Who Would've Thought?
~~~Who Would've Thought?~~~

Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 Pt. I

Chapter 7

Keeping in touch

It was two days after the concert that I was checking my e-mail and I got a message from Kevin Richardson. It read:

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From: Kevin Richardson Save Address - Block Sender
To: Chloe McKinney Save Address
Subject: hi!
Date: November 14
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Hi Chloe! How are you? Good I hope. I don't have a lot of time because we have a press conference soon but I will try and e-mail you again tomorrow. Just wanted to check in. Well, I hope you have a good day.

Your friend --- Kev

please write back soon!

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I replied:

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From: Chloe McKinney Save Address - Block Sender
To: Kevin Richardson Save Address
Subject: Re: hi!
Date: November 14
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Hey Kevin! It is good to hear from you! I am glad you all got back safely! I am good. Been really busy with school. Tests and finals and concerts. Our vocal teacher just asked me to sing at the Christmas assembly and I am also singing at church on Christmas. How about you? What are you doing for Christmas? I can't believe it is coming up so soon. This year is going really fast! Well, I hope to hear from you soon!


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I wasn't sure if I didn't believe he would e-mail me or if I was just happy to hear from him but getting that e-mail made my day!

I got a reply from Kevin later that day. Just saying that he hadn't made a lot of plans but was excited for some time off. He said the other guys wanted to meet me too so maybe I would have to come to another concert or something.

We were just sitting down for dinner that night when the phone rang.

“I'll get it.” my mom said. “Hello?… Yes let me get her.”

“Chloe it is for you.”

“Great,” I said. “I'll take it in the other room.” I said dashing toward the den.

“Hello, this is Chloe.”

“Hey Chlo it's Kevin.”

“Kevin, hi! How are you?”

“I'm good, you?”

“Yea, just fine. So what's the reason for your call? Everything okay?”

“Yea, everything is good. Just wanted to hear your voice again is all. You are such a sweetie and I was thinking it would be fun to get together again sometime. I just don't know when I can get off work is all.”

“Sure, I would love to go see a movie or something again. You are great company.”

“You too!”

“Thanks for the e-mails, I love getting them.”

“Same here it is so much fun.”

“Hey, Brian says I gotta get off the phone but keep e-mailing me okay?”

“Yea, you too. Bye!”


Chapter 8


The holiday season was fast approaching and I was getting really excited. Kevin and I still hadn't been able to think of a good time to get together but I knew it would all work out. Anyway, I bought him a present just in case. I saw this coat in a gray color and it was really stylish yet (well let's just say I thought of him when I saw it) and I also got him this stuffed animal cat that was holding a heart and could be specially inscribed so I had, for my good friend Merry Christmas Love Chloe, on it and I just loved it. I had been busy learning all the music for my school assembly and the song they choose was a really pretty one that I could sing easily. I went to school that day all excited because it was the last day before Christmas break.

“Hey Anna!”

“Hey Chloe!”

“How are you?”

“I'm good. You?”

“Excited, Aaron got us reservations at that new restaurant for Christmas Eve just the two of us. The assembly today should be awesome.”

“I hope so.”

“Your song sounds great so just sing out!”

“Thanks sweetie. I'll see you later!” We gave each other a quick hug and headed for class.

The assembly started off with a talk from the Principal then we had the orchestra play some Christmas music. Then I took my place, made sure my microphone was working and they started the music. I just sang that song and it was really fun. It was all about Joy and Happiness in the Holiday Season. And laughter and fun with friends and family. Everything Christmas is about. After I finished everyone was clapping and I looked toward the back of the room and saw a tall man standing there.

“It couldn't be,” I thought to myself. “But that really looks like him, no way!”

I walked over to the doors as the principal was giving the announcements because I was all done.

“Chloe” I heard a voice whisper.

“Yea,” I said looking up and there was Kevin. “Hey! What…”

“Listen I am gonna be in the parking lot in a blue car waiting for you and I'll take you home. You don't have plans do you?”

“No, but it might take me a little while to get out of here.”

“That's fine but I'll be waiting for you, okay?”

“Okay,” I said reaching up to give him a hug, “It is good to see you!”

It took forever to get out of the school, everyone was telling me I did a good job and saying have a good Christmas and all. All I wanted was to go see Kevin. I still couldn't believe he was here and why? Oh well, he came to see me and that's all that matters.

“Knock, knock.” I said tapping on the window.

“Hey, you need a ride,” he said opening the door. I got in and we got going. “You have a gorgeous voice Chloe! I mean that!”

“Thank you. I don't know, it is fun to sing.” “Yea, I know how that is,” he said half smiling to me and half smiling to himself.

“So what are you doing here?” I asked.

“You don't mind do you?”

“Of course not. Just was wondering.”

