Step Into The Shadows
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Step Into The Shadows

Tina the Troubled Teen
Welcome to the other side of midnight, where the children
of the darkness play and the night phoenix flies.
Tread carefully through this dark realm
and mark your way as you go.

Special note: Within these pages you will see pencil and charcoal drawings
graciously provided to me by Adam. If you wish to lift these images,
please drop him a line and ask permission first!

Sign My Book of Shadows

And if that is too much, you can always
Send me a message from my Pager!


Many updates to this site 9 February 2001 . . . and many more to come!

Come have your questions answered by the Tarot here at the Ravnos Carnival!
Now at the Carnival! Interpret your dreams!

A gallery of Catholic neurosis.
Just in time for Christmas Mourning.

The Art Gallery. All artwork seen here
used with permission by the artists (where possible).
Many thanks for sharing!
If you would like to see a piece of your own art displayed, get in touch.
New art added November 9, 1998.

As a great fan of Poetry I find the need to post poetry that shares my darker side.
Note: All new poems added after "Immortal Beloved", after the rule.
Most recent addition "The Dark Night", November 4, 1998.

A Beautiful, Feline Poem posted for a friend
Added 15 October, 2000

Speaking of poetry, I have posted one of my own for my 'baby' cousin,
who is a member of Arctic Wolves, a USAF team that basically keeps our country
safe from hostile acts from the Far East,
as well as being on call for any international crisis requiring intervention. . .

Here you will find a Timeline of Vlad Tepes. and a few bites...oops...bits of neat information
on one of history's most notorious *ahem* noblemen.

At this little corner of my site you will find other pieces of information on Vampires.
Updated 14 November 1998

On the subject of the written and spoken words, I could not resist a page of favorite Quotes and Song Lines.
If you have a favorite or a suggestion, email me at the address below . . .
Updated 4/6/01.

Occasionally I host a chat, whether it is for roleplaying games or other issues.
You can come join the Rant or feel free to use my room
if you find the need for a quiet and dark place to discuss issues with friend or foe...

In order to view my likeness (and a little information about me) and my
counterpart, come here to see my countenance.

Believe it or not, I consider myself rather patriotic and hold the utmost respect for Veterans of our Armed Forces,
particularly those of the Vietnam War. Stop here to pay your respects those who have seen things
that most of us have only have nightmares about.
Updated Veterans Day, 1998

My mortal mother always said I would adopt anything
that needed a home. Well I suppose she was right.
Stop by and visit my newly adopted Dragon, Cosmo.

If you are interested in dark fonts, come here to download zip files of several of my favorites.
New font added 10/16/98.

Stop by to see some of the Awards and Banners I proudly display here.
Be forewarned.
Following these links will take you to places
many have never dreamed possible. . .Updated 11/3/98.

Speaking of banners...if you would like my banner for an exchange...
go here and lift it.

So awards are in. Come here to apply for mine.
As usual, I insist you signing my guestbook (aka book of shadows)
AND filling out my survey (link above). If you have already done both,
simply go on and apply and I will be in touch.

Portals (links pages)

Come to my Library to relax, read a comic or brush up on gargoyles.
New! Added October 15, 2000

Halloween is, of course, one of my favorite times of the year.
On this corner of my site you will find what I consider a few
links to related sites, including folklore and ghost stories,
as well as a cool little Halloween wish for all.

Visit the The Vampire Club to find some links to sites that I find deliciously dark and worthy.

Contrary to much of my griping, there are actually some fun things to do in my area.

I adore electronic postcards. If you have the urge to send one, my postoffice has alot of
great links to alot of great places to send a message to a loved *ahem* one.

Of course, I adore music and enjoy many different varieties of it.
Come visit The Conservatory to find links to sites related to several places on the web that cater to these needs.
As this is a new page, there are not too many links as of yet. Decisions, decisions. . .
Any suggestions?

This page has links to places that really don't fit into any particular category other than
odd, bizarre, and vanilla. I hope you find this page an interesting place.

Stop by here to see the Webrings I belong to!

Also, in this world a real friend comes along every now and then. Go here to find the way to some of my beloved friends.

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This is a great place, owned by a good friend.
Click below for all your Gothic and Fetish needs!

The Weather in Hell


Music Banner
Don't Break My Heart.....© 1997, Marty Fancher/KeyTrax Productions Inc.