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My Statment of Beliefs

I want to take a minute and talk to you about where I'm coming from. I believe in a one true God that sent His Son to die for our sins. I believe that He was dead for 3 days and rose to sit at God's right hand. I'm not a perfect Christian, I shall be a sinner until the day God takes me home.

I'm not into legalism, Life is too short to get hung up on rules. I believe that once I accepted Christ, I don't have to earn my salvation. That was a Gift that I accepted with Christ and can not be taken away.

I don't place a lot of faith in doctrines, these are man's attempt to understand God's word. I believe that God's word stands on it's own and is to be taken literaly. Lastly, I believe that the bible has two truths and the whole bible points to these two.

1) That Jesus is the Son of God

2) That Love is the greatest commandment.

If you are a Christian, Praise God and Thanks for visiting! If you are not Born-Again yet or are just thinking about it, Please fo to the 4-Laws graphic and click on it. Your life depends on it! I really want to meet you in Heaven. God Bless!

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