“Well, I decided that I really wanted to hear you sing your solo today and spend part of Christmas with you.”

I was looking at him kind-of funny now. “Why do you want to spend Christmas with me.”

“Okay, Jane dumped me two days ago and I guess I knew the relationship was over but I just thought we would be together too. It is just kind-of strange not having a girlfriend and I thought being with you would most likely cheer me up.”

“I'm sorry, but I'll try and help you cheer up. So what are you plans?”

“Well, first you and I have to make dinner plans, then I am going to find a hotel somewhere.”

“No, you can stay in our guest room.”

“Are you sure?”

“Positive! It's Christmas. My parent's won't mind.”

“Well, okay then I am going to spend the rest of the week here, and fly back on Christmas Eve and we can both do our own family things. How does that sound?”

“Good, so we have five da…Oh you want to turn here,” I said pointing to the left. “Like I was saying we have five days to do lots of fun stuff!”

“Yea, okay where is your house now?”

“Right there.”

“Yep.” He said pulling up to the curb and parking.

“Let's go inside and see who's home and then we can figure out what we want to do.”

“Hello? Is anybody here?”

“Hey Chloe, I'm upstairs,” my mom said.

“Chloey Chloey!” Luke said.

“Hey sweetie! How are you?” I asked picking him up. Turning to Kevin I said, “Kevin, I'd like you to meet my little brother, Luke.”

“Hey big guy. How old are you?” Kevin said smiling and shaking Luke's hand.

“You are really tall! But I will be someday too.” Luke said and then said he was going to go and find his new toy to show me.

“Chloe, how did the assembly go?” my mom asked coming down the stairs.

“Good mom. And Kevin came to see me as a surprise.”

“Hi. I am Kevin Richardson. It is nice to finally meet you.”

“Hi, I am Chloe's mom. It's good to meet you too.”

“Mom, is it okay if Kevin stays in the guest room instead of a hotel?”

“Oh, yes. Definitely! You too must be hungry too. What can I get you?”

“Actually we were going to go and see some of the town after we put Kevin's bags away.” I said.

“Okay, well your dad should be home at about 6 tonight so if you want to have supper with us tonight try and be back around then.” My mom said walking out of the room to check on the food.

“C'mon, let's go put your things away and I'll give you a short tour.”

“Okay great.” Kevin said.

The rest of the afternoon was fun. After giving Kevin a full tour of the house, we left for the bowling alley. I found out just how good Kevin is, and even though I am really bad we had a ton of fun! Then we went to pick up some film I had dropped off to be developed and Kevin saw the perfect shirt, so he just had to have it! And then he decided I should pick out a new outfit too. So we went shopping and I got some gray dress pants with a cute top set. It was so much fun, and he was always making jokes and when we got in the car we realized it was already 5:30. So we went to get some gas and head for home.

We pulled in just as my dad was getting out of the car.

“Hey Chloe!” my dad said.

“Hey dad, how are you?”

“Good, you? Awesome,” I said giving him a hug. “The assembly went great and I had a surprise today. Dad, I'd like you to meet Kevin.”

“Hi Kevin. Anna's has talked about you a little.”

“All good things I hope!” Kevin said smiling and shaking my dads hand. “It is good to meet her family.”

“Well,” I said, “We should probably go in because I am sure mom has the food all ready.”

“Yep,” my dad said leading the way toward the house.

Supper was fun. Luke and my two sisters, Katie (8) and Lucy (12), were all so sweet to Kevin. And he carried on a great conversation with all of my family. Lucy was so cute, she just couldn't believe that we had a Backstreet Boy eating supper with us. Kevin didn't mind and said he would get her an autographed poster because he loved meeting all the fans! We all had a good time and I was having so much fun getting to know Kevin better! After supper, the two of us went to play monopoly in the family room. I started cheating and he came over and tickled me until I promised to stop cheating. I don't think I have laughed that hard in a long time and he was laughing too.

“Stop it!” I screamed trying to escape.

“No, not till you stop cheating!” he said between laughs.

“But I won't win if you don't let me cheat a little.”

“You can win and I'll keep tickling you though.”

“Okay,” I screamed still squirming. “I won't cheat!”

“Good,” he said picking me up and then pretending to drop me.

“YOU MEANIE” I said but I couldn't help laughing. He just smiled and set me on my feet.

“It's already 10 o'clock and I could use a little sleep. What'd you say we put the game away and go to bed so we can have some more fun tomorrow?”

“Okay, Goodnight.” I said giving him a hug and leaping up the stairs as he called “good night” after me.

“Morning sleepy head.” I said as Kevin walked into the Kitchen at 10 the next morning.

“Hey, sorry I guess I was really tired.”

“Guess so.”

“So what are we gonna do today?”

