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Over half of our annual income consists of donations made by members of the congregation. We also have income from occasional rental of our hall, and from fundraising, which is an important part of the congregation's finances. Even with this income, we must still depend on a grant from the United Church's Mission & Service Fund to enable us to meet our expenses each year.

The United Church Women is the main fundraising organization supporting the local church, holding several events throughout the year:

We issue an income tax receipt at year end for all identified donations received during the year, regardless of amount. Persons making a donation online will receive their tax receipt from "Charity Focus" or "CanadaHelps".

Donations, payable to Trinity United Church, can be mailed to the address below. You can also donate online at Charity Focus. Search for Chapleau, click on "Chapleau Pastoral Charge", then click on "Donate Now" and fill in the requested information.

NEW! Click on this link Donate Now Through! to make an online donation. Your tax receipt will be issued on our behalf by

This page updated 24 October 2014

Trinity United Church
PO Box 786
Chapleau ON P0M 1K0