Hi I'm Misstress Pearl and this is my personal page dedicated to my favorite movie, "Labyrinth" This page is also dedicated to my favorite TV show blue's clues and is also dedicated to many other things that will be posted very soon. Labyrinth stars that handsome devil DAVID BOWIE. oh please like anyone cares about Sara! and if you've never seen it get off your lazy but and go rent it allready! it's a movie everyone should see and if u don't see it then I will kill you! HA HA HA! don't take that litterally i don't need any court problems there a pain! Anyways, this page has zip right now but when I learn how to do everything it'll be a good page and if u have any suggestions about something i should put on the page tell me. e mail me i mean.

Well the main thing that makes the Labyrinth sooo good is the great characters in it.

Sara I guess is the main female character. She's a spoiled, bratty, snotty, impatient, slut that well, suposably ties the story together. I guess because she sends her baby brother away and she all of a sudden thinks, "Well if my Daddy finds out he;s gone, I might like, get grounded or somthing. But then again I don't know....I'm just a girl..hehe." OK maybe she didn't say all that. But I bet she's thought about it!

By the's a nice pic of Sara when she's like stoned from too much...uh...well...peach. Don't she look peachy keen? Todays moral is, "Don't except peaches from little dwarfs or you'll end up looking like so...." Wouldn't that be terrible? AHHHH THE HORROR! haha

And for the male star...(my second favorite character in the movie :) is...The Goblin King...The All Mighty! ALL hail the king.....well what are you waiting for? Bow before him peasents!! just kidding! But David Bowie plays this role sooo good! My impression of Jereth is that he is a.....cunning, minipulative, heart-throbbing, child molester perv, a god, and man he looks good in tights! But I seriously think he needs a make over to much eyeliner! And that lipstick color of his just won't do! And I have the perfect foundation and blush to match his skin tone! And well.....that ffried mess on top of his head known as a wig....yes it is NOT hair it's a wig I tell you! It just needs to be shaved off. I'm sorry but his hair is far damaged and not even Pantene Pro V can help theis poor man out!


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This owl guards my page, he watches everything that you do. So don't steal anything from this page our you shall anger thee owl. But isn't he just soooo cute! hehe.

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Please support blue's clue's and keep Viacom off the web. They are trying to take off MY site and other blue's clue's related sites. DON'T LET THEM!!!! they can't get away with it!!!!

Look it's Steve Burns! Isn't he just the cutest!!!! Take out your handy dandy notebook hehehe.

By the way Labyrinth is property of Jim Henson, blue's clue's is property of nickelodeon and viacom and in no way am I trying to something illegal or get profit off of anything here this page is unofficial and is done out of the kindness in my heart. And if any of you see a pic up on my page and it's from your site tell me and i'll gladley remove it.

click here to get the lyrics off of the Labyrinth CD
a page all about the wonderful me
my friend's page about hollywood hotties
my friend and min's hate CHS page. CLICK ON THIS LINK OUR ELSE!
my first pic!! i'm so proud i figured out how to do it!!! hehe
click here to see the characters
click here for my special blue's clues page all about STEVE BURNS!!
this is a link to a kewl pick of Steve on Rosie. He looks so adorable it's a MUST see!?!
a link to a KEWL Steve page with pics of him in highschool. Any fan of Steve Burns should check this place out
