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A Tribute...

This page is dedicated to some of the most important people in my life-- My Friends. My friends get me through everyday, and I don't know what I would do with out them. I love you guys so much, and you are just like my family, which, by the way, is also very important to me. You guys are my angels... ^Ä^
My oldest friend, although not in numbers (actually he's the same age as me.. ok, ok, 3 days older). We grew up together, and without him, my childhood would have been very very, well, normal. He's practically my brother. If I ever need him, I know he's there with a ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on, or a hand to lift me up. He is always there, and he has the phone bill to prove it! He's the best guy around, as far as I'm concerned.
Sky is like the big sister I always wanted but never had. She was always there to rescue me when Jason wouldn't leave me alone. She's the big woman on college campus now, so I never get to see her, but she's always at the computer waiting for my e-mails waiting to hear my problems.
Amanda June
Let's see, what can I say about Mandi? She's my (Evil) Little Chicken, my Waffles, my Commando Mandi, and her Daddy's little Junebug. We have been through so much together, you can't even begin to imagine! Most people will never know the kind of friendship that we have, because friendships like ours are so rare. In the countless years that we've been friends, we've only been in one real argument. And it only lasted for like 3 days cause neither of us could stand it. Sure, we had our petty disagreements, but we always bounce back, as strong as ever.
Once again, I am at a loss for words. How do I describe Rachel. Some people truly amaze me. I mean me and Rachel started off as just aquaintances in a stupid 4H club, but over time we became so much more, we became true blue friends. Rachel has a great set of ears, let me tell you that! They're always open for me, and mine are always open for her.
Erin Paige, Kristen Haley, & Katherine Michelle
These girls are so wonderful, let me tell you. They have helped make my sophomore year so fun! I mean, we had a blast!!!! We have always been friends, but over the last year, we have become so much closer, and we have really formed some lasting bonds and memories. I know if I ever need anything, a ride to lunch or someone to talk to, I can count on them! Oh, by the way, "I SMELL BACON!"
My Online Friends
Before I got online hooked up to my computer, I heard all these stories on the news about perverted old men saying that they're 16 to get young girls to meet them, and then the girls wind up dead in a field somewhere. I thought to myself, "Man, all online people are creeps!" Well, I'm not ashamed to say that I was wrong-- very wrong! The friends that I have made online are some of the nicest people around! My only regret is that I will probably never get to meet them. I want to say Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of my online friends. Thank you for proving me wrong, and trust me, I don't like to be proven wrong!
To All My Other Friends
I hope that you guys know that even if you weren't picked out and hilighted, that I still care about you very much! You mean a lot to me too, and I hope you know that.
Thank you guys. I Love You
Main Page Celebrity Page New Zealand Page The Rose Links Poetry About Me Picture Page

The sites of some of my friends

My friend Kris' page- Kiwi's ULTIMATE Empire
My friend Chris' page- Herkle's Liar
My friend Jessica's page- Jezikah's Parallel Universe
My friend Andrea's page- Absolute Sailormoon
My friend Becky's page- Working for a Higher Power
My friend Mandi's page- Mandi's Party Place
My friend Jeni's page- Jeni's Humble Home
My friend Tre's page- Lex's Disney Site
