Who Would've Thought?
~~~Who Would've Thought?~~~

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 1

The beginning

Hi, I am Chloe Ann McKinney I go to a good school and live in an awesome town. I have tons of friends and dumped my boyfriend a month ago because I found out he had cheated on me. Even though he said it was only once I am huge on telling the truth and having trust in your relationship. I was just working as usual at the mall~the Mall of America to be exact. It is a little coat store but we sell a lot of outrageous things and are based in Kentucky ~ that’s where the chain of stores is. Well, it was really slow cause it was about 4 and on a Wednesday night, when I heard this high pitched squeal and saw this guy running from a huge group of girls. I practically pulled him into the store and hid him behind the counter. The girls were all really confused and I pointed half in one direction and half in the other. It was really funny actually! Well, now there was a guy hiding in my store, so all I could do was walk over and say “hi” and by now I was really curious what was going on!

“Hi, how are you? Okay I hope?” I asked him.

“Yea, I am fine. Thanks for helping me.” He replied.

“No problem, what was that all about?” I questioned and now he was taking off his hat and glasses (it looked like he was in disguise) and when he looked at me to respond I was stunned. The guy standing before me had the most gorgeous deep green eyes I had ever seen and a handsomely rugged yet gentle appearance.

“Those girls thought I was someone else. Wow, how’d you get rid of them?”

“I just pointed them all in the wrong direction.” I said smiling at him.

“Well, thanks,” he returned the smile.

“Don’t worry about it!”

“No, really I mean it and…” he was looking at me now, and I didn’t know what he was thinking. He finished his thought … “I know, can I take you to a concert with me tonight? I have really good tickets and that is part of the reason I am in town tonight.”

I didn’t know what to say, but I really wanted to go so I said “yea, that would be fun, but I think I should know your name first? I am Chloe.”

“Sorry, I shoulda introduced myself. I am Kevin.”

“So Kevin, when is the concert?”

“The concert starts at 8 but maybe we could go to dinner first? Some quiet place and then go from there?”

“Sure, I know this great restaurant called the “Peppermill” about 20 minutes from here. We could meet there and then…

Kevin interrupted me, “no I’ll pick you up at about 6:15?”

“What should I wear?”

“Something nice but not too dressy. Pants and a nice top are fine.”

“Okay, great then.” And he put on his disguise and left. I just smiled to myself after he left, tonight was going to be fun! TONS of fun! But I couldn’t get over how familiar he looked. I rushed home to get ready and choose a cute red strappy top w/matching red strappy shoes and black capris. I added a black 3-quarter length cardigan-not to dressy yet hopefully cute! It was 6 when I finished my make-up and walked downstairs. My family was finishing supper and commented on how nice I looked for a first date especially! I reminded them it wasn’t a date and then told my parents not to wait up since I might be home close to 1 (thinking to myself if it goes well!) Just then the doorbell rang and after a deep breath my incredible night began!

Chapter 2

An incredible evening

We got a good table at the Peppermill and sat down for a good meal. We started talking about family and friends and school, just about life.

“So you are a senior this year which must make you 18?” Kevin asked.

“No I turn 18 in March, and I'll be off to college next year. But I still have 8 months of high school left since the year just began.”

“Have you decided where you want to go?”

“No, I think somewhere near-by so I can be close to my family since my brothers and sisters are still kinda young and I wanna be able to see them grow up.”

“That is so neat! You must be pretty close to your family?”

“Yea, we get along most of the time. My parents and I are really close too. How about your family?”

“We are mostly the same way. I don’t see them all the time but we get along good. Especially since my dad died in 1990. We just kinda bonded since then. My two brothers and I really wanted to be there for mom.”

“I am so sorry!” I could see the hurt in his eyes and to see that he wasn’t just “brick-walled” for emotions was, well it touched me. I reached out and took his hand and he just kinda squeezed mine, like saying thanks and I’m okay. Our meals arrived then and the conversation drifted towards less deep things. It was awesome to just be chatting with him about everything and nothing all at the same time. Most guys aren’t like that but Kevin was really easy to talk to.

“So what do you do in school,” Kevin asked in between bites.

“I am really into music. I love singing the most.”

“Me too, I love to sing and play the piano. I have done it all my life, mostly.”

“Yea, I know how that is I have loved music forever!”

We were finishing our meal now and getting ready to leave and the waiter asked if we wanted one or two bills and right away Kevin answered for me, “One. I am paying tonight sir.” Then looking at me with his deep green eyes he asked, “That’s all right Chlo?” I responded with a simple “yes" I was beginning to see what a true gentleman he was. We left the restaurant and got into Kevin’s car for the short trip to the cities. I am huge country fan and since it was my music pick we listened to “103.5 FM today’s best country” while chatting.

“So who’s performing tonight?” I asked Kevin.

“Johnny Suede. He does songs from other people and some of his own stuff.”

“Yea, some friends went to one of his gigs one time and said it was really good.”

“Well, I hope you like this one.” He said smiling at me.

“I’m sure I will…oh there you want that exit.”

“Okay, here we go!”

We pulled into the parking lot and finally found a space. Then Kevin and I went to a side door and got in with his passes.

“That was fun! We just walked in like guests.” I said smiling.

“Well, you are special so I was sure they’d let us in…”

“You goof, c’mon lets find our seats.” I said my excitement rising.

“Okay, but we need to get a program and maybe a glow stick or something.”

Again Kevin gave me his killer smile and took my hand as we made our way through the crowd. After we found our seats we sat down and an opening act came out. It was good but mostly I was having fun being here with Kevin. He was so cool just moving to the music and having an awesome time (with me) I was totally enjoying myself and when Johnny got on, the show became awesome. I don’t really listen to all the huge pop bands a lot but this concert was awesome.

“I will be right back, you just stay here.” Kevin whispered to me before leaving.

“I wonder where he is going," I thought to myself. He had been gone probably 15 minutes and I was starting to worry when Johnny yelled


The crowd started screaming and I was screaming right along with them.


(More screaming) but all I could think about was whether that was MY Kevin Richardson? And then I saw him, my “date” for the evening start singing with Johnny Suede and he came over and casually waved at me. Like he didn’t know me but I know he was waving right at me. I couldn’t believe it. My date was a


Chapter 3
The Truth

The concert went on and Kevin performed about 5 songs. Then he left and I assumed he would change and then join me again. I was right, about 20minutes later, Mr. Backstreet Boy came back.

“Hey, so what’d you think?” he asked.

“I think you should have told me the truth!”


“You totally lied to me about who you are. I bet you loved it, one girl of millions who didn’t know who you were and then you take her to a concert and show her who you are just to look cool. Mr. Backstreet Boy.”

“No, honestly I never thought that. Really I just wanted you to get to know the real me."

“Whatever. I am leaving." And I left. Walked out, okay maybe I was being a little hasty and maybe he was telling me the truth seems most guys don’t know what to do EVER! But I doubt he ever thought of me in the whole thing and I didn’t need my life to be complicated by a celebrity. No, I was perfectly happy with my life!

Chapter 4

The First Surprise

1 month and 5 days later

“Chloe, you have mail!” My mom yelled up the stairs.

“Okay mom, I’ll be right down.”

“That’s okay I am having Luke bring it to you.” Before I could say anything my door opened a little and my two-year-old brother came in with my mail. It was a little package with no return address or anything.

“Here go sissy.”

“Thank you Lukey! Come here and give me a hug." He did and then went back downstairs cause mom was calling him. I picked up my package it was just a little box and it didn’t hardly weigh anything. I opened it up and pulled out of piece of paper that read…










I could not believe it! It didn’t register at first, Kevin had sent me tickets to there concert which obviously meant he wanted to see me again! WOW! This could be good, maybe he wants to apologize or something. Hmmm… that got me thinking! But first I would have to find people to go with me. I knew I would have to take my friend Anna because she was, unlike just about everyone else at my school, a Backstreet Boys fan. And I was just about 100% sure she would want to bring her boyfriend, Aaron (who is also one of my good friends). So I picked up the phone and dialed Anna. RING RING~ “Hello”

“Anna! Hey sweetie it is Chloe.”

“Hey! How are you?”

“Good. Actually awesome! I just got free tickets in the mail!”

“No way! For what concert?”

“Well, actually you're gonna flip! Because it is your favorite gr…

“Ahhhhhhh! No way you have backstreet boys tickets!”

“YES! And you and Aaron can come with me if you wan..."


“I just had a feeling you would want to. It should be really fun though cause they are front row seats and well, they included backstage passes too.” I held the phone away from my ear as Anna squealed. Like I said she is a huge fan! So it was all set we would be going to the concert.

“I am glad you are excited! But I should go now,” I said after she finished screaming.

“Okay, bye and thanks so much for inviting me.”

“You're like my best friend! Bye.”

And with that we hung up. In only 12 days I would see Kevin again. What was I thinking? Did he really want me to come? Why did I ever think I would want to go?

Chapter 5

The Concert

All day at school all I heard from Anna and Aaron was how excited they were. At first I didn't know what to wear at all. But I finally decided on this khaki skirt, little navy blue tank top with spaghetti straps, and a plaid khaki and blue and green 3/quarter button down top with some brown doc martins. We had decided to meet there because Anna and Aaron were gonna go to dinner together (just a couple). So I got in my car and drove to the concert, I got their about 6:30 and it was packed. There was a lot more energy than at the Johnny Suede and tons more people too. There were lots of young girls and junior high aged girls walking (well almost running) around and buying things. I found my seat, it was fun just walking all the way to the front and wearing my backstage pass. Anna and Aaron arrived at about 6:45 and they were so excited too! The lights went down and everyone started screaming. The two opening acts were great but I have to admit I wanted the backstreet boys to get on stage. (Secretly I couldn't wait to see Kevin again.) Finally the lights went down and on came the boys looking really cute. The opening number all the way to the closing number was awesome but when the guys sang “Everybody” was when Kevin saw me for the first time. He waved really causally like I was just some fan but I could tell he was really surprised I was there. He obviously didn't think I would come. The concert ended on a great note but I knew (hopefully) that the night was just beginning. Anna, Aaron and I went to the security guard and showed him our passes and walked right into the party. It was really fun! There was tons of food and good music and posters and the whole place was decorated really nice. When the guys walked in everyone started clapping and shouting and all five of them looked like they were way excited and had had a lot of fun. The three of us were just chatting and we got to talk to Brian. He is such a sweetie. It was almost 11:30 and Anna and Aaron said they should probably be going soon when Kevin walked up.

“Chloe, hey!”

“Hi Kevin. That was an awesome show!”

“Thank you! We had a lot of fun it was a good audience tonight. I didn’t think you would come.” By this time Anna was stunned she had no idea that Kevin and I had met before and I knew I would hear about it later.

“Yea, well here I am. I'd like you to meet my friends Anna and Aaron.” They all shook hands and Anna said, “I am such a huge fan I love your music! You guys are so great.”

“Well thank you. So you enjoyed the concert?”

“Yes! It was awesome.” Anna replied. “So how do you know Chloe?”

“We met last month at the Mall of America when I had a run in with some fans one day.”

“Oh, well it is so nice meeting you!” Anna responded giving me a I wanna know the whole story look. Kevin kinda looked at me and then pointing to Aaron asked, “So is this your boyfriend?”

“Nope I am Anna's guy.” Aaron responded for me and then looking at Anna said, “We are gonna go but thanks for a great night it was really nice meeting you.”

“Yea, thanks for coming and it was good to meet some of Chloe's friends.” And they left. Kevin turned to me and said, “I am really sorry I just thought he was…”

“Don't worry about it.”

“Because he was sitting next to you during the concert and...”

“We are just good friends that's all.”

“Listen I am almost done here and then maybe we can go back to my dressing room and grab my coat and then go for coffee or something and just talk.”

“Yea, I would like that.” I said. So Kevin finished talking with his fans and we went to get his stuff. Then we took my car because Kevin and the guys had come in the bus.

“Where do you wanna go?” he asked me.

“Well, since it is a Tuesday night I was thinking that either the ice cream shop downtown or the coffee place in my town are about the only places besides bars that are open.”

“Actually ice cream sounds really good to me,” he said.

“Great. I mean it the concert was awesome. You guys are really talented!”

“Thanks we love performing and are so close now since we have been together for so long.”

“Yea, okay here we are.” I pulled in and parked and we walked in.

“Okay what do you want my treat.”

“How about a mint chocolate chip sugar cone.”

“Sounds good and I am going to get the rainbow sherbet.” He paid and we walked over to find a table. As we were sitting down I wondered where our conversation might go.

Chapter 6

An Apology

“So it has been over a month since I talked to you, what have you been doing?” Kevin asked.

“Not much, mostly school and we have had some church youth group things. I have been doing a little singing you know. Just life. How about you?” was my reply.

“Just touring mostly. And we are working on some new stuff songs and such. I wrote some stuff just last weekend actually.”

“Wow, that sounds like fun!”

“I don't know. It is work. About the Johnny concert, listen I really didn't mean to hurt you at all. I just wanted you to get to know me and me to get to know you without thinking about the Backstreet Boys and most girls that I meet all they care about is that. So I'm sorry for lying to you but I hope you can understand where I was coming from too.”

“I do and I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have stormed out like I did. I did a lot of thinking about what happened and felt really bad. I'm just glad we have the chance to start over.”

“Me too.” And he gave me his killer smile.

The rest of the night went on really smooth. We just talked and ate our ice cream. I was once again seeing what a nice guy he is and having a really good time.

“So do you have e-mail?” Kevin asked.


“Just cause if we wanted to stay in touch that would be the best way for me. You'd just hafta promise not to give it out okay?” he said, laughing.

“Okay, that won't be a problem at all, and I would love to stay in touch!”

“Great!” We exchanged e-mail and I gave him my phone number and address too (just in case).

I drove him back to the stadium and we said good-bye. He promised to e-mail me in a couple of days. I went back home realizing it was close to 12:30 and I hadn't even noticed. I just couldn’t get over that he actually apologized. Most guys don't and just figure it isn't important. That was so sweet of him!

ONTO Chapters 7~~12

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