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Friends and Kindred

Occasionally in this sunless realm a friend appears.

Little Simba is a very good real life and virtual friend. Stop by and visit her place and don't forget to sign her guestbook. . .

Many do not realize that the Tattooed Vampire is quite fond of motorbikes. Visit her friends at Biker Heaven or stop in at Harley Davidson. And if you like bikes, you have to like trikes, I always say, so be sure to check out Triker Ox's place! Don't forget his brother, Cajun either!

Hvymetal is a great real life friend. Be sure to stop and fill out the weekly poll!

Requiem's page is full of wonderful images for the discriminating eye.

Go visit Steve. He's a great guy! And while you're at it go see Jim. Both local guys, but Steve saw fit to move to Arizona.

Stop back often . . . links will be continuously added . . .
