Linda May's
Breast Cancer Web Site

The Diagnosis...The Battle...The Survival
"Cancer....the long walk home to recovery"

Welcome to the "pink" corner of my world"...where you'll find "pink" just about everywhere on my Cancer site. Why? Because "pink" is the color used with Breast Cancer and I am a survivor of this dreadful disease. I guess one could say I have more than earned the right to portray this beautiful color, signifying the invasion of the unwanted and the battle surrounding it!

Come on in and browse around. I've been busy trying to get my other pages together so I can upload them, so what you see is all I have at the moment.

I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in May of 2001. I did the whole shebang just like I was supposed to...Mammo in March (results said negative), even remember reading the results from the tech and tossing it in the trash, because it said "normal." Little did I know that within a month my life would change in a way I never imagined it could. On June 13, 2001 I had a Radical Mastectomy, removing the left breast and tons of lymphs nodes along with it. When everything's all done and overwith, the surgeries, the treatments, the re-growth of my hair, the healing, the surviving, then there is one thing that I am most anxiously looking forward to and that of course would be my next scheduled Mammogram! What! You ask? I'll tell ya way ... it's because this time it's only going to take 1/2 as long to get set up and only hurt 1/2 as bad! I'll be in and out of that place in 1/2 the time it ever took me before.. and that's just fine with me!

Breast Surgery: 13 June 2001 (My Doctor says this is the starting date) Last Chemo/Radiation Treatment 12/21/2001

Read about WHY I AM THANKFUL by year below.
|| 13 June 2002 || 13 June 2003 ||
|| 13 June 2004 || 13 June 2005 || 13 June 2006 |

Haven't quite made it to 13 June 2007, but I sure am planning on it! I'm scheduled next week, 10 April 2007, for a biopsy of some lumps newly discovered under my right arm, just opposite of my previous bout with cancer. I'm looking forward to getting the news of "nothing there" so I can get this date of June 2007 up and running like all the rest of them. I'll keep you all posted on my status.

For my friend "Bunny" who I pray is still fighting this
dreadful disease. My prayers are with her always.

Coming Soon...All Cancer Related
My Journal "The Trip down A Long Road"
My Poems "Leaving It All Behind"
Graphics (adoptions) I've adopted from others
Tributes to my family who walked with me through this.
Memorials of Those Who Have Lost the Battle
Links to others who share the Path of this Disease

This is Yasinaa..My Guardian of Cancer Patients
Adopted from Amanda's Castle

As time allows me I will be adding more "stuff" here so don't forget to "bookmark" the previous page to find your way back here again, otherwise you're going to miss out on the best part!

Dont't forget to Refresh to see the UPDATES, which will include the new pages, etc.
Please come again.


Child Abuse ~ Domestic Violence ~ Homelessness ~
Terry Schivo ~ More Coming ~

Cancer ~ Fibromyalgia ~ Lupus
Arthritis ~ Heart Disease ~ Diabetes
~ More Soon ~

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Last Update: 04 April 2007