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Pike County Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs

Observing Nature in Pike County



Pike County's Bald Eagles

Root Beer Creeks

Lacawac Sanctuary

Pike Odonata

Red-Eft Newts

American Eels

Pike County Waterfalls

Gypsy Moths

PCFSC Youth Conservation School

American Woodcock

Mourning Doves

Spotted Salamanders

Common Snapping Turtle

Northern Tooth Fungus

North American Porcupine

Northern Water Snake

Common Garter Snake

Eastern Hognose Snake

Timber Rattlesnake

Northern Ringneck Snake

Northern Red Salamander

American Green Frog

American Bullfrog

Great Blue Heron


For years, Pike County was one of Pennsylvania's least populated counties.  The rugged, rocky terrain, deep gorges, and miring swamps, made the county a less than hospitable place for farming.  As a result, the county was all but passed up by early settlers with only small communities developed at points strategic for trade.  It is the rugged and wet nature of the county that protected its ecosystems and now lures millions of visitors to look in awe at the waterfalls, breathtaking vistas, and wildlife.

This section of the Pike County Federation of Sportsmen's Club's website is designed to help you find and enjoy the natural beauty of  Pike County.  It is still in development and will be expanded from time to time.  Eventually we intend to include a list of areas, in which the public may observe unique natural features, interesting habitats, areas where the public may get involved with nature (trails, bird watching areas etc.), and narratives about some of the special species that make Pike County their home.  Keep visiting this site to find new features !


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North American Millipede

Moccasin Flowers

Eastern Prickly Pear Cactus