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Welcome to About Us

Here you will find information about the team that came together to produce this site, its purpose, our storyboard, and a short cheeky bio about the project participants. We hope that this is the most fun "about us" page that you will ever visit!

Our Purpose Statement || The Storyboard || The Royal 5 Flush

The Royal5Flush

Hi All. My name is Dee. I have been collecting playing cards all my life. I enjoy playing card games online, with friends and family, as well as an occasional game of solitaire.

I have an Associate Degree in Graphic Design that I received at the Community College of Southern Nevada. I am currently going to school at Chaffey College. I will have an additional three certificates this May. They include Web Page Development, Level One and Level Two, and Internet Support Specialist.

Contact Dee

John LoganJohn Logan is co-founder of “Cards are Us” and a US based artist. John has been designing playing cards since 1954 when his “Rancho Cucamonga Nowhere” deck was published by the Pick Wick Artworks. Since then he has self published several Limited Editions: “What Me Worry” and “Ghostbusters Delight” (both including braille for the blind) and more recently co-published “Just Joking”, a full color transformer deck and collectors edition.

John likes hidden detail and the concept of transforming pips & pictures to create interesting cards that subliminally teach subjects like Spanish and Math. John has a number of new projects completed and waiting in the wings for investment money for co-publishing. Anyone interested?

John wants to set up a web site to provide a resource to other designers. He also feels that the collective knowledge and skills of like minded artists/designers and manufacturers will continue the fascinating history of the Playing Card.

Contact John

Rochel ! Yeah folks, you're dealing straight from the hip when you hit on the Queen of Diamonds! Rochel is originally from the beautiful paradise-like byways of Detroit Michigan. She has been involved in design in one form or another since the early 70's. After a stimulating career in Architectural and Interior Design in western Florida (during the 80's), she delved in choreography and exotic performance art, then, upon coming to California, took up psychology, as a means to understand the ways in which design can affect and facilitate the perfomance of the individual in work and lifestyle. Her current passion has led to Web Design-who knows what's next!

With a background like this, it's no wonder that she is fascinated with the design of cards throughout the ages and throughout the world's different cultures. If it takes that certain flair-Rochel's there! She stands a statuesque 5'-8", a delightfully dimpled Libra, and vangard of the bold & beautiful wherever it can be found, in spirit, and intention. She is complicated in psyche, and simply in love with life, color, form and function wherever it might prevail. What a vibrant jewel you find when you get dealt our Queen of Diamonds, Rochel!

Contact Rochel

With 20 years as a professional musician, Gary Roll's experience in cards comes from playing card games during the breaks between sets. The band always takes a short break every hour, and what better way to fill the time, than to play cards. Always carry a deck or two in your gig bag!

Gary brings experience to Royal Flush not only in professional music and audio, but a photographer's eye, having been an amateur photographer for a number of years. Web design is simply the extension of years of musical and visual creativity.

Quite the family man, Gary lives and plays in Southern California, with his wife, three sons, and three Boston Terriers-quite a full house--ah, Royal Flush.

Contact Gary

Ina-well, she is something else. You can always find her home in her backyard, either playing around with her 2 beloved guardian angels, reading a book, or studying. The name of her favorite guardian angel is Pepper. As you might guessed, Pepper is a cat. Ina's other guardian angel is Snowy who is just plain lazy and is all white. Ina also loves to see nature, the birds, the trees, and the beauty of the mountain and its surrounding. She said it just took her mind off daily problems and the problem of the world.

Studying, and working, without being able to enjoy life is just not complete. So try her philosophy, work hard - and have some fun, spend some time with your family, your community and friends, and especially have some time for yourself to relax and gives thanks.

Contact Ina

Our Purpose Statement

The purpose of this site was to bring together the most interesting facts and trivia about cards that we could find in a delightful, easy to use, and fun format. We made every attempt to incorporate some of the neat features we have learned how to use in the Dreamweaver software suite. These included Flash, Fireworks, Form Development, and Javascript. In our attempt to create a user friendly site, we have tried to be comprehensive on the topic, without being too dull. We are students from Chaffey College in Rancho Cucamonga, Califormia. We are collectively studying Web Design and Development, with the intention of becoming world class entrepreneurs in the field. The areas that we focused on were sometimes challenging because there was an overwhelming amount of information to sift through. Being a very typical, (and often taken for granted), game in almost everyone's household, it was fascinating to find out more about cards than I or anyone else ever knew!

There were some humps along the way, which included formatting issues, creating the style sheets, and dealing with each other on a project of this size, and importance to our grades. In the beginning, I think that everyone was enthusiastic, and raring to create, but scattered energies led to some spinning without ground. When we came into a centered consciousness as to what the parameters were, direction solidified, the group really began to put out the goods. John [and that is why he is the King], created the placeholder pages, preformatted them, and then there was a web! He was a real rock throughout this process, supporting everyone and offering to help break through bugs. Rochel was Miss Congeniality, and helped to keep spirits up with witty e-mail, and encouragement. Ina kept us clean and simple by not letting us go hog wild with embellishments. Gary and the irresistible Dee rounded out the circle with a lot of hard work and kept a steady point and click in full effect. We tried to get together outside of class but it was pretty impossible. That was a big downside. If we had more time to refine the site, and consult with each other on ideas, there might have been even more fun going on here. Nonetheless, the site is well developed, looks clean, and is easy to navigate. We hope that anyone visiting will also find it informative. If you have questions or comments, you may forward them to us through the "contact us" page.

The Storyboard

John - Worked on the opening graphics for the logo design of the Home page and created a Products page.

Dee- worked on the Games page as a main focus of her work, but also created a links page to games on the net, and a short history of cards.

Ina- worked on the Homepage and created the Royal 5 Flush part of the logo, and the opening content. She also created a contact page that incorporated the form to sign-in and leave us the e-mail of any curious folk.

Gary- was focused on finding all the news fit to share about tournaments for cards, including poker, bridge, and spades, and a host of other games that are quite popular all around the world. He also designed our cascading style sheet to add format, and continuity to the design of the project.

Rochel - looked into the history of card design around the world and produced a small but fascinating
mini-web within the site. She also developed this "about us" page.

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This page designed by Rochel Collins Webmaster,Tech Angels
Last Update May 16, 2002
Copyright © 2002 by Royal5Flush. All rights reserved