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All About Me---- In Case You Care

OK....... You asked for it..... No you are going to hear me talk about my life. So hold on tight, cause here we go!
My name is Kristen (In case you haven't figured that out already,) and a few of my nicknames are: Kris, Ladybug, Crisco, Movie Star, Keester, Thing #2, Bird Lady, and "That girl who looks like.... (fill in just about anybody's name here. I hear I look like everybody!!!)" I was born on May 11, 1982. I just turned 16 and obtained a legal license to drive! So, if I was you, I would stay off of the sidewalks! My hobbies are acting, softball, acting, dance, church groups, acting, and having fun. This past year has been a big year for me. I will go through the events of my sophomore year with you... It was my first year at the high school, we did like 7 performances in Speech in Drama, I broke to finals in almost every tournament I went to, but I didn't place. :o( I went on my first church mission trip.. to Costa Rica (!!!!)... with out my parents (!!!!). Let's see.... what else.... I went to the prom as a sophomore (with a senior). I had my first date, I turned sweet 16, I got my drivers license, and I ended my sophomore year with a 4.0 GPA. All in all, I'd say it was a pretty good year. And I also made some great new friends. Well, I wouldn't call them new friends, just old friends that I got a lot closer to. Know what I mean? My goals for the future include attending college, though I'm not sure yet where, becoming a world famous movie star, or if that doesn't work out, I want to ba a marine biologist. I also want to marry the man of my dreams (Hopefully he is out there somewhere,) and maybe start a family. I don't know about kids yet. I don't have enough patience for them! Like everyone else in the world, I want to have money, but even more than that, I just want to be happy. It's like everyone always says... Money can't buy happiness. But my plans for now are to graduate high school (hopefully keeping my 4.0 GPA,) and enjoy my teenage years. Everyone keeps telling me how fast they go by and to not let them pass me by. I intend not to. I am going to try to make the most of my high school time. Oh yeah, don't go getting any ideas about me just cause I have rainbows on my main page. I just like rainbows, nothing else... k? Well, I gotta say Hasta Lluego for now, BYE!!!!!!!
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