Progress Reports

As of January 18th, 2000:

A Holo Solution--This is going to be another story set before Tom and B'Elanna get together. It will have fighting, involve the entire crew, and end with an incredibly unique solution. It is set on hold for now, though, as I have too much work.

While You Were Sleeping, Chapter Two: Bittersweet--The second chapter is going....slowly. I'm trying to get all loose ends with C/T tied up so that B'Elanna will be free to grieve....and seek comfort from one of her closest friends. Pretty much the same situation as the others.

A Little Bit of Variety, Part 4--They get their assignments. This will come out in a few weeks.....I'll try to make it long enough to warrant that long. If not, well, I might write Part 5 and post it all at once!

You know I have been writing on the side. It's a bad thing, I know. These are the stories, it seems, that just aren't going anywhere. However, I know how annoying it is to read the first part of something and not get anything else on it, or something similar, so I will perservere if you will.

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