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The South Queensland Crayfish Farmers Association has been formed to facilitate the development of the Crayfish Industry in South Queensland.

Our Association objectives are:
  1. To promote and support all aspects of the freshwater crayfish industry.

  2. To provide a unified voice for the crayfish farming industry in representation to government and other bodies.

  3. To promote and undertake, as necessary, research and development in the fresh water crayfish farming industry.

  4. To promote the development of freshwater crayfish farming as an environmentally sustainable industry.

  5. To foster and promote goodwill amongst members of the association

Seminar / Workshops.
Seminars and workshops are held to disseminate information and current industry trends throughout the industry. Proceedings of these events are published and are a valuable resource for farmers.  Information on how to get these publications and others sponsored by SQCFA is available from our Contact Page.

Association Meetings.
Our Association meets each alternate month at members' farms in South Queensland.  Association and industry issues are discussed and reported on.  Information and ideas are exchanged between farmers.  Guest speakers may be invited to talk on specialist issues.  Meetings are normally followed by a farm tour.

Membership of the SQCFA is available to current crayfish farmers, prospective farmers looking at the industry and academics involved in the industry.  Non-membership of producer associations denies farmers of both their avenue of influence on their industries and governments direction in addition to their ready access to current trends and information so vital in today's competitive markets.  Become a member today.

Industry inquiries are welcome. Contact information is available by clicking here.

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