“Well,” I said thinking

“How about I give you your Christmas gift?” Kevin finished for me.

“Only if I can give you yours too.”

“Oh, you didn't have to get me anything,” he said.

“Of course I did! Friends always exchange gifts on Christmas.”

“Okay, well let me go get yours.” So we both went off and got our gifts and met in the living room.

“You open yours first,” Kevin said. So I unwrapped it and there was a small box. Inside was a pair of small diamond earings and a silver necklace with a cross on it.

“Wow! Thank you so much they are gorgeous!”

“Well, I knew you liked crosses and I thought of you when I saw them.”

“Here will you help me put this on.” He got up and helped me put the necklace on. I kept thinking to myself how sweet it was to get me a present at all but these well they were really thoughtful.

“Okay your turn.” I said aloud.

“Alright,” he unwrapped the box and opened it. He pulled out the coat and I could tell not only from his thank you but from the look on his face that he really liked it. But I think he liked the cat even more.

“This is so cute! I love it!” he said about the cat. He came over and gave me a big hug which I returned. My mom came downstairs then and said that seeing how we had such a great singer in the house we thought it would be fun to have an early Christmas dinner and then sing some carols together. Kevin loved the idea and the whole rest of the day was fun. We had one of mom's great Christmas dinners and then Kevin said he would play piano for us (my mom plays too but she gladly gave him the job). We must have sung every carol in every book we own but it was fun. (and Kevin does have the most incredible voice for those of you who might have been wondering.)

We spent the next two days shopping, eating, site-seeing, playing games, talking and laughing. I don't think I ever spent a better Christmas break. On Christmas Eve, Kevin took a flight to Kentucky at 7 o'clock. My family came for Christmas. My grandparents, two aunts and uncles, and 7 cousins, plus my immediate family. We spent Christmas Eve and Christmas day together. It was a lot of fun. Then on the day after Christmas as we were getting things cleaned up from having company I got a phone call.


“Hey Chloe, it's Kevin.”

“Hey! Did you have a good Christmas?”

“Yea, it was good to see my family. You?”

“Yea, I had fun too. So whatcha calling about?”

“Well, will you just hear me out first?”

“Sure.” I said thinking what he could mean.

“On New Years Eve the guys and I have put together a little party with some of friends and producers and some other people at this place in Orlando. Each of the guys are going to bring their girlfriends and since Jane and I broke up well I was just thinking who I would want to be my date, and couldn't think of anyone I'd rather spend New Years Eve with than you. Plus then you could meet the guys and who knows it might even be really fun! So I was just wondering if you would want to go with me?”

“Oh Kevin, that is so sweet of you! I would love to go with you! But I don't know what my parents would say and how would I get there and everything.”

“I would pay for it all. Don't even worry about that at all. And I already checked and got you a seat on the December 30th flight to Orlando out of Minneapolis at one.”

“Wow, so all I have to do is get their okay I guess. Are you sure you don't mind paying? Cause I'm”

“No, don't even think about it I can't wait for you to come down here and the guys want to meet you.”

“So how long would you want me to stay?”

“Well, I was thinking if you could stay till the 2nd or 3rd that would be nice. We could go to the ocean, even though it will be cold, and do some site-seeing and shopping and all sorts of things.” I asked him a few more questions and we kept talking, then I said, “Yea, that would be really fun! I would love to go. How about I talk to my parents tonight and call you back. What time is good for you?”

“That sounds like a plan, eight would be good for me.” He gave me his number and we said good-bye. Now all I had to do was convince my parents that it was a good idea. They were wondering who it was when I got off the phone and when I told them it was Kevin, they asked what he called about. There was nothing else to do but tell them.

“Kevin was wondering if I could come and spend New Years with him. They are having a party in Orlando for the group and he wanted me to come. He is paying for my ticket both ways and I would fly down on the one o'clock Dec 31st flight out of Minneapolis.”

“Well, I think that is totally out of the question! We don't even know these people at all and to fly down there by yourself and everything, well it just wouldn't work!” my dad said instantly.

“Please Dad! I really want to go. You guys already met Kevin and you know how nice he is. Plus he offered to pay for everything, so that is a big part of it. Please let me go!” I said. We went on “discussing” for almost two hours and the promise that I would be extra careful, not drink, smoke or anything like that finally convinced my parents that it would be okay for me to go. So at eight that night I called Kevin.

“Hello?” he answered.

“Hey Kevin! It's Chloe.”

“Hey, how are you?”

“Awesome! And you wanna know why? Wait guess.”

“You can come to the party?”


“That is awesome,” he said. “Okay, you can get your ticket at the airport and I have you scheduled to fly back the 3rd. Is that going to be okay?”

“Yea, so that's what 4 and a half days?”

“Yep, cause you fly out the 30th, which means I get to see you in less than 4 days.”

“I know, I better start packing.”

“Oh, well I hope it doesn't take you three days to pack.” He said laughing.

“No, it won't but what do you want me to wear to the party?”

“We might just hafta go and get you and me something new.”

“No, I don't want you to buy me…”

“Hey, didn't I say this trip was on me?” I didn't say anything and he said, “Hello? Still there?”

“Yes, you said it was on you but still.”

“Nope, sorry but I'm gonna hafta get you something new to wear.”

“Okay, well that will be fun!”

“Yes, I can't wait till you get here.”

“Me neither.” We talked a little while longer and finalized our plans. I was so excited when we hung up that I just had to call Anna.

“Anna guess what?”

“I don't know, what?”

“I am spending New Years in Orlando. Kevin asked me to come down and be his date to the Backstreet Boys New Years party. All the guys want to meet me and stuff I guess.”

“That is sooo not fair! But you have an awesome time and I want to hear everything!”

“Okay, promise.” We talked about Christmas and everything for a while longer.

Chapter 9 Pt. I

New Years

DECEMBER 30TH 11:02 am

“Mom! C'mon we need to get going! You guys insisted on driving to Minneapolis and I need to be there around noon!”

“You're sure you have everything?”


“Okay, well let's go.”

“Bye everyone!”

“Hab fun Chloey!”

“Thank you Lukey! Love you!” And out the door we went. When we got to the airport it was almost noon. I got my tickets and finally boarded. “Bye mom.” I said giving her a hug.

“Bye sweetie, you have fun okay?”

“You can count on it! And I'll see you on the 3rd.”

“I'll be right here.” I heard her say as I boarded the plane.

The ride to Orlando was fine but I couldn't wait to get there. We landed and as soon as I stepped into the airport I saw Kevin (in disguise of course.)

“Scott, hey! It is good to see you.” I said (Kevin asked me to call him Scott so we wouldn't be recognized but he'd insisted on coming to get me himself.) Kevin came over and gave me a big hug.

“I'm glad you made it safe, how was your flight?”

“Oh it was good. I'm just glad to be here too.” We got my luggage and drove to Kevin's house.

“Wow, your place is gorgeous,” I said as we pulled in the drive.

“Thank you, it works for me.” Kevin gave me a quick tour and we put my things in my room. Then he said, “Okay, we need to find you a dress for tomorrow. Let's go shopping.” So off we went. We found the perfect dress at the third store. It looked like a prom dress. It was a deep purple color that shined in the light and was floor length. It had speghetti straps that criss-crossed in back. Kevin found the perfect outfit too. A top that was long sleeved and dressy and matched my dress nicely and some new pants. He bought me a matching black cardigan too in case it was cold.

“Thank you so much!” I said as we got into the car.

“My pleasure that was fun!” he said, “Now how about we go someplace and get some supper?”

“What if we go back to your place and I cook you something?”

“Sure, are you any good?” he asked smiling.

“Yea, I'm gonna make this chicken dish. So we need to get some groceries.”

After we got the stuff we needed, we went back to Kevin's. I got started right away in the kitchen while Kevin talked to me. He turned out to be good help and a good cook too. Dinner turned out tasty and the rest of the evening went good too.

The next morning I called home to let everyone know I arrived safely. Kevin and I had bagels and fruit for breakfast. “So I was thinking that we could leave about one. I want to take you to the beach and then we will go to the party. All of us guys are meeting at two to make sure everything is ready.”

“Sure, sounds good to me. I will probably wanna go get ready then. Did you want me to just go in my dress?” I asked.

“Yea, that way we don't have to change there.” So I went upstairs and got ready.

When we got to the party, Brian and Howie were already there.

“Hey guys!” Kevin said. “How are you?”

“Good,” Brian answered for them both.

“I'd like you to meet my friend, Chloe.”

“Hi Chloe, I'm Brian you can call me whatever.” He said shaking my hand.

“And I'm Howie. It's good to finally meet you. Kevin talks about you all the time.” He said also shaking my hand.

“Hey hey! Let's get this party going!” Nick said walking in the room. “Hey Kev, Bri, Howie D! How is everyone? And who is this?” he said asking me.

“I'm Chloe, Kevin's friend.” I said.

“It's a pleasure to meet you!” he said smiling. Just then AJ walked in and I was introduced to him too. The guys took care of all their group business and everything. And for the next three hours I met a lot of people. Girlfriends, management, you name it. At 5 o'clock all the other guests started arriving and we had a really nice dinner. Toward 9 the party was getting really fun. Everyone was dancing and they had awesome music on and we were just counting down to the new year.

It was 10 seconds till the new year and I could hear everyone at the party start to countdown. Kevin came over and took my hand and I turned to face him.

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ONTO Chapters 9 Pt. II~~14

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