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Redclaw Crayfish

"The Gourmets Bush Tucker"   

BBQ  Redclaw


Boiled Redclaw

Crayfish Freshly Grilled with Lemon Butter

Serves: 2

Crayfish Quiche

Serves: 6 as entree or 4 as a main with tossed green salad

Salt, pepper & cayenne

Roll pastry out thinly & line the bottom & sides of a 20cm buttered flan ring & chill in the
refrigerator for one hour.
Bake at 200c for 10 minutes.
Meanwhile beat eggs, mix in cream, cheese & seasonings.
Dice flesh & place in pastry case. Carefully pour the custard mixture over it.
Bake for a further 30 minutes at 190c or until filling is set & golden.
Stand on cooling rack for 10 minutes before cutting into wedges.

This Quiche is best served warm or cool (not hot or cold). It can be cooked a day a head
and refrigerated or can be frozen.




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