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All About Me, Magic!

You might know a little bit about me from this page, but most of this stuff should be new!

Like I said, my name is Magic Tinwick. My un-official birthday is January 11, 1996. That's my brother's birthday, too. We are best friends and love each other very much. I am a male Netherland Dwarf rabbit. I look kinda like a Dutch rabbit. Dutch rabbits are a solid color (gray, maybe) with a stripe that goes around their chest. The stripe is thick and bold, and it's white. It goes all the way around them. The front of their faces are white, too. So, that's kinda what I look like. I am kinda a grayish black color. My stripe isn't even, it's kinda wiggly. I have a little spot behind my stripe but not quite on my bottom. My back feet are white, and so are my front feet. I was looking at a web site once, and it says I wouldn't be "show quality". I don't really care though, because I think it makes me special. I wouldn't want to be in a show anyway. I think it would be kinda scary, and I think it's what is on the inside that counts. Besides, I've been told by lots of people that I am cute as a button! My eyes are a grayish blue color. I weigh about 2 pounds. I'm not as big as Cloudy.

My name hasn't always been Magic. Momma isn't sure if the person who owned my momma had a name for me or not, and I don't remember because I was just a wee bunny when I lived with "family 1". When I lived with family 1 my name was Skeeter! (Bunny snickers... I don't look much like a SKEETER!) Then after about a year family 1 decided they didn't want to keep us. So, family 1 gave us to family 2. That's where I got named Magic, and Cloudy got named "Cloudy". Well, one of family 2's family members got really sick, so the family moved way far away, and they didn't take Cloudy and me with them. Luckily, family 3 is a very nice, loving family, and they let us play inside. We are HOUSE RABBITS! A lot of people think house rabbit-ing is stupid. But really, it's so much fun! You get to explore and play, plus you get to see your humans more (meaning they'll love you more and get your more treats!). Also, if you're sick, they can notice right away and take care of you. I haven't ever been sick really, but Cloudy has. I'm sure glad our humans noticed it, or he might have gotten really sick! Anyway, if you want to know more about house rabbit-ing, go to the House Rabbit Society. Being a house rabbit is fun. Cloudy and I get to come inside and play for LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG amounts of time. We have a litter box inside and everything! Our litter box is neat because it's in a "bunny barn". The "bunny barn" is a cardboard box. I'll try to explain it: Ya know how cardboard boxes have those flaps on them that you can fold together to make it close? Well, if you do, keep reading, and if you don't, then just skip past this paragraph. Well, if you open up all of those flaps it makes a kinda square tunnel. (You can look inside it, hop all the way through, and stuff like that.) Momma took the "square tunnel" and put it so it's balanced on one set of flaps and has the other set of flaps up in the air. Then she pulled one of the flaps that was on the floor up and put a little bucket under it to hold it up. So, there is like a little entrance to the bunny barn. Oh, the bunny barn is the name of the box. Sometimes Cloudy and I tear the bunny barn up so much, we have to get a new one. We've also had the "bunny hotel" and "bunny cottage" before, but mostly we have a lot of bunny barns. Mommy made decorations on the sides of the bunny barn. It says stuff like "open!" and it has windows and stuff drawn on it. Sometime she says she will make us a really fancy bunny barn with windows we can peek out of and maybe some little levels or something. Sounds like a big project to me! So, that's where our litter box is... in the bunny barn.

I am a very cautious bunny and a little tense. This is because one of my previous owners dropped me a lot. So, naturally, I'm afraid to be held. That's ok though. My momma keeps holding me to a minimum because she knows it scares me. If she needs to carry me somewhere, she usually makes a box really nice (puts towels and stuff in it) so that I can feel safe. If there is danger I wait for a long time before I feel safe again. Luckily, there isn't much danger in my house! Just mostly I get scared if there's a loud noise or something. I like to go up on top of things to the highest spot where I can see everything.

If you give me paper, I will shred it up and chew it with my teeth. Who needs a paper shredder when they have a bunny like me? >;3) In my cage I have a little blue plastic bowl that I roll around, turn over, stand on, etc. I'm not in my cage very much anymore since I'm a house bunny though. I only have to go there if there was diarrhea *ick* or something and my momma needs to figure out which bunny it was. Lately we have a run we play in when nobody's there to supervise us. It's really roomy! I also have one of those little baseball caps that ice cream comes in at baseball games. I like to pick that up and put it inside the little blue bowl. Inside the house I have lots of toys. One of them is an empty toilet paper roll that I like to lay down on the ground and put my nose on it and run run run so it rolls around! It's a lot of fun to be a bunny with the right conditions.

Just like my brother, I like to eat a lot. I usually don't eat out of peoples' hands though... just my momma's! Lately I've become more trusting though, so I eat out of other peoples' hands now. I prefer food in my bowl. Cloudy eats of of peoples' hands a lot, though. I really like lettuce and mint. MMMM MMMM good! Once I wasn't eating and Mommy had to force-feed me a pellet/papaya/water mix. Then she fed me a broccoli/carrot mix too. I started eating again just so she wouldn't keep shoving that food in my mouth. Pellets and regular veggies are MUCH better that that gunck.

That's about all I can think to say now, so I guess if I think of more I'll update this page!

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