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Tango is originally 'made in Uruguay' - although the Argentinians, from the other side of the River Plate, surely will claim that t h e m brought up this erotic and sensual music and dance.Tango is more than 100 years old. The first Tango was composed in 1886. What is said to be the 'hymn' of Tango - "La Cumparsita" was written in 1917. As happened with almost all popular dances, Tango during its first decades was considered as 'dirty' and 'not suitable' by the upper social classes. It was first danced in whorehouses, where the therein working ladies used the erotism of Tango as a powerful marketing strategy to increase the sales probabilities of their distinguished services. 'Honest' women were not supposed to dance Tango. Therefore, men danced Tango - with other men. They did this to 'practice' for their late night adventures. This changed in the twenties, when Tango became socially accepted and conquered all the dancing halls. The 'Golden Decade' of Tango were the fourties, when Tango was -in Uruguay and Argentina - everywhere.


Last updated: May 20th

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