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-In Uruguay a bill was introduced to further liberalize abortion, articles 1 through 10 of this proposed legislation would increase the number of instances in which abortion can be legally performed. Article 11 states that "family planning" is a "right", and that the Convention for the Elimination of all Discrimination Against Women, approved by the United Nations in 1979, guarantees this international commitment, which must be abided by.

- "For many years Uruguay was thought to be the "Switzerland" South America , until 1973 when they fell under military dictatorship. After years of economic decline and the people protesting of Uruguay returned to democracy. Through out the history of Uruguay women have played a serious role, but with all of women’s heavy influence it was not until 1940 that they were able to vote."
Altschul, Monique "Exploring, Exploding Old Myths"
Connexions; Vol. 1 No. 39 pp. 12-13; 1992


Last updated: May 20th

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