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The Beehive House
Brewing Beer

Where is the snow?

Well the 2001 - 2002 season, was fun, yet disappointing.
Once again the weather of the Northeast proved to be fickle and did not dedicate to providing a true winter experience. My trusty Morrow Revert 54 delivered good rides. On a sad note I had to purchase a new pair of boots, my Shimanos cracked and that eliminated all steering. Over all there were some okay weekends, nothing mind blowing. I am still rather reserved on my jumps, not 100% confident on landings. On a good note, my downhill speed is increasing and my fears of falling are dwindling. However, the hard packed ice and snow still sends the occassional jolt through my bones.
So now I am left dreaming to next season's possibilities.

Due to Financial Limitations, 2002 - 2003 Season Was Missed
injury report - brother plays chicken with snow tower and loses, already has plans to return once healed

Ahh the 2003 - 2004 Season,
Well, one trip so far, and had a blast, President's Day was a day off at work so my brother and I got together and hit the slopes. Met up with my nephews who are learning the ropes of boarding and I am a proud uncle. Good to know that in four years I'll have someone to drag me off the mountain when I finally fail that exam in mind over matter with a solid object on the hill, just ask my brother about that one, anyway. I must say had a little too much fun, lost count after 18 runs down the mountain. Age, snowboarding, and dehydration do not mix well together, spent Tuesday recovering. Still have good control on the board, took me only my first run down the hill to shake the dust off. I went end over end, twice, the first run and after that only fell down whilst throwing myself out of the way of a newbie. "Hey Kid pick a direction and stick with it!!!!"

If you have any incantations to produce snow, vacation days, or other methods that allow for winter fun to prevail, please forward them, it would be greatly appreciated...

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