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Southern Oklahoma
Writers Guild
Anthology 2000 
(Copywrite 2000. No work with this site is to be reproduced for any reason without  written consent of copywrite owner.)
Table of Contents
Click on Author to read their works.
Barbara Beck Cynthia Hefner
Janita Black Hazel Bell Nicholas
Joyce Bonham Marilyn Palafox
Sharon Burris Judd Palmer
Virginia  Evans Marion Sadler
Cathy  Gardner Susan Tracy
Lou Harper Poetry's Door
SOWG Writing  Contest Winners List
Southern Oklahoma Writers Guild Official Web Site
Oklahoma Writers' Federation  Inc. 
Southern Oklahoma Writers Guild
Officers 2000
To Purchase a printed copy of our 2000 Anthology, or for 
information on joining our group, please email any guild officer. 
Message form the President  
          It was my honor to be elected to serve as president of the Southern Oklahoma Writer' Guild for the year 2000. The title seemed prestigious from the vantage point of never having served in such an office. By the end of the first meeting over which I "presided," the duties of the president had taken on a whole new meaning! I soon realized that  I hadn't a clue of what to do or how to do it.  
          I want to include in this Anthology 2000, my most humble and sincere thanks to my fellow officers for their patience, help and advice.  
          On behalf of the Southern Oklahoma Writers Guild members, I want to extend our thanks to the Noble Foundation, without whose help these anthologies would not be possible, and to sharon Burris for her tireless labor in creating them.  

Lou Harper, President

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