
The Trek Terms

Well, we all know that there are little codes that people use on the web, especially for Star Trek fanfiction. I've decided to offer a "translator", of sorts, for some of you who are confused.

Most of this list I found at The Paris-Philes.

AOTW - Alien Of The Week = usually becomes romantically involved with a canon character. One wishes to avoid mentioning this to any P/T 'Shipper, due to recent disturbing rumors that, while false, have given us a VERY bad outlook on AOTWs, since the rumor seemed to suggest that they were going to be freeing Tom up for that very phenomenen.

AU - Alternate Universes. See Canon for my opinions on this subject.

BAAOTW - Bad Ass Alien Of The Week

Barbieborg - Seven of Nine

BFJOTW - Bad Food Joke Of The Week - usually said to Neelix

Canon - the Gospel according to TPTB. All details and/or history of characters and events that occur on-screen, big or little, are canon. What's in books, animations, comics, or other fanfic is not. This is so that TPTB can keep their egos intact.

DS9 - Reference to Deep Space Nine - in a concurrent time-line to Voyager, but in the Alpha Quadrant.

Ep - Epidsode

EMH DOC - Emergency Medical Holographic Doctor

Fanfic - fanfiction = original stories of Trek written by devoted (aka obsessed) fans for other devoted (aka obsessed) fans, and NOT for profit!!!! They are considered Alternate Universes, no matter what, because they are bound to go off of the canon in some way. However, there are several levels of AU, which we will not discuss but which can be very frightening.

Filk - A ditty/poem set to a well known song.

Flame - Nasty-gram that burns. This is not nice stuff, and is usually fatal to the writer's ego.

Helm-Boy - Ensign Tom Paris

IMHO - In My Humble Opinion - obligatory preface to a sweeping statement/opinion or a disagreement with an author

J/C - Janeway/Chakotay relationship

KJ - Kathryn Janeway

K/7 - Kim/Seven relationship

LL&P - Live Long and Prosper. Traditional Vulcan greeting. Usually followed by Peace and Long Life

LOL, ROTF, ROTFLOL - Laugh Out Loud, Rolling On The Floor, Rolling On The Floor Laughing Out Loud. The degrees of how funny something is, each more than the last.

Mary-Sue - Any story where a non-canon character is the protagonist, but especially where that character reflects either the author or the epitome of perfection.

Nurse Tom - Ensign Paris on duty in Sickbay. Sometimes referred to as Medic-Boy.

P/T - Paris/Torres relationship

POV - Point of View = who's telling the story.

RD - Roxan Dawson

RDM - Robert Duncan McNeill

R/L - Real Life - as in what keeps interfering with the sacred 'net time

RSS - Red Shirt Syndrome = extraneous crew member(s) eligible to be killed off should the need arise. Originated in TOS, and yes, they usually wore red shirts. Currently any supernumery, regardless of shirt color is eligible--particularly ensigns with no names.

RTFM - Read The F***ing Manual = generally *yelled* at newbies who ask many silly questions about things that are patently obvious. *g*

Relationshippers aka 'Shippers - Fans who devote endless server space to writing about, promoting, and generally drooling over the relationship they love best. (Hmmmmm.....why does that sound familiar? :-)

Shuttlecount - Reference to the inordinate amount of shuttles lost/destroyed since Voyager has been in the Delta Quadrant

SRRB - Shiny Red Re-set Button = Habit of TPTB of "re-setting" the course of events in an ep to where it was before, usually through some space/time anomally technobabble. You get to play around and even kill folks, and it all never really happened. Usually irritates 'shippers because it plays with their heads.

Slash - Brand of fanfic devoted to the....other relationships that some people see as possiblities. Usually same sex, multi-partner, alien sex...I won't go on. It's a scary thing at it's best.

Spoiler Space - Necessary "dead" space to alert the brain-dead that you are about to give away a plotline or choice news.

SW - Samantha Wildman

Technobabble - Description of any function/problem on board and how they make it work. Generally seen as "insert technobabble here."

TGBC - The Galaxy's Best Couple = Tom & B'Elanna, who else?

Angst - Special category of fanfic devoted to the personal struggles of a character. Can also reffer to the stories where the author rants about a certain character's unfair behavior...not that we're naming names, or anything! :)

Tommy-Smirk aka Paris-Smirk - Special look that Tom Paris gives when he's being a stinker.

TNG - The Next Generation = the Star Trek series that ended just before Voyager began and which gets all the best movie plot-lines....for now!!!

TOS - The Original Series = The beginning of the legend, the franchise, and the technology.

TPTB - The Powers That Be = The people who actually own All Things Trek Canon. You know, the ones we wish we were, so that we could make better Voyager episodes....they're Paramount/Viacom. Not us. No, not yet....

VOY - Voyager, the newest and best Star Trek series

Special 'Net Symbols

* or ** - emphasizes a word when you can't use html, can also enclose a thought or feeling.

:) - smile

;) - wink

<> - used to offset a thought or feeling in email

If you have a term or symbol that you think I forgot, then please email me. I aim to please.