinking & fails to recognize reality. She doesn't respect anything & brings bad news. She needs to quit wasting her time & realize what her dreams are & try to achieve them. She needs to keep trying & not give up.

From: Prairie
Carie Moon Beam~
You've been paying attention! Very good!! The page of pents is very studious. And you got the messenger part down pat. She does bring good news, unless she is reversed. Then, look out for bad news on the horizon. Whenever a page shows up, it signals the need to study a matter further. Pages also indicate change and a certain 'childlike' quality and a willingness to take risks. Very good, Carie!!!