u p d a t e s/ n e w s

what are you doing here? i moved to here! go now!

Want to know every single update? Visit the updates archive...


  • Just as I told you before, I was thinking of moving this site...and i did! the ryan phillippe fan page has moved to http://altern.org/ryanphillippefan. so update all your bookmarks!


  • Notice anything different about the updates/news page? if not, i'll tell you. its a bit darker than usual, the "home" image has changed, and the header has changed too. this will happen to every page over time. do you like the new look? hate it with a passion? email me with your comments
  • I might get a new banner up today (to go with the new look). check in links.


  • Oh no! angelfire, my great host, is going to put ads on the pages. so i may want to move this site. maybe.


  • Ryan's is set to star in a new movie and for (wow) 1 million dollars. Read more about it at Variety's website here
  • Changed the splash page. I'm also going to be changing the other subpages. They're all going to have a darker look because I just love those Notorious photos.


  • Quick little update. Got a new shortcut URL. you can now use http://www.ryanphillippefan.cjb.net to get here, or just the regular web address.
  • Yet another gallery up! Go visit the playing by heart gallery with 15 pictures
  • added a few links on the links page
  • Bop has a special magazine out called something like "25 Hottest Guys" and Ryan is one of them. it will be displayed on the newsstand until december something
  • Added a new wallpaper dedicated to Little Boy Blue in the wallpaper section
  • added 10 pictures to the picture gallery


  • yes, its true. there is a ryan phillippe-cruel intentions calendar. i just got it and it is very nice. go get it now!
  • another new gallery up! visit the 54 gallery, which has 25 (?) pictures.


  • A whole new gallery opened up! The i know what you did last summer gallery opened up with 17 new pictures.


  • Changed the splash page pic and the main page picture. Okay, from now on I will make a theme for each month or two. This will mean a different splash page picture and coming soon, a new banner every month. wonderful huh? this months theme: he's more than just a pretty face


  • Moved webring. Check out the new location here.


  • Look for pictures of Ryan in Teen (there's a nice pic in there, and he won "Best Bad Boy"), J-14 (there's a little fact sheet card and Ryan has been Best Movie Star for 5 straight months!), BB (full page pic), and Blast (a medium sized pic).
  • Added a few more pictures in the cruel intentions gallery.
  • Moved the clique to a new location. Check out the new look here!


  • Added more pictures in picture galleries thanks to the teen people website
  • moved the wallpaper section to a new page here
  • Added more links on the links page
  • And I just wanted to share this (once again, from the teen people website...click the thumbnail for a bigger and better quality picture):


  • Some of the reviews in the filmography section are getting fixed up.
  • I saw this picture on the teen people website and I thought it was cool:

    a young ryan! can you spot him?
  • Got a member for the clique. Please join it here!! If you're a fan off Ryan, you can join! Go!
  • Does anyone have any pics to donate (that you scanned yourself)? Because, I am low on pictures, so if you have some, donate please


  • A new month, a new batch of Ryan movies to watch on TV. Check out the new TV schedule in the Ryan TV section


  • Changed the frames a bit. And if you still havent checked out the frames version, go here now!


  • I feel so proud! This little ol' site won the Battle Of The Ryan Phillippe Sites! Thankyou to all you great people who voted for me! To check out the award, go to the awards page.
  • Well, since it's the new month, I put all the old updates back in the updates archive so, it would be a good idea to check that out.
  • Also, on some pages, I decided to replace the "Home" image with a quote from either Ryan or Ryan's characters. The bold word (which will usually be the last word) will be the one to take you home.

    Got somethin to say to me?? E-mail me at LuViNrYaNpHiLLiPPE@yahoo.com . e-mail me if there are broken links, images, or if you have comments, suggestions, Ryan news etc...
