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The Gift

Do you know what Christ did for you? Do you really know? Most do, some think they know and a few will never know. I would like to take some time and tell you what I believe Jesus has done for you and me.

Jesus was conceived in a most wonderful way. His dad was God. Mary, who knew no man intimately, was found pregnant. How can that be? Scienist can't prove it and we all know that only phyiscal contact can produce children, right? No, it's not to our understanding. It's a leap of faith, you have to believe that God created man. If you believe that, then you can see where God could have created man in the womb of a virgin.

Now, take that one step further. We are (as humans) born in sin and Jesus knew no sin. How is that, you ask? Jesus was born from a woman so He was born in sin too then. Not even! God made a new being to have life, as Adam. New and without sin. God abhores sin and therefore could not live in a sinful body. From what I understand, Sin comes from the blood and only the Father passes on one blood cell in the conception of a child. If your with me so far, we have a new creation formed in a virgin mother.

So if you go and read Genisis, you will know that God made Adam to live forever. He would be alive today if he and Eve didn't sin. Jesus knew no sin. Are you with me? If Jesus did not die on the cross, He would be alive today. Jesus did not have to die. Jesus put Himself up on that cross, to do the Father's will as a complete gift to us. A gift we never could earn.

Now you ask, What was the gift? What did I get out of it? Well, first let me tell you that the Law of the Prophets spell out God's law and the consequences for breaking them. Jesus said that He came not to do away with the law, but to fulfill it. "What?" you might ask. "He came to make the law even more binding?" No, He came to fulfill the penalty phase of the law. We are to keep His laws, but we are forgiven if we break them. That is Christ's gift to us.

Here we are. We have God who never had to create us, but He did. He never had to come to earth, but He did. He never had to die, but He did. He never had to forgive our sins, but He did. Now that's what I call a gift. Are you willing to receive a gift from God? Can you call on Him and tell Him you believe in Him and His gift? You'll receive more than you give. It's His promise!

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