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Round Portable Playing Cards and Case
Mummy Cards and Case
One Foot High Deck
Jesus Cards
Toilet Seat Cover

Round Card SetRound Playing Cards and Case - $46.50

The Royal Flush Playing Cards recalls the days when journeys were whiled away with hands of poker. Practical in size and slim in shape, the Royal Flush Card Case slips conveniently into any bag or pocket and makes an ideal gift for those occasional or regular card players who travel. The precision engineered case holds a deck of ingenious, ornate plastic-laminated round playing cards. Round playing cards date back to 1500 with the "Circular Cards of Cologne."

Mummy CardsMummy Playing Cards and Case - $23.50

Packaged in a cardboard box adorned with hieroglyphics. Perfect conversation piece. Brings these cards out for your Haloween party. Order the Mummy Double Bridge Deck or Mummy Standard Poker deck.

Big Card DeckOne Foot High Playing Cards - $24.95

A one foot high playing card deck that's enormously entertaining! Get it-enormously. A great conversation piece and a memorable gift for people who are big fans of card playing. I mean really big fans. Perfect for magicians. You can see these puppies even if your almost blind. Comes shrink-wrapped.

The Jesus DeckThe Jesus Deck - $29.95

Each of the cards contains a biblical verse combined with radiant illustrations by Bob Netherland. Play cards and learn scripture at the same time. Includes a booklet of interpretations and instructions for inspirational card games by the Rev. John N. Moody. Full gilt edges. Packaged in a black leather case. Perfect deck for your Christian card playing friends.

Sand Box this wayThe Toilet Seat Cover for Card Lovers - $39.95

Be The first in town to own this conversation piece. Is this cool or what? When you card playing friends come over you will have an ice breaker conversation piece. If you play for long, your friends will certainly see it. Be sure to serve lots of food and drink and let your toilet do it's thing.

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This page designed by John Logan
Last Update May 16, 2002
Copyright © 2002 by Royal5Flush. All rights reserved