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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is here! Go see it in theaters!


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Last Update: November 17th 2002

So have you seen the movie yet? I saw the first show I possibly could have. I loved it. Except for the ending. I found it rather sappy with the hug and all. :P

You'll notice that the UHPFC Poster store and The Encylopedia potterica are gone from the links at the side. Read the news to find out why.

  • A second tradgedy in the world of Harry Potter Fans. The UHPFC (Unofficial Harry Potter Fan Club) has been shut down. The webmistriss Jenna could no longer afford to keep the website up, and leaves on a sad note at the remains of UHPFC. This site was one of the first unofficial Harry Potter fan sites out there. Good Bye Jenna! And thanks for sharing your amazing site with us! We'll miss it.
  • Our hearts and prayers go out to Richard Harris's friends and family. He passed away last month at the age of 72 to Hodgkin's disease.
  • Alfonso Cauron has been signed to direct HP & PoA. You can see more about this at: The Leaky Cauldron. He looks a bit like Chris Kirkpatrick... if you use your imagination.

  • You can now view the entire trailer at

  • The trailer for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is now in theaters! It looks absolutely fantastic. Also looks like they've added a couple things to make it scarier... view the first thirty seconds at

  • Can't figure out where in the book that first little part of the trailer is from? It has been rumoured that in the movie, Harry hops on his Nimbus 2000 and rides away to get away from all the accusations. Seems likely as his Nimbus is beside him.

  • It has been rumoured that the fact that J.K. Rowling is taking so long to finish the fifth books is because she wrote the seventh book first and then worked her way down, to keep her motivated, and to finish off the series, as she is eager to do so. Though if this is true, Bloomsbury says that even if they recieved all three manuscripts at the same time, they would publish one each year three consecutive years, as it would not be wise (financially) to release them all at once. This has not been confirmed as reliable news, its just a rumour

  • Bloomsbury publishing Co. has now confirmed that the manuscript for the fifth Harry Potter book has not yet been completed and fans may have to wait as long as 2003 to see the next book. However, a second spokesperson said that it is still possible that we may be seeing the next book later this year. An exact date will be givin once Mrs. Rowling finishes her manuscript.

  • Chris Columbus has quit! Well, not quite yet, but he decided that after the second movie is finished (Chamber of Secrets) it's time to move on (what is he thinking!?!?!?! This could be big bucks for him...actually it already has been.) I don't know who else they'll be considering for director, but I heard Steven Spielburg(sp?) might take up on the opportunity.
Chamber Of Secrets Movie
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View Results

Last Poll: What did you think of the first movie?

64.9% liked it alot.

13.5% of you said it ws pretty good.

2.7% wondered why they had to make a movie

18.9% of you hope the CoS will be better.

Since May 4th 2002

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