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"Save Ferris"

2nd in a series of 3 Chicago Original Paintings


Of the three paintings included in the Chicago series, this one, for obvious reasons, is my favorite.  As a life-long Cubs fan, Wrigley Field will always have a special place in my heart. 

This painting took quite a while to finish, but that's because I wanted to put a lot of detail into it.  At this point in the painting, I just needed to add some final shadows, finish the foreground, and add some minor specific details.

As a request, I was asked to put "Save Ferris" on the sign out front, as it read in the movie "Ferris Bueller's Day Off".  I would definitely agree that it adds a nice touch, and make it unique as well.

As you can see at the right, is basically everything I used to paint this work.  I scanned the "normal" matte print photo, blew it up to 8x10 size and printed it out; then I "gridded" out the picture as well as the canvas, and then drew the rough picture on the canvas.  I had to copy and paste the "Save Ferris" clip onto the sign, to help me visualize what the sign looked like in the movie.  I apologize for not having a picture of the finished product, but hopefully this will do for now.  In the meantime, enjoy, and GO CUBS!!

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