HTML Help!!!! My friends have been frustrated that they can't seem to get html codes quite right, so I have volunteered to help them, and YOU if you need it. Here are some simple instructions on html, and some samples of good and bad html. If this doesn't help you, I'm not sure what will! Tags: Tags are the fundemental part of html. The first thing to learn is that all html tags look like this: < > and . All code goes into these. Then, the most important lesson to learn in HTML is you need to close all of your tags, so make sure you end your page with the closing tag. Basic Code: -- These are the most necessary tags. They identify the file as html. The computer reads these and shows the page as the html codes say that it should be shown. The first goes at the beginning of the file and the second at the end. -- Look up at the blue bar at the top of your box. Do you see the title of the web page there when the page is html? This is what allows that to happen. It identifies the name of the file. There are two other tags you can and should use here. -- Here's where you put the title of your page. You don't need to add anything fancy here, because it's not going to have any effect. It's going to be white and a plain font no mater what. It's not supposed to be anything else. -- This is one of the unusual tags that doesn't need to be closed. It allows certain information to be known to the computer that isn't shown on the page. There are generally two types of meta tags, and they are included in my web page example below. -- Anything that is seen on the page is included in here. The color of the background, a background image, the text color, the link color, the color of the link when you click on it and the color of a link you've already been to are all in the < > with the body. It would look like this: .

-- This is where you put your text, and even your images. It lets you show distinction between what you see as paragraphs. Without these tags, your text, images, everything will just run together, almost like those running sentences we're told are bad by our teachers as children. More Specific Codes: These are the ones that give detail and style to a page. , , -- These make the text bold, italicized, and/or underlined, respectively. They are used alot. -- This changes the size of a word, or words. -- Like the above tag, this changes the word or words, this time by color.
-- This centers whatever you put in it. There are several examples in my html at the bottom. -- This creates a hyperlink. To do this properly, it should look like this: Untold Stories. That would make a link to one of my pages. It is necessary to have the words between. You can also make email links by doing this: email. -- Here's another tag that doen't need to be closed. It puts images on the page. Here's what it would look like: . This is not an image I actually have in my account, but it is good for illustrating the tags in plain text.
-- And yet another tag without need of closing. This goes between text that you wish to be just one space down in

tags. It's good for lists.

-- Still another tag like the two before. It makes a horizontal gray thin bar across the page, good for dividing, although alot of people prefer graphics for that, myself included. -- This is for bulleted lists. You put the
  • beside any item you wish to be in the list. This was part of my Warpspeed page until recently.


    -- These are heading tags. You can use as many as you wish to. They make the size of the text in them automatic. They're usually used for the VISIBLE title of the page, and for any subheadings. Some Additional Words Of Advice: If you want to make an image a link, just put the image tag where you'd put the text, in between the and . You can have both images and text if you wish. Also on images. If you want to adjust the size of an image, use length=" " and width=" ". You have to play with these until you get what you want. Always make sure that your URL or email addy are in quotation marks when you use the tags. If you don't end in a quotation mark your link will continue on and on into all of the text after, no matter if you have the or not!!!!! This is not a good thing. NEVER EVER EVER layer tags improperly. An example of BAD BAD BAD layering is this:

    Happy birthday!

    I hope you're having a great day!

    The way it should look is this:

    Happy birthday!

    I hope you're having a great day!

    Applying The Code To A REAL Web Page: The Untold Stories

    The Untold Stories

    Telling you what happens on Voyager when the cameras stop rolling and the writers put down their pens or take their fingers off of their keyboards . . .

    Captain's log: These are the untold voyages....or they were. Now offered for your reading enjoyment are these additions to the world of Voyager that we all know and love.

    Begun July 17th, 1999.

    Welcome to the untold stories of Voyager and her crew. There are regular stories here, character-focused stories, and romantic stories. Every story here is the author's version of what might happen on Voyager, either long ago (first through fourth season) or recently (fifth through sixth) or in the future (far away or near).

    Please, tell the authors how much you appreciate their efforts after you've read their stories. Email links are provided.

    Enjoy yourselves here, and remember, no one is wrong in these stories. After all, it's just their imaginations coming up with what they think has happened or will happen. So NO FLAMING!

    ~A'Lehsen Paris, January 18th, 2000

    The Archives

    Voyager Archive -- Stories about Voyager and her crew.

    P/T Archive -- Tom and B'Elanna stories

    J/C Archive -- Janeway and Chakotay stories

    K/7 Archive -- Harry and Seven stories

    The Other Stuff Here

    Updates -- Go here to see what's new in the archives.

    Progress Report -- Here is where you'll find out about the stories I am writing.

    Communicator -- There are codes for Star Trek and the internet here, to help you understand.

    Submission Guide lines -- If you have a story you would like to see archived here, you can find out the kinds of stories I will accept here. Please read these. I will not accept any stories that deviate from these requirements.


    Warpspeed!!!! -- My Voyager home page. Check it out!

    The Voyager-B -- Tales of a ship whose crewmembers, spawned as they were from my fertile imagination in my first Voyager story (written, not posted), will delight you all.

    There are NC-17 stories archived here. If you are not 18, please do not read them. I will not accept responsibilities if Mommy's or Daddy's little under-age darling is caught reading explicit material.

    Also, I would like to add that NC-17 is NOT porn. I do not consider relating the sexual details of a loving, fulfilling relationship porn. Just so you know.

    Disclaimer: Voyager, the characters, and any else from the Star Trek Universe belongs to Paramount/Viacom. They *grumble* aren't mine. The only things I can claim on this site are the stories written by me. July, 1